Oh suzie!!
I wish i was there in person to just gently hug you!! Yes i know that feeling so very well! I get it so much...you do not want to sound like you are whiny ungrateful person...but at times this disease and life gets you down.
How old are your boys? I never could have kids but got my nieces from time they were born just about ...than had them 1/2 days per week after my brother died so his wife could work. I recall days i have to say that aunt lg was tired and we need to have craft /drawing/painting day! Or we go to library. I am sure you are great mom...my main doctor..was always after me to keep trying to have kids because she saw so many who parents did not care. She say..loree you are one of the good ones...and i feel like too many of the negative parents are having most the kids so you need to keep trying!! Make me laugh....she was my friend as much as my doctor.
I also...would have the girls chase after my dogs...just to wear them out...sneaky of me but worked!! But i know exactly how you feel because i take them on trips with me....and than instead of having constant fun..i get sick and have to slow it down. Oldest one always got it...but youngest one...she wanted to do it no matter how i felt and it was very hard. and you feel bad because not her fault...it is my fault.
But i am sure, like me, you made up for it in so many other ways...I get you cannot just rest...unless you have some help with your sons..even than they might work...
I think it is just fine to get angry at this disease and our lives! I will tell you something that blew me away. I use to go to this chronic women's illness group. Was mainly for women with breast cancer but they expanded it to chronic for like lupus, diabetes etc. I loved the 2 women who took turns running it. One day..this woman was telling her story and how she had never been to a doctor in over 25 years!! I was shocked and it was unimaginable to me. I been sick all my life really.
Well i had arrived early and this other woman came up for this group from small city about hour away because she had heard it was good. So we had talked and helped leader set things up..She had breast cancer and was just about done ....in the same place as the woman who had said she had not been to dr in over 25 years before she got this breast cancer.
So my head was trying to imagine what it would feel like to be that healthy...seriously it was hard i really could not. It just hit me how much sicker i was than others...Well the woman who also came early..hung around and she said to me what I had been thinking but never say it because i thought i sound like i felt sorry for myself. She said...when that woman said that...it hit me that her and i had cancer and it was bad...but it was about year out of our lives and than we will just go back to being 'normal'. But you...it is never going to end. And I am so sorry for you.
She was stranger...she said those words ...and i will never forget them...but just that she acknowledge how hard of struggle my life is and will be meant so much to me.
I told her how i was trying to imagine not going to doctor for 25years..and i could not. She said even she had problem with that....we laughed..she said you know that woman never even got how lucky she has been and will be.
maybe with having this disease...chronic one..we are constantly looking at the beauty in our lives, the joy because we also see the sadness and frustration as well. We see the balance...and like life we go to different sides ...happiness some days...and sadness other days. Both are good and both are okay.
i am trying to say...especially with us...you can take the mask off and show the real you...we all try so hard to wear the happiness mask...but some days...we must just be ourselves..and that is good too. take care, loree