I began to experience extreme pain in my right hip and knee in the middle of Oct 2014. Believe it or not my rheumy told me there was nothing wrong by exam with an x-ray. He wouldnt give me anything for the pain, and refused to give me a pain injection in that joint. Finally I was given an injection in Dec. which only helped for about a week. MRI's were done of my shoulder in Feb and of my hip and knee in March. I got results from my PCP today and the dx is AVN in both shoulder and hip. Now I have to see Ortho about surgery to both areas. My hip is worse, Ive been in my mobile wheelchair for the last 4 months. As I have said before, I have learned so much from this site as to what to expect because someone has experienced the same thing. When people see me in my wheelchair they either look as if the world is ending or they look as if they think Im just being lazy by using the chair. So this site is truely the most support that Ive had since Ive had SLE even if I dont post anything just knowing that everyone is here is a blessing. Thanks again everybody for being here.
Omg I’m so sorry to hear this. Please keep us updated on your dr visits and such.
As for the staring:
I used to have a pin that said “stupid people shouldn’t breathe” …I was a teen, but pretty appropriate here.
So sorry to hear all of this. Doesn't seem fair that so much is happening at once.
Prayer and hugs to you.
I have SLE and was always diagnosed with AVN. Since then I’ve had 3 hip replacements and 2 shoulder replacements (same shoulder). One hip wore out after 12 years and had to be replaced again. Two of my hip replacements were posterior approach and one was anterior. The anterior approach was much better recovery and shorter scar due to less muscle being cut. The first shoulder surgery failed and the 2nd was not able to fix it. I never regained full movement with that shoulder. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Best of luck with everything.
Thanks again everybody. You all are wonderful.
People see you they have no idea what you go go through to live a pain free life you already go through alot just dealing with life on a daily basis,sometimes I feel people who do so much wrong in the world do they through half as much as we do doesnt seem fair.I was layed off my job the first of the year due to reconstruction of company,I was with said company for 12 years the last posotion was phone operator they layed off a total of 2300 people,I didnt find another posotion due to my limitations ,After being diagnosed in 2012 and taking care of my mom(over 20 years )I was so exhausted from working from 7am to 10 pm at night that was including allowing myself time to get up to go to work and doing house hold chores and caring for my mom on a daily basis this disease is so hard and adjusting to it is even harder.I LEARN IN LIFE BAD THINGS HAPPENED TO GOOD PEOPLE.GOD BLESS YOU AND KEEP YOUR HEAD UP ONLY HOLD IT DOWN WHEN YOU PRAY.
it might be we look well,i had back surgery after tell the back doctor something was wrong, i was toll to go to pain management i told him i was not leaving with a mri he rang me and i had surgery that day on my L5 S1 i have nerve damage down my right leg and incontinent in both bowel and bladder.i tried to see him after the surgery and he will not see me ...
best of luck
my C4 C5 need operating on but i have to put up with the pain until the first op settles down that was over a year ago. iam luckly i have a good defacto that now understands it only took when i was diagnosed with Addisons
If I were you I’d take my drs notes diagnosing AVN and make an appt with rheumatologist! I’d explain to him that when patients tell you something is wrong, something is wrong! First thing I ever learned in nursing school. If we don’t confront the drs and show them when they make a mistake they will never learn. We can do it on a gentle way, since their egos are so fragile, but I sure would do it! They need to continually learn their craft even after school and patients have a role in teaching. Next patient that comes in complaining of extreme pain, he might remember this and make a different choice! I was a great nurse but I learned and I made mistakes! Always go to someone willing to learn. Medicine is not an exact science. It’s an art.