Hi Ohso!,
One thing my rheumatologist said to me that if i did not want to end up like most of the patients in his waiting room the one thing i could do was to keep moving. He was right especially now as I am aging.
I am sure that your doctors have discussed all the pills you can use to help slow down the inflammation process. NSAIDS, biologics, the cort shots like you mention...i get if you use too much they destroy your joints. Same as taking the steroid pills will destroy your body. One thing i have not looked into is hip replacement...but i know for other replacements they want you to wait as long as possible. Also have you tried the voltaren gel or emu oil? Both help my hips plus TEN's unit has lately been great relief with a electric throw over me to warm my hips. I am surprised how much it helps!
I think if you have not worked with PT in year or more than it would greatly help you to start with one. Basically they need to work with you to strengthen the muscles around any painful joints plus core area.
I would think that a warm pool might be the best place to start. Water helps support you, easy on your joints plus give your muscles a workout. From there he can move you slowly to more intense workout.
This will not be easy so i hope you can find something that you would like to do that involves moving..something you love to do! For me it is being out in nature! It heals me and soothes my soul! For you well, could be from walking, biking to ballroom dancing! Just being able to walk downtown and people watch or gaze at other's gardens! Take photos of beautiful places and people! Get a dog and walk it daily because all dogs should get a walk...they do not like being housebound anymore than we do. Just something you feel great joy from doing it!
I also use hiking poles...and have since my thirties as well as snow poles in winter! They work your arms out while walking/hiking or snowshoeing, skiing....and do not feel so self concious about them. i do have canes if i need them...i just keep them in the car. I try my best not too but learned hard way about not using them when i really needed them, you fall down!! lol!
I am truly sorry about how much it hurts BUT I also believe that with right PT person and you really having the desire you can walk again without use of canes on most days. I even believe if you like to hike or ballroom dance you will be able too!
I say measure an area before you start how long and pain average. In 3 months do it again and i bet you will be so improved, same in 6 months and you will be amazed and in year you will wonder why waited so long to get back in shape that now the world is yours again!! You may not be able to move like all around you or run a marathon but you will be greatly improved!! I bet the canes will get dust on them!!
You take care and sincerely hope that you find what you love to do as to movement!! Me...i am thinking about getting a trail pony...i love high Sierra's and like you walking is getting harder...but at least with trail pony..i can walk/hike in and ride out! Besides I love horses as much as love dogs...always wanted another..midget mule be perfect! Carry some paints as well as a camera and perfect day in my life! Maybe a book by the stream for bit too or in flowered meadow!