
It has been building now for about two weeks, a feeling of anxiety and very very emotional. I was diagnosed only Aug of last year. This is the first time I have felt like this and feel lost! I can't seem to focus and am having trouble at work. Only today did I admit that I have a constant nervous feeling. Is there anyone else that feels this way? Is this considered part of flares? Is this part of Lupus? I just dont know what to think and decided to become part of a group for support!!


I have these symptoms but they're related to pain which I have a lot of. I've also been very fearful of my symptoms. Fear can cause anxiety. Depression can occur with lupus, organic depression. I feel foggy, can't concentrate, and really nervous. Fortunately I have seen a psych who perscribes antidepressants and my other MDs perscribe pain meds when needed.

It's important for me to get out and excercise. All the chemicals in the world don't take the place of exercise or meditation or prayer. I live with my two dogs in an apartment. I "have" to walk them.

I hope my experience can help you.

My thoughts are with you.

Dear Lucy267,

There are several conditions that could be causing these symptoms as Lupus does affect the Central Nervous system. "Lupus Fog" is VERY common and I would advise looking into this immediately. There have been a couple of very recent topics on this site..."Lupus Fog" and "Lupus and Psychosis". There is good information and links to very good articles and information.

Fear can be paralyzing however knowledge is power. The more you know and understand that less frightened you will be. The fact that you came to this site indicates that you very much want answers and support, which we are here for.

So happy to have you,



We are here for you…the begining is hard…arm yourself with a team of people to help you…god has given you this challenge…you can do it…
Feel free to communicate often…understand your life…be good to yourself…love yourself in this new way…
Try to change your out look…do not overwhelm yourself…all these tools will help you cope with your new life…
You may want to consider eliminating things that make you nervous…your redefining who you are…i know this all may seem wierd and crazy and new…but life is change…its ok…cry…journal…type us…
Good luck…stay peaceful…

Hello Lucy,

Nice to have you with us where you'll get the understanding you need:)

DeAnne's correct there is several issues which can do this as a large majority of we suffer from it but the main stem of these issues is always the Central nervous system from the brain.

Your focusing is down to foggyness of the brain as Lupus can slow our concentration down and that's just a symptom of Lupus but if you body is in a flare it can make it worse.

If you feel way to much anxiety being there i do suggest you see a specialist as soon as possible as this does'nt help your condition.

Hugs Terri xxx

Hi Lucy

I understand how you feel, and yes I think this is part of lupus. For me, its accepting that I had to adapt and change. It's not easy to accept that I can't do some of the things I used to. Just being able to talk to others who understand what you're feeling is so helpful. I tried to explain to my co-workers only to have them try to "one up" me. We have all felt the way you do at one time or another, and you've gotten a lot of good advice here. Just reaching out to others can make you feel better, and lighten the load for you. Trisha

Hi Lucy, So glad you are here and sharing this! Everyone made good points but I will add that I too had to go through a period of emotional change. Being a wife and mother at the time of my diagnosis, I had to try to keep everything going and act as “normal” as possible. It all came crashing down about 3 years later and it was like I hit a brick wall going 100 mph. One night at a meeting I found myself in a fog I could not get out of…luckily I got myself home and was transported to the hospital later that night. Ended up on the mental health floor for 2 weeks. I still take anti depressants and am prescribed anti anxiety for when I need it. But I also saw a therapist and psychiatrist for awhile. A chronic debilitating dis-ease like Lupus is a life changing event and I guess the hardest part is accepting and understanding that. But it doesn’t have to be a totally negative change…we can look for and try new things. This website for example and all the new friends you have here. :slight_smile: Be good and kind to yourself. I will keep you in my prayers. Love &Peace, Maré

Welcome, Lucy. I have been on anti depressants for many years and have had lupus for who knows how long. Last fall I started having anxiety and anger issues. I was not angry at anyone in particular just at the world in general. I finally went to see my PCP and he told me I had to think positive. Well, normally I do. I have been on the verge of leaving him for years and that did it for me. My new PCP is an internist and the greatest person. He lowered my dose of anti depressants and then put me on something for the anxiety/anger issue. What a huge difference it has had made. Don't give up....keep searching for something to help you. It is the lupus and I never knew that before. Best of luck to you. Gentle Hugs!!

I suffer the same way and have dealt with anxiety and depression for years now. I found out I have Lupus 6yrs ago but at that time it was only the type that affects your skin. I just found out less then 6 months ago that I now have SLE. I have not been coping with it at all. I am very much afraid of what could happen. I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired. The other night I finally snapped. I got in the car and drove just a few minutes away from home and began to fight with my husband on the phone over nothing and it just went down hill from there. I found myself telling him I was going to take the pills in my purse and end it all. I have never been so afraid and alone in my life. It took me 2 hours to finally calm down enough to come home. I have been in the mental hospital but that was for panic attacks not related to this. I won't go back there, I'm too sick physically and being locked up like that doesn't help me in that way. I am now taking 2 different types of mental health medications to help me cope better. I would suggest finding someone to talk to. Find as much support as you can. I chose to not talk about it and suffer in silence and that was the worst thing I could of done. Please remember that you are not alone.

To all...My internist put me on what is actually a prescription for epilepsy for the horrible mood swings, anger, and anxiety. He told me that it is the best kept secret in the medical community. He also said that it is only internists and psychiatrists that prescribe if for the moods. I don't know if I am allowed to mention the name of it on this site so until I hear otherwise I won't. If you want to look online under epilepsy I will say it starts with a K and is only 5 or 6 letters long. Can't remember if there is one or two of a certain letter in it. LOL. Such secrecy!!!

Okay, the drug has 2 p's in it.

I don’t know your history, or how old you are, but I am 32 and I have been diagnosed for 8 years!!! I dealt better with it then, than I so now. It has been so bad lately, that I have had to go see a psychiatrist!! She has helped. She gives me advice on what I need to do and prescribes me the proper medication. At the beginning of my diagnosis, I was not married, I had no children, and was in college. I had very little responsibilities. Now, I have a family and you know the responsibilities that go with that. I am exhausted…mentally and physically. I have started a blog where I talk about my struggles with lupus and just living everyday life with lupus, and I hope I am helping others feel not alone. It has helped me so much with getting out how I feel on a daily basis!!! Good luck to you!!!


I don't want to sound weird with what I am going to say but I am feeling worse the last few months then I have ever felt for at least 20 years. I honestly believe that things happening in the universe affects us mentally and physically and I think that is what is happening. I have read many people stating this about all kinds of problems or no health issues to speak of so I do think there is validty to this point. It at least allows for me to know there is a reason.

Lucy, I do hope that you have spoken to your Rhuemy or other physician about your mental health state. It is known in the Lupus world that the disease does affect your thought processes and there are a lot of things that you can do from meds to meditatation.

Reet, I think you are right. I try only to look at news articles on line as I find prime time television too depressing. On line I can choose the articles I want to read so as not to become more "down". We all have our ways of dealing with stress and what is going on outside.

Big hugs to both of you,


Hello reet,

Here i'm mentioning it "Not you" so don't worry, he's gone and prescribed you Keppra what i take and you want to see him about coming off them...they're an epileptic drug and epileptic drugs prescribed for other reasons can cause a person to have seizures i bet that was'nt mentioned...no wonder he said it's best kept secret in the medical community as he knows it's wrong.

How much you taking Reet in a day?...If you don't mind me asking.

Reet check this link out on them but especially side affects as they cause what he's given you them for and more .


Doctor's bang head on wall emoticon

reet said:

Okay, the drug has 2 p's in it.

Hey, Terri! How ya doin? No, I don't want off Keppra at all. It has been wonderful for me. I am only taking 250mg at night so a very low dose I believe. But, I am very glad you mentioned the side effects and I am going to check out webmd. Gentle hugs

Lucy sorry you are dealing with this...yes I experience this I was diagnosed in 2009 & still feel this way so I jus try to focus on something positive at times that don't work so you may need professional help...

Hello reet,

Your ok to say medication names and although your on a low dosage and feel fine still keep an eye on yourself as i've told you what can happen...your allowed 3000mg daily with keppra i take 2000mg daily that's high and my poor liver is working over time to keep up with this lot.

I keep going the same mate and thanks for asking...just got organ inflammation at the moment driving me mad besides dehydration.

Love Terri xxx

reet said:

Hey, Terri! How ya doin? No, I don't want off Keppra at all. It has been wonderful for me. I am only taking 250mg at night so a very low dose I believe. But, I am very glad you mentioned the side effects and I am going to check out webmd. Gentle hugs

Thank you, Terri, for the assurance. I am so sorry that you are having all the problems that you deal with all the time. I am lucky really that I don't have as much as so many others do here. I know that and hope that I can be of some support one day to others. There is so much that I am still learning but I do know that having a site like this helps so many of us. I did look at web md so I am more aware of what to watch for. I hope you have a better day.

Hello Reet,

My concern is that epilepsy drugs control the cells to the brain besides the central nervous system and i would'nt like nothing to occur as seizures are'nt pleasent.

Regarding myself i carry on best possible that's all any of we can do regarding how bad we have it.

Reet by being involved like you are it all learns we knowledge on the condition besides other autoimmune diseases and it helps us regarding seeing specialists and also members.

My days slow mate concentration not to good today, mind you i have popped 2000mg of paracetamol and they do slow me down.

Takecare my friend and enjoy your day also :) xxx