Reaction to citrus

Last week, my mouth and tongue started burning horribly when I was eating an orange and I got small bumps on my tongue. I haven’t eaten an orange since because I’m afraid, but I just drank some lemonade, and the same thing happened.

Could this be a prednisone affect, or is this disease activity?

this happens to my son who is now 5.

for now- to allow your mouth to heal---- use tooth pain meds... like novacane products... BABY ORAJEL. yeah. i couldnt think clearly of what it was called.

but orajel will help it heal.

STAY away from citrus. too much of it in your system...and ur body is on overload.

So little at a time... wait for it to heal.

It may be full allergy for u..... or the way your body is processing the fruits.

again-- nothing citrus for u. use orajel. let the docs help u fgure out of allergy or lupus related.

good luck.

i know this sucks.... those sores are super painful

Hi Just a Girl,

This is down to a mouth sore developing with the Lupus and the Citrus as shot off a'll find the link below very helpful and it points out about Citrus also.

Terri :)

Sounds like you're sensitive to citrus. Could be too acidic for your immune system to handle with everything going on. Avoid citrus products. Orajel helps and so does rinsing your mouth with warm salt water.

I have a horribly sensitive tongue and I don't take lupus meds so it's probably lupus. Even a few chips, the salt burns me, and many foods that others don't realize have heat in them, burn me like peppers. I have been given viscous xylocaine for when it gets really bad, and I rinse my mouth with water when it a food has made it burn, to get as much of the food off my tongue as possible. Look in the mirror, and put the tip of your tongue against your bottom teeth, then open your mouth and try to poke out the middle section of your tongue, so you are sort of folding your tongue in half. Do you see a lot of cracks in your tongue? I have a lot, so everything gets in those raw cracks and hurts a lot.

This person's cracks are horizontal, mine are vertical, the length of my tongue so I can only see them when I use the position I described above.

I don't think that is the medicine, i don't take the same medicine and the same thing happens to me with certain acidic fruits.

Hi Sheila,

Sjogren's patients get that bad with their tongue...cracking then dryness and foods hurt your mouth..i can't remember if you have that or not SORRY :) xxx

Yes,i have a coldsore on my lip just from drinking my sons sunny D lol i knew better but i just love. Orangejuice.:frowning: anything with citric acid will give you a flare up of mouth ulcers on tongue lips.even fruit pickles taco sauces it sucks to be to be us i know.Just have to be careful :slight_smile: don’t give in to the food/drinks we can not have.It is hard hope you feel better:D

I don't seem to have Sjogren's symptoms, but that is definitely interesting! Thanks Terri!

Tez_20 said:

Hi Sheila,

Sjogren's patients get that bad with their tongue...cracking then dryness and foods hurt your mouth..i can't remember if you have that or not SORRY :) xxx

My grandmother was allergic to citrus. It can happen. Anyone can develop an allergy to anything at any time (as long as it's a potential allergen... and unless it's essential to maintain life, like water... sulfur... then it can be). She'd get anything from sores to her throat swelling. Reactions can intensify, so it would be in your best interest to avoid it unless you can determine that it's a medication and eliminate that (if possible).

sounds like acid in orange and lemon irritate your tongue. I speak both to your dentist and doctor about it to see if something can be done.

I cannot eat walnuts ...canker sores and i get them when i start to flare as well. Once, i had so many doctor gave me vicodin he could not believe how many...everywhere. worse part had special dinner to attend.

Warm salt water often helps my canker sore problems ...keep mouth extremely clean. so sorry