About to snap!

Arghhhhhh! - that is the only way I can explain my head this week! This week I’ve been on a major flare, feeling the worse I have in a long time and had no empathy from ‘friends’ who just say ‘ah well you’re okay, just take some tablets and you’ll be fine’ … Like it’s that simple! On top of being poorly as hell, having next to no contact with my boyfriend for a week because he’s doing Uni work and he thinks he’s the only one with problems, having to look after my mum who’s had a sickness bug, juggle two childcare jobs and arrange Christmas parties and a surprise birthday meal… I’ve just realised I’ve lost keys I was only given this morning and feel like the biggest moron going and it’s just completely thrown me off and is the ‘straw that broke the camels back’ so to speak. It’s always the really stupid things that just break me after a couple of weeks of pent up anger and upset and I just really needed to get it off my chest!
I apologise for the angry rant, but I feel like here’s the only place I can properly express myself sometimes. I’ve not been formally diognosed yet so my medication and doctors appointments change more often than the weather and as much as I’m trying to stay to positive, I can’t help feel so hopeless and depressed at the moment. And now I’ve worked myself up into this state, I know I’m going to have a terrible nights sleep, despite having my meds upped to 50mg! Sorry for sounding like a moany whingebag, but I do feel a little better for getting how I’m feeling down!

Venting always helps and we are all good and supportive listeners !!!

Hang in there.......take a deep breath .......and re-group.......I am sure everything will be A.O.K.

Take care of yourself and try not to stress....I know that is so easy to say, and not so very easy to do.....but try to relax as much as you can.......this is a very busy and stressful time of year........rest as much as you can

BLESSINGS and prayers and ((hugs))


You can rant here anytime. You don't need to apologise. I'm sorry you have friends that aren't informed about this wonderful disease we have., maybe you can help them "get informed". Sounds like you are juggeling too many balls. Can you simplify your life t all? I think you would feel better. Getting the right doctors is important, I think.

I'm lucky my friends and familyunderstand this lousy disease.

Try to stay positive. Try to get some stress relief.


This is a place where we all understand and can relate! You are loved.....hope you are able to slow down and get some rest during all of this activity....HUGS!


Poor thing. I’m back in the hospital.south Florida has no idea what what to do with me anymore so now I have to fly to New York to another specialist on Monday hang in there it does get better

Hi Jen

I hope you get some help in NY. We're all thinking about you .

Take care





Hello, nice to hear from someone in the UK!!!! Chole! RELATE ! RELAX! and LET GO! do what you can ? You are stressing to hard ! Over load can cause the FLARE that you are going through ! Yeah everything may fall on you to handle but you can't do it all by yourself -smile ... And by no means am saying that you can't do things , just pace YOURSELF??????? Take power naps / timeout breakes through the day (they REALLY HELP). We want to stay busy , and want to be normal , as much as possible , but forceing is not GOOD, as though you see -smile . Hang in there and pace yourself ? If things don't get done pray for tomorrow to do things ? We are only humans !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...........................Beverly L.

P.S. my granddaughter always say we are not Robots!!!!!xoxoxo

Holidays are difficult under the best circumstances...add a disease where you feel like every step feels like you are wearing ankle weights. Plus the cold and flus that are going around and it sounds like you are doing all that you can.

As for losing you keys, I would bet there isn't a member on this site that hasn't had lupus fog to the point of losing something. I have forgotten my way home, my pin# on my debit, and my phone number.

I know it's frustrating which is why we are here...always!

Come and rant away;)



Thanks everyone, It was a tough week and the tiniest things always set me off! Feeling a lot calmer now but in a lot more pain due a kidney infection that I can feel spreading up my back, but I can’t get into the doctors so it’ll most likely be the hospital for me over the weekend!
I had my first appointment with rhumatology on Monday and he thinks I’ll be diognosed with fibro eventually, although there still doing tests for lupus but because my blood work comes back negative, they more or less through lupus out. Still, any diognosis is better than none!

Thanks again for all your kind and supporting words, I hope you all have a very merry christmas xx

Hi!, Yes we all have those moments , Not remembering but it is okay just don’t get out of wack, Ha!Ha!..Beverly L.

whathappensinvegas said:

Holidays are difficult under the best circumstances…add a disease where you feel like every step feels like you are wearing ankle weights. Plus the cold and flus that are going around and it sounds like you are doing all that you can.

As for losing you keys, I would bet there isn’t a member on this site that hasn’t had lupus fog to the point of losing something. I have forgotten my way home, my pin# on my debit, and my phone number.

I know it’s frustrating which is why we are here…always!

Come and rant away;)



Hey!, drink Pleanty of WATER!!! Yes! water is the MAIN factor -I was not big on drinking water But believe me Now water is always excessiable for me throughout my house I put bottled water in all parts of the house so it helps me ! Really had to get use to doing /drinking water ! Yeah I love juice and on appointment with the doctor he says, Beverly what are you doing your sugar level is to high for your weight ! I looked at him , smiling and told him well I don’t eat alot of sweets or sugar items , this went on for 3weeks, we could not think what was causing this so for the next 2weeks after those 3weeks I had to drink nothing but water everyday for 2week , I was about to die without my juices and going back to test the sugar level dropped , so he asked me what do I normally drink and when I told him about 12apple juices per day, 3-4orange juices, along with other juices, he said in a Father tone NO!NO! Don’t do that from this day on. What ? I said to him what do I suppose to drink and he look at me over his glasses , smiling , and said WATER -he already knew before the 2week water Journey that it was the juices ! But it is okay! And thank him for that because I had a Very high sugar level which was in process of causing some more issuse , that i didn’t want to have !well drink your water , seasons greetings…Beverly L.

Chloe Allen said:

Thanks everyone, It was a tough week and the tiniest things always set me off! Feeling a lot calmer now but in a lot more pain due a kidney infection that I can feel spreading up my back, but I can’t get into the doctors so it’ll most likely be the hospital for me over the weekend!
I had my first appointment with rhumatology on Monday and he thinks I’ll be diognosed with fibro eventually, although there still doing tests for lupus but because my blood work comes back negative, they more or less through lupus out. Still, any diognosis is better than none!

Thanks again for all your kind and supporting words, I hope you all have a very merry christmas xx