Hello I haven’t posted in a while. It seems like I’m always sick…I have another UTI my second one I had one last month. Been on antibiotics but still feeling lower back pain. Yesterday I woke up with a sore throat and just feeling bad. I slept 10 hrs and still woke up exhausted. Right now I just woke up to take more meds…I have a low grade fever too which I have had for a few days. I just want to go through one week without missing work and feeling sick. I’m just at a point in my life that I want to be normal. All I do is cry and it seems like nobody understands me. I have lost so many friends and some of my family members don’t even talk to me anymore. I used to be this independent woman, after going through a bad separation, getting past benign brain tumors, losing 30 lbs I thought my life was good. But now it’s like I’m falling apart. I hate to feel sorry for myself but I’m at my lowest. The constent pain and swelling the infections every month. Don’t know what to do anymore. Sorry for rambling on.
Hi Becca - just offering a friend. I know what it's like to feel sad and ununderstood. xo
Ramble away thats what this site is for to get support from people that so understand. Are you in the middle of a low grade flare-up I only ask because in the past I have had a UTI/bacterial infection cause a flare-up. Have your rhumy check it out. And you are still the same woman you have always been you are just dealing with a very devious underhanded disease that frankly sucks. I will bet that most of your friends and family would be curled up in a ball crying for their mama's if they had to go through even a tenth of what you do daily. I heard this line in a movie ( I know corny huh) and it stuck with me. " You are beautiful, you are smart, you are kind, and you are important" and I would add one more you are strong. Hang in there God bless I will say a prayer
Hi Becca,
Never apologise mate for venting how you feel...christ i was at it the other day and if you don't lose it out, you stress level will get higher and won't improve your symptoms.
It seems with having another UTI besides your lupus you've got a flare going on there dragging you down the same as myself and i always point out to other member's try not to let the symptoms over ride you because Lupus loves thrieving off depression but we're in the same boat.
I really feel for you concerning your family but Becca they're the ones losing out and it's only through pure ignorance sorry to say.
You need to keep resting until you recover better and i do really feel for you.
((Hugs & kisses your way)) Love Terri xxx
Hi Becca, We hear your heart .... and beyond a doubt... most of us know exactly what you are going through. You are physically ill and that worsens depression. You are being honest with us and that is why the site is here. I've been through repeated UTI as well, but one was so bad, I thought I was dying. When I couldn't stand it anymore, I went to the doctor and my WBC was 17,000. Repeated infections are bad for your kidneys. I just got weary of going in and doing the same cycle. A dr's wife encourage me to drink c'berry juice diluted with water for several days at the first sign of a UTI....or eat the dried c'berries. I keep AZO (OTC)on hand to help with immediate discomfort. I usually give mine a couple of days to see if it is just irritation. If it persists, see your dr. Drink lots of water too. Doing this, I got beyond having to see the dr every time....and now it is much better. Many doctors do cultures to see if you're responding to the medication. Change in your meds. may be necessary.
Please don't be hard on yourself. You have not chosen this illness but you can choose your friends among those who understand and care about you. Sadly to say some are not capable of giving support and a listening ear. It is OK. You have a group here that ...some may get teary remembering such days...and feeling for you. Others will take you by your hand and say..."come on girl...we'll do this together." Some will immediately pray for you. I wish I could give you a hug right now. I am so sorry for all you've been through. The flares are terrible and we all get beside ourselves wondering how we're going to do it....BUT WE DO ...and YOU CAN TOO!!...
As "JC" says often "Stay Strong." I am beginning to understand that more and more. I hope you got some rest after being up in the night and that this morning is bringing new hope for a better day.
Prayers and a big hug for you,
Dear Becca,
Hoping you feel better soon! Everyone here is pulling for you!
Don't be sorry for feeling the way you, and I'm so sorry this has got you down. Its a wonderful thing to share how you're feeling, and it helps others too. I have been putting off going to my GP, but maybe I should go. I have some mild symptons, but just developed lower back pains myself. I thought it was just from work, but it could be an infection I don't know. Reading the replies that you got from others helps not only you but those of us struggling with the same symptons and not knowing if its just something we have to live with, or should seek medical advice. So ramble on, it may help someone else as well : ) Trisha
You are not alone, I understand how you feel. We've all been there. Sometimes you feel like things will never get better and what's the point of going on, if the rest your life will be filled pain and suffering. But it won't always be like this, you'll have good days and bads days, good days helps you live through the bad days. True friends will be there for you no mater what and some family members live in denial about the seriousness of lupus. They just don't get it. Stay strong and rant as much as you want to. I've not been a member a long time but this group has help me so much, I don't feel isolated and alone anymore,asia64
Hi becca. Please dont apologize. You didn’t bring this on yourself. I get UTIs all the time and then end up in the hospital. I never feel them. No burning, itching etc. so then I go Ipin for blood work spand they are out if control. I am going to try what Faye said. Drink more water and diluted cranberry juice. I find it hard because no one really understands. So use this wonderful resource. Be grateful it’s available. Stay strong. Good luck!
I am so sorry to hear that you have another infection again. But I also understand you feels. I am here for you my friend. Stay strong and fight this thing! I know you can do it. As far as your family and friends go they are the ones missing out. Not you.
As a long time sufferer of UTI’s I will give you the tricks that help me. Minimize the number of baths you take and go with showers. Also, do not use soap to clean your lady parts. Only rinse with water. It is self cleaning and the soap residue causes issues. Do not use toilet paper with any dye. Do not use any type of lubricants or other items such as tampons that are scented, even pads. Do not duche ever. Drink as much water as you can and instead of cranberry juice, which has additives, take cranberry pills from the vitamin section of your pharmacy. I don’t really like cranberry, so the pills are a plus for me! Make sure your significant other has no lotion on their body near their private parts prior to intercourse. It can cause problems. And lastly, you may want to see a urologist. They can make sure your bladder is emptying completely when you use the bathroom as well as prescribe you an antibiotic to take immediately after intercourse to head off any possible infection. You just take one pill afterward and it helps tremendously. If your bladder is not emptying all the way bacteria builds up and has a chance to grow. The urologist can also dilate your urethra if scar tissue has built up, which does not allow your bladder to empty. I won’t lie, it’s not a fun procedure, but it really helps. I’ve had that done three times. Let me know if any of these things help!
Thanks Amanda!
Amanda Kasper said:
Hi Becca - just offering a friend. I know what it's like to feel sad and ununderstood. xo
Thank you Tez_20 I have to remind myself that if nobody else is here for me there are a group of beautiful, strong and very supportive people that I can come and vent to that will understand what I am going through! Thanks for the couraging words and prayers!
Tez_20 said:
Hi Becca,
Never apologise mate for venting how you feel...christ i was at it the other day and if you don't lose it out, you stress level will get higher and won't improve your symptoms.
It seems with having another UTI besides your lupus you've got a flare going on there dragging you down the same as myself and i always point out to other member's try not to let the symptoms over ride you because Lupus loves thrieving off depression but we're in the same boat.
I really feel for you concerning your family but Becca they're the ones losing out and it's only through pure ignorance sorry to say.
You need to keep resting until you recover better and i do really feel for you.
((Hugs & kisses your way)) Love Terri xxx
Thanks Julie! Yes I am....stayed in bed for 2 days! Fever finally broke or as of today I don't have a fever. I finished my antiobiotics and today I am feeling good...a whole better than a week ago. Still going to take it easy and be on top of drinking my water and cranberry juice. Thank you for letting me vent and lending an ear to vent.
Julie said:
Ramble away thats what this site is for to get support from people that so understand. Are you in the middle of a low grade flare-up I only ask because in the past I have had a UTI/bacterial infection cause a flare-up. Have your rhumy check it out. And you are still the same woman you have always been you are just dealing with a very devious underhanded disease that frankly sucks. I will bet that most of your friends and family would be curled up in a ball crying for their mama's if they had to go through even a tenth of what you do daily. I heard this line in a movie ( I know corny huh) and it stuck with me. " You are beautiful, you are smart, you are kind, and you are important" and I would add one more you are strong. Hang in there God bless I will say a prayer
Thank you SK...I am doing better today. Had to stay in bed for two days but I am so glad to be doing better.
SK said:
Dear Becca,
Hoping you feel better soon! Everyone here is pulling for you!
Thanks Trisha...I am feeling better...good to see all the comments and know that I do have people in my life that totally understand me and support me in every way. Don't know what I would do with this support site!
sunrisetrisha said:
Don't be sorry for feeling the way you, and I'm so sorry this has got you down. Its a wonderful thing to share how you're feeling, and it helps others too. I have been putting off going to my GP, but maybe I should go. I have some mild symptons, but just developed lower back pains myself. I thought it was just from work, but it could be an infection I don't know. Reading the replies that you got from others helps not only you but those of us struggling with the same symptons and not knowing if its just something we have to live with, or should seek medical advice. So ramble on, it may help someone else as well : ) Trisha
Hi Becca,
Sorry i've not been on to see how you've been but how are you feeling today???
All my love to you Terri xxxx