My stomache always hurts, why??? Im so frustrated. I have GERD, and have tried Protonix and prilosec but something in those two causes muscle breakdown and muscle twitching. Im waiting for my dr to plead my case to the insurance to try nexium. I hope it works! Does anyone else have this problem? Any advice? I also have a positive SSA which suggests I have sjogrens as well :o( the gifts just keep on giving! The other day I prayed “god if I have to live like this can I atleast win the lottery!” Lol Im just saying ;o)
That doesn’t sound like fun! I have some stomach problems but they are relatively mild compared to yours and cUsed by the long term use of NSAIDs. I’ve recently started taking Zantac which seems to be helpingwith mine. I hope you get some relief soon!
Thank you Roni, I was thinking maybe the plaquinil. I did fine no issues on my first bottle, then I switched to another pharmacy and they have a different manufacture so Im wondering if that could be why? After this next bottle I will switch back and see if that makes a difference. I also have a lapband which could be the cause. Im having it removed on the 4th and hoping that will take care of all the pain. I havent tried zantac maybe I will try that next. The insurance refused the nexium, oh well it would probably make me twitch too.
I wouldn’t think the switch would matter since it’s the same prescription unless maybe they use a different filler or bonding agent in the production? Might be that it just took a while for it to bother you. The Zantac are working well for me with no side effects and are available over the counter. My grandfather had a bleeding ulcer and used zantac for as far back as I can remember (it was a prescription then). That was why I de died to try it…just something that was familiar and I knew they can be taken with NSAIDs (he also had arthritis). Check with the pharmacist though to make sure it won’t interact or prevent absorption of your other medications! Hope it helps
Fairykissez said:
Thank you Roni, I was thinking maybe the plaquinil. I did fine no issues on my first bottle, then I switched to another pharmacy and they have a different manufacture so Im wondering if that could be why? After this next bottle I will switch back and see if that makes a difference. I also have a lapband which could be the cause. Im having it removed on the 4th and hoping that will take care of all the pain. I havent tried zantac maybe I will try that next. The insurance refused the nexium, oh well it would probably make me twitch too.
I agree with Roni. Hydroxychloriquine is hydroxychloriquine (plaquenil). It’s made of the same thing. Just like buying advil vs. ibuprofren. It’s the same thing. I’ve been on plaquenil for 9 years and I’ve probably had a few different manufacturers versions and never had a problem. I’ve only now just started having reflux issues and my rheumy thought it was due to the NSAID’s so he put me on Mobic as a pain reliever. Also gave me a prescription for Prilosec which seeems to be eliminating my GI issues. I don’t know much about lap bands and/or the procedures involved, but I think it’s safer to think that might be causing your stomach issues over the plaquenil. Crazy what insurances can get away with “denying” these days…especially when docs are prescribing it for us. Definitely take Roni’s advice and see if your doc thinks Zantac will work for you.
Thank you Roni and Devan, I did talk to my GI doc and pharm and Its ok to take the zantac, I bought an 8 count so I can try it before I committed to a bigger box. Zantac is not the same as the PPI’s such as protonix and prilosec according to the pharmacist, so hopefully no twitching. I am really hoping that once the lapband is removed that my GI issues settle down. I have a CT with contrast scheduled in the morning to check all major organs since my spleen was “swollen” a few weeks ago so hopefully all that is normal. My labs came back beautiful so Im sure they are being cautious. Im still trying to get used to living with this, sometimes itd hard to know what problems are associated with the lupus, sjogrens or just something else.
Do you also have issues with low platelets? A swollen sleen is a common complication in ITP (immune system killing platelets). I have to have mine checked a couple times a year.
Fairykissez said:
Thank you Roni and Devan, I did talk to my GI doc and pharm and Its ok to take the zantac, I bought an 8 count so I can try it before I committed to a bigger box. Zantac is not the same as the PPI’s such as protonix and prilosec according to the pharmacist, so hopefully no twitching. I am really hoping that once the lapband is removed that my GI issues settle down. I have a CT with contrast scheduled in the morning to check all major organs since my spleen was “swollen” a few weeks ago so hopefully all that is normal. My labs came back beautiful so Im sure they are being cautious. Im still trying to get used to living with this, sometimes itd hard to know what problems are associated with the lupus, sjogrens or just something else.
They keep looking at my blood but all normal, so I dont know. My blood counts have always been normal. My GI doc is sending me to a hemotologist but they cant see me till october 26th. They keep saying virus cause at the time I was scanned we had a bug going through everyone here at home. Im hoping CT its normal now. My dr also says being overweight can make your spleen larger, and my rhuemy is not concerned cause he says your spleen can become swollen during a flare, Ive been flaring since April. How often do they scan you? What happens if its not normal?
Hi, I have always had issues with my stomach as I am on like 14 drugs. Yes even Plaqunil (generic). I used to take nexium until the insurance company stopped covering it. So now I am on omerprazol(sp) it is the main ingredient in nexium. I take 40mgs 2 x a day and IT WORKS!!! Nothing other than nexium worked until this. You need to try it and it is a $10 copay!!! Good luck!
Hi Deb, I tried that omeprazole but it makes my muscles twitch. It works very well just cant live with the twitching Im going to try the zantac and cross my fingers that it works. Thanks for responding.
Well in my case (which sounds completely different then yours). They check for enlargement just with a physical exam (bunch of poking and some tapping on my side). My understanding is that the antibodies that destroy the platelets reside in the spleen and if it becomes enlarged they will remove it. They also may decide to remove it as a last ditch treatment for dangerously low platelets. So far I haven’t had any major issues with it though!
Fairykissez said:
They keep looking at my blood but all normal, so I dont know. My blood counts have always been normal. My GI doc is sending me to a hemotologist but they cant see me till october 26th. They keep saying virus cause at the time I was scanned we had a bug going through everyone here at home. Im hoping CT its normal now. My dr also says being overweight can make your spleen larger, and my rhuemy is not concerned cause he says your spleen can become swollen during a flare, Ive been flaring since April. How often do they scan you? What happens if its not normal?
Roni, that sounds so scary Im glad you havent hard any trouble so far and hope you never do. I thought you couldnt live without a spleen?? Im very nieve when it comes to the human body. Dont we need the spleen to fight off Infections??
Yes. I have stomach problems. I had H pylori last year and I just had the scope done again. And my stomach shows bad inflammation. My stomach is so bloated. The DR wants me to stay on Prilsac for 8 weeks. But It is so expensive for me. But if I want to get well. I better do what the DR says. My greatest fear is getting stomach cancer. The biopsies were no cancer. So far so good. Except for inflammation.
I just had a scope too and biopsy the only thing was some inflamation. The bloating for me is the worse, I look 6 months prego. I thought it was hplyori but blood was negative. How did they test you for hplyori?
Yes…you can deffinately live without a spleen! How it was explained to me is that the spleen creates some of the antibodies our bodies use, so having it removed reduces your bodies ability to fight certain types of infections so you may become more “sickly”…thus the term “spleeny”!! One of my hubbies aunts ruptured hers in a bad fall and had to have it removed. That was several years ago and she hasn’t had any major issues but does say she tends to “catch everything going around”. Don’t think your nieve! I didn’t even know where it was until I the doctors told me! LOL
Fairykissez said:
Roni, that sounds so scary Im glad you havent hard any trouble so far and hope you never do. I thought you couldnt live without a spleen?? Im very nieve when it comes to the human body. Dont we need the spleen to fight off Infections??
Lol thanks sometimes I feel like Im in medical school trying to learn about this stuff. I had my CT with contrast today, was not the best experience! I got so overheated from the dye and sick to my stomache. Im hoping it shows that my spleen is normal now. I will know friday, maybe the tech measured wrong on the ultrasound she did act like she didnt enjoy her job. As far as I know surgery is still a go, honestly I cant wait till its out. One if my first symptoms of this flair was stomache swelling, maybe once its out my body will calm down a little. Roni thanks so much for helping me understand some of all this its still so new to me.
No problem! I hope you have a speedy recovery from your surgery and it makes you feel better
Fairykissez said:
Lol thanks sometimes I feel like Im in medical school trying to learn about this stuff. I had my CT with contrast today, was not the best experience! I got so overheated from the dye and sick to my stomache. Im hoping it shows that my spleen is normal now. I will know friday, maybe the tech measured wrong on the ultrasound she did act like she didnt enjoy her job. As far as I know surgery is still a go, honestly I cant wait till its out. One if my first symptoms of this flair was stomache swelling, maybe once its out my body will calm down a little. Roni thanks so much for helping me understand some of all this its still so new to me.
It's funny you guys brought this up - I actually had my spleen removed due to ITP when I was 17. I was going to comment on this thread yesterday about that, but didn't get a chance to. I was diagnosed with ITP when I was 15 because of an extremely low platelet count and after failed treatments to regulate it (after treatment my platelets would skyrocket but within a week would be right at 10K again). So out it came. And I really haven’t had any issues since. Well, minus the Lupus diagnosis of course, but we believe that’s been there all along. When it comes to the common cold and stuff like that I do tend to be sicker longer than others but still, I maintain pretty well. I’m VERY cautious though – if I even sense someone is sick I tell them to back the heck away from me :)
Thanks Devan, I honestly dont know why my spleen is swollen. My plateletes are normal. I should know friday if its still enlarged, crossing my fingers. I know having lupus does not make us immune to other issues but gosh wouldnt it be nice we should be able to catch a break somewhere :o)
My platelets are currently on the low end of normal, however my MPV number is high so according to the doctor I still have ITP. The MPV is the average size of the platelets. Newly made platelets are larger and not as sticky. So what that means is that although my immune system is attacking platelets, my bone marrow has stepped up the production of them to compensate. Now my ITP would be mild at this point although I am still enough of a bleeder that I get asked if I’m on blood thinners everytime I go for blood work. It’s interesting how your body can figure out how to deal with a problem!
Fairykissez said:
Thanks Devan, I honestly dont know why my spleen is swollen. My plateletes are normal. I should know friday if its still enlarged, crossing my fingers. I know having lupus does not make us immune to other issues but gosh wouldnt it be nice we should be able to catch a break somewhere :o)