Food leaving a bad after taste

Here lately with almost everything I eat leaves a bad after taste in my mouth. I already have sores in my mouth, now my taste buds are messed up. Anyone else?

I had that problem before I started taking immune suppressants. My doctors dismissed it as a nonissue (probably because my other issues were more serious). It’s completely gone now. You may have your B12 levels checked. I know that can be the culprit in some cases.

Medications can cause this, but certainly lupus can cause inflammation anywhere, even taste buds or the area of the brain where your taste sense is. Doctors really don't know all of the weird symptoms we get, because they don't live with it. I have a Dr. who I don't have to remind that inflammation can happen anywhere and cause pain anywhere. I am so lucky that way. I am finding more and more often, as I advocate for the health of various family members, that we need to gently teach our doctors the things they are not aware of yet.

Hi I really have a serious issue and need. help.I had a bone density test and it was really bad Most of my bones are that of 95 96 age and I am 64. Went to my pain Dr rheumatologist was out of town.He said steroids ruin bones and he put me on 60 mg of morphine.what can my rheumatologist do to help me?I am really nervous Do I get infusion or what I hope someone can help me.thanks


Since we aren't doctors, we can't really tell you what medical treatments would help you specifically. I would sure ask your rheumatologist about the available options for osteoporosis like yours. I don't think many will see your question here, listed under someone else's question. You would get a lot more responses if you copied what you wrote above, then go to the main page, and look for the empty box there, paste your question and click "discussion" above the empty box. Then it will open a place where everyone will see it. I find that calcium and vitamin D help my bone pain and osteoporosis, but it sounds like you need more help than only that but that would help along with any treatment you get. You can also use Google to look up what are the latest treatments for osteoporosis, then write questions to ask your Dr. about.

Best wishes!

Yes, that happened to me last year. I got mouth sores out the wazoo and they would keep coming back for about a year. And then, suddenly, I started noticing that everything tasted awful, most notably things with cream sauce.

Thing is, my ANA test was negative. I do have fibro though, and DO have several lupus symptoms. So yeah, I do think your symptoms could be related to lupus. It's always a good idea to check with your doctor.



Hey Petunia,

My ANA is negative too. They say that only 4% of us have negative ANA lupus, but I think it's much higher than that. We are unique, anyway! Some doctors reject that I have lupus due to the negative ANA, but after years of them seeing me have one severe organ inflammation after another, they give in and say it IS lupus.

Petunia said:

Thing is, my ANA test was negative. I do have fibro though, and DO have several lupus symptoms. So yeah, I do think your symptoms could be related to lupus. It's always a good idea to check with your doctor.

The sores in our mouth are a hallmark of our disease. I get them in my nose too. "Mucosal sores". When I get those, then my food does taste weird, so maybe it has to do with the chemicals secreted by the sores or something.

I never really discussed it with my doctor, but I happen to have two kind of phases. 1. When my mouth is covered in sores and even the slightest pinch of salt or pepper makes me breath fire like a dragon :p. 2. When the sores are gone, I taste nothing. I can distinguish if its sweet or savory but no flavor more than that.