Sharing "Movement" Goals

Recently I wrote a blog about my need to get off the couch and move more more. One of the people who responded to my blog indicated that they would appreciate the opportunity to share their movement goals. Perhaps we can start to do that here and then, if participation warrants, start a group.

My goal for today was to make it to the rehab hospital, participate in the water aerobics class, and make it back home without any of the drama I experienced on Monday when this lupie locked not one, not two, but all three keys to her car in the car in the hospital parking lot.

Goal achieved. And today I got to swim for .5 hour. Talk about stress release, talk about triggering the relaxation response, talk about moving meditation - that is me and my mp3 player in the lap lane.

What are you "get off the couch" goals? If you are too sick or too weak to get off the couch what are your goals for moving in bed, in a chair, or on the couch. No goal is too small. What movement turn you on?

I had good intentions of going to the Y today, but the cold front that moved in last night changed my mind. I did have an interview so I concentrated on that today. And I walked up a flight of stairs, and then back down. Stairs are still difficult for me, but getting better at them. They tire me out more than the treadmill.

I will get off the couch and go to the Gym tomorrow, and walk on the treadmill, then do a few strength training then enjoy the pool....

You all are an inspiration...mine has been getting my 4 year old off to school, getting to work, running errands at lunch (if I wait until the end of the day they wont get done), picking up my little one and if she is lucky getting her dinner. Maybe tonight I will push myself to walk the 1/2 block to our mailbox. :-) That would be a start. Thanks for the encouragement and inspiration!


Anything you do will help. Make realistic goals for yourself. I know I couldn't say I would walk 5 miles on a treadmill or run for 10 minutes. I go up and down the stairs a few times a day. Good luck.


My goal for the day was to do all my streeches before getting out of bed and to go to the grocery store. I managed to do both I think a group would be good.

Good for you! My goal is to make it to the gym at work and walk on the treadmill 3-4 mornings a week for 20 minutes. I am averaging 2 days a week lately. Today was my second day this week. The gym is closed on Thursday morning so hoping i am feeling Good Friday morning. To tired to work out after work.

Way to go everyone!!!

My DH had surgery early Monday morning and I had to get him there and back home. I've been doing more to take care of him the past 3 days and I'm totally worn out, but I did manage to get out and about more that usual. We are having beautiful weather right now and it was much easier on my bones.


My goal is to establish a fitness routine that works for me. My goal is to start slow to maybe on a walk on the treadmill for half an hour 3-4 days a week.

I hope your DH is doing well. Enjoy the nice weather! Take care.

loriken214 said:

Way to go everyone!!!

My DH had surgery early Monday morning and I had to get him there and back home. I've been doing more to take care of him the past 3 days and I'm totally worn out, but I did manage to get out and about more that usual. We are having beautiful weather right now and it was much easier on my bones.


Have you heard about the meditation app? i do not have smartphone or i phone yet but will soon. I believe it was story on NPR and it sounded of first apps i am going to add on my phone. They have short relaxing music you can listen to if in line or short mediation too like waiting at doctor's office. did not swim with it...your mp3? just curious what kind do you have?

Also what do you think about people saying what music they like to work out or even meditate too?

congratulations on achieving your goal!! i do not get about the person locking their keys out...why did that affect you?

Good morning everyone

My goal for today is to keep from falling apart before we get my husbands diagnosis. I probably should say keep from falling apart AFTER getting it.

Have a good day with your exercising


Prayers Cindy for you and your husband!!! Like the music idea...

One of my favorite meditation CD's is Ray Lynch Deep Breakfast. For some it is too much but for me it invokes so much. I will have to dig it out if I still have it. For some reason I have bought about 4 copies for myself and they all disappear. My sons swear that they don't take it even though they all love it. My middle son is who got me my first one many, many years ago.... like 20 years ago! My exercise bike got brought into the house last night so now I am ready to start using that again.

I like this idea of sharing our movement goals.:) today my goal is to take my dog to a park and wear my hat (which I have not wanted to do) . I have been feeling like I am getting a cold, sore throat or dry throat, and bad headaches. A lot more soreness in my body all the way around. The weather is changing. I have been on the couch. Just admitting that is helpful.!

Yes and admitting our limitations to those who understand it really helps! Thanks all of you for listening, reading and supporting me and all the others on this site.

I went shopping with a friend for fabric and it was a lot for me with everything going on from knee surgery recovery, and dealing with pain not just from lupus and fibro. Fusion back surgery will be sometime in Nov. so me moving like I did today was good for me as long as we did. We are making totes for a benefit for her BIL whose cancers has returned in full force and is very fast growing. Now, I have to sew like crazy. I also got my stationary bike in the house and will be riding that tonight for at least a little while. I will think of all of you doing your movement! Gentle hugs to us all.

I’ve been wanting to start Pilates but when I have the time I don’t have enough energy. When I have the energy I’m trying to get caught up on other things around the house or with my kids. Congratulations to everyone on their goals!! I’m beginning to feel more motivated! :slight_smile:


Definitely at home! I’m so ungraceful & out of shape that I prefer the privacy of my own home, lol! Although the accountability of a class might be a bonus. I bought a DVD awhile ago (last year?) but I never even opened it. :confused:


Ann A, love this blog post. Great you can get to the pool, I realize you have had challenges lately. It is so inspiring to read some of your posts, the ones where I really get the sense that no matter what comes your way, you will keep going forward. Thank you for that!

My movement goals are to pull out my chair yoga dvd's, and have them more easily accessible to USE. All of mine are for seniors, though I'm not one yet, but are gentle, slow paced, so I'm able to do half as it moves along. My reflexes are really slow. You work with what you have, and make the best of it.

Ann, you are doing great! You go girl with undershirt on or not! Who cares? Everyone have a great week-end