
well, i went to doc and have a uti...not uncommon for us for some reason. my question is, would that infection make me feel like its hard to breathe and so tired i could barely pull myself up to computer to ask this?

From what we have found with the UTI’s my Mom gets constantly, there are different types of bacteria. Some of them really make her tired. All she can do is sleep. When she starts sleeping a lot we have them get a culture on her. I don’t know about the breathing but wouldn’t take a chance on it and would call the doc immediately. It might be a reaction to the antibiotics they put you on. Hope you are better soon! Love and hugs!

Hi Janice, long time no hear, I was hibernating (LOL)

The UTI discussion, did you go to your OB/GYN? I have started drinking cranberry juice and hybrids of the cranberry, grapeberry, appleberry (yummy) on a regular basis and cut out other juices with high acid levels to reduce any possibility of UTI. Its worked. Plus, the cranberry juice on a regular basis might be fighting off any bacteria in my body, as I know it is an old remedy for UTI infections. I would assume the same bacteria that causes the UTI can also travel throughout the body. I would call my OB/GYN immediately to start antibiotics and try drinking the cranberry juice on a regular basis to fight off any looming infections.

Good to be back.

thanks for the feed back---I am on my 4th day of antibiotics and i feel worse than before I went to doc. i guess i will have to call tmor cranberry juice is always good!

thanks patter...i will call doc tomor bc i felt better before i went to the doc

Patter said:

From what we have found with the UTI's my Mom gets constantly, there are different types of bacteria. Some of them really make her tired. All she can do is sleep. When she starts sleeping a lot we have them get a culture on her. I don't know about the breathing but wouldn't take a chance on it and would call the doc immediately. It might be a reaction to the antibiotics they put you on. Hope you are better soon! Love and hugs!

Good deal! I hope you feel better soon. UTI’s are no fun.

Hi Janice I hope that you feel better soon, I can only say that when I was put on antibiotics a few weeks ago I felt worse then I did before taking them and I expressed that in my follow up visit. I was told that maybe I wasn't drinking enough water to flush the antibiotics but I explained that I didn't even have enough energy to sit up much less do anything else. Again pray you feel better soon as alway a big hug from me to you.

Hi Janice.

I, too, have UTIs all the time! I have not been able to get rid of them since July 2011!! I keep rotating antibiotics and have been hospitalized twice. I also get really, really sick with them. However, you might want to let your doctor know that you are not getting better on the antibiotics prescribed and perhaps need something else. Also, UTIs can lead to kidney infections, which can make you sooooo ill! I'll keep you in my prayers. Hope you get some relief soon.

Thanks everyone for your support!

Not to alarm you, but your symtoms may not be due to a UTI. Interstitial cystitis is something that seems to be related to lupus. It causes a lot of the same symptoms...pain in the lower abdomen, painful and frequent urination and blood in the urine. You should be sure that whomever you are seeing knows about the rest of your symptoms.

I hope you get appropriate treatment soon!