Seeing things!

Hi all! I thought I would ask all of you this before I talk to my dr or therapist because I am afraid they would freak out and admit me to a psych ward.

For the past year or so I would see large bugs, like 6 or 7 inches big. It has happended maybe a dozen or so times. While thinking back I thought maybe it was just as I was waking up and my eyes weren't focused. But no, it is at different times of the day. And it isn't like it is just a flash and then it is gone. They are there long enough that I have screamed for my husband or run out of the room. (I only screamed for him twice as I was afraid he would start thinking I was crazy) I have all the usual cognitive problems with lupus and didn't know if this was something related or if I am crazy. I am terrified to tell anyone because I am afraid of what they will say, (like the rheumatologist).

If anyone else sees weird things would you let me know what your drs say and if there is anything I can do to make it stop? I would greatly appreciate it. Of all the crap that comes with lupus and Sjogren's this is the one that scares me the most.


Do you ger bad headaches or migraines following it? With Bi Polar, you cnlan see and here things. Are you on any type of psychiatric medication? Respidal is what they give me for mu Bi Polar and it really helps. It is also made to help people not see and hear stuff.

I take Cymbalta and Wellbutrin for depression and the occasional Ativan when I can't control my anxiety by myself. I haven't noticed about the headaches. I will definitely start taking notes. Thanks!

Read this dear so you will have knowledge pf what it is.

i see whisps of smoke alot of the time and once it looked like the bottom of my bed was on fire :( :( i dont know whats causing this either... i get a weird foggy feeling in my head alot and i get headaches too and i dont know what it is im also too scared to go to the doctors about it...

I'm sorry you are going through this.. I can't say that i've ever had visions but I do however feel like things are crawling on me and when I look nothing is there.. I even would stop and not move to look at that area and there is never anything there.. It's crazy but I guess it's probably associated with the lupus as well.. If Lupus did anything good for me it made me more conscious of my body and I pay attention to everything now as before I would just ignore signs until they screamed at me that something is wrong.. I hope you find some resolution to this, it's seems like with Lupus, it's always something!!!

I am so sorry you are having this problem. I don't think you are crazy at all. Half the time I don't know if it my lupus that is causing a problem or a drug I am taking that is supposedly helping my lupus. I know I will be sitting in a chair or something and out of my peripheral I see things moving. As soon as I look head on it stops. I have many things that happen that I wouldn't share with just anyone fearing they wouldn't understand. That is why I am so happy to be part of this group.

Take care,

I too am afraid to mention anything to my Dr. I see fogs of ppl lol or hear things like my mom calling me when she isn’t. N things crawling on me when it really isn’t I think it’s hallucinating but then I get headaches n it happens even when I’m not sleeping sometimes. All the best to you in finding the courage to speak to ur dr.

I definately believe in thw spirit world but I don’t try and interact with it. We lived in a house and there was a huge glass jar of hazelnuts on the top, back part of the fridge. I didn’t see what I wanted just by standing there looking. I bent over to look inside, the fridge didn’t shake and I didn’t hear anything fall or roll. The next thing I know, the glass jar comes craahing down on my head. It was so loud and hurt really bad. I could not explain what happened. Another time I was in my bedroom, getting ready for school when the closet doors started shaking and I heard my name being moaned out. There was no one im the room period.

Now the spots, I did find reasoning for it but I still believe it is a foretell sign of a headache comimg on. I will look in to it a little more.

I am so glad that you brought this up, last night I was sitting in a chair and the chair next to me started moving out of my peripheral vision, just as auntpearl experienced. If I look directly at the chair it was fine. Very strange feeling. Take Care.

There is a tv series called Brain Games. It explains stuff like how are peripheral vision can play tricks on us.It’s because our eyes are constantly scanning for motion so it can be tricked easily into thinking something is.moving or there that in fact is not. You aren’t going crazy so don’t think that way. Some of us jist jave more creative imaginations.

Yes you might face some awful reactions from doctors. Doctors don't know all the symptoms we go through, and deny most of what we describe to them. i have a friend with lupus who had hallucinations, and it was found that lupus was affecting her central nervous system and brain. The brain is an organ just like the stomach or kidney, and lupus can cause swelling, which causes various symptoms. If you do choose to tell your rheumie, ask right after if it could be CNS (central nervous system) involvement, so his first thought is not "mental issue?" Other things that could cause this are medications, certain mixtures of medications, and withdrawal from some meds or alcohol. I have the crawling sensations, due to muscle involvement. It c an be so light, like a fly on my arm, or so severe that it cracked a bone in my foot.

I see flashes of people I don’t know. They are visions in color and they happen really quick. A few nights ago I saw an elderly lady standing next to my bed in a flash she was gone. I live in a new area and have bern here for 9 years and never have seen anything before. Usually my visions are when my eyes are closed. It kind of freaked me out. I had just woke up to go to the restroom and when i opened my eyes there she was. She turned and disappeared really fast. I was not scared at all until I started thinking about it. So I think it was due to my meds. I had to take three pain pulls throughout the day so I think that’s why. I don’t take them every day only when I can’t stand it and I had been having a migraine the day before so…all things considered I think it’s just a combination if the drugs we take and inflammation from the lupus. However, I would mention it to your rheumy or a neurologist. I don’t think you are crazy at all!

Thanks for all your advice! I have an apt with my rh dr but it is not until July but that will give me time to start noticing when it happens, what I have taken and if there are headaches before or after. I will probably remain quiet until I have some data to back it up. But when I do bring it up to the rh dr I will definitely bring up the central nervous system involvement.

Again, thanks everybody!

When I was on Wellbutrin I did have an issue of seeing things out of the corner of my eye or just flashes of things. Mine was a dog that seemed to walk into the room. I'm off the wellbutri now and have stopped seeing things.

Hallucinations can be side effects from many meds. I would ask the pharmacist that handles all your meds. I know I get the weirdest side effects, but they are nothing but that: side effects. Sometimes I think nothing of them and choose not to mention it to my drs., but when I do, at times they say I should have told them earlier because it was significative to my treatment.

Ok seeing things with your eyes closed. That is called sleep parallelization. You see things that aren’t there and noises with no maker. It is completely scary but it can’t hurt you. There are a lot of myths and legends that come with is nut here is something imformative and interesting to read. I get this when I first fall asleep and right before I wake up. Not being able to move is so scary. My children wake me up scared as heck because I cry or whine in my dreams or have stopped breathing and gasp for air. I hope this helps some of you with answers.

Hi, well when Lupus came into my Life, I thought that things was crawling on me !! My nerves were shot out and the only thing at that time for me to stop feeling that was to take many showers. That lasted for a while until I just had to go to the pyhc. doctor to get some nerve pills to help me during those moments. But yes to answer you , Lupus is not fair at times, and I don’t like it!!!But we have to learn how to handle what we go through to the best of your ability for ourself…Beverly L.

And we can do it. We are strong people. (well, most of the time...)

Please read the thread on Lupus Psychosis. CNS issues are very real and can be very serious. Do speak with either or both of your docs about this. Prednisone can help some. I thought I had it licked until my husband reminded me last night about a very recent indicent of which I have no recollection.

Apparently last Sunday I said something to the effect of "What a lovely weekend, having company over". Well, no company was here. Those are my types of CNS issues.

If your Rhuemy is any good they already know about this issue, however researching and taking info with you wouldn't be the most stupid thing you did.

Good luck,
