Lupus and Gastritis/GERD

Was wondering if anyone else has Gastritis and or GERD with their lupus. I was diagnosed with Gastritis and mild gerd in 2012 after a flare up but before my official diagnosis of Lupus this April 2014. I have been having bad abdominal pain, indigestion, nausea etc since Feb. I have had several tests done and they have found nothing except some slow bowel transit issues. They thought it was my gallbladder but Hida scan was normal, other that the CCK injection reproduced my symptoms. I just learned that the CCK injection can cause the stomach to contract. So I am concerned that maybe the Gastritis and GERD has gotten worse, but my GI dr has not mentioned doing another endoscopy. He actually is sending me to a specialist for a second opinion. I would really like some relief!! Any thoughts or comments would be greatly appreciated.

Are you on any medications for same? After many years of NSAIDs I now have atrophic gastritis as well as long standing GERD and am on Nexium There are also a lot of self help things you can do - weight loss, staying upright after eating, avoiding certain foods no eating before bedtime, no caffeine, no smoking, etc etc I also find that plain crackers help a lot especially between meals so my stomach is not empty for long periods of time

Hi, I am taking prilosec 20 mg twice a day and I do not take NSAIDS on a regular or lengthy basis only sporadically as needed. I am actually trying to gain weight, I have lost 9 lbs in the past few months and I am down to 108. My ideal weight is around 118. The biggest problem is that the pain increases when I eat, that was one of the reasons that they were thinking the gallbladder. The pain is chronic, but gets worse when I eat. It has not let up since Feb. I do not smoke or drink, do not eat hardly any caffeine and I an gluten and dairy free. My GI dr referrred me to a specialist for a 2nd opinion but I don't know when that appt will be yet. Thanks for the comments and advice.

I have gastrointestinal issues and am taking privileged and I eat a very high fiber foods. I’ve found that ginger tea juice candy does wonders. Sweets aggravate my condition. Oh yeah I take a very good probiotic s and I also use flax seed. I watch what I eat obsessively. Oh yah I don’t drink any soda. Hope it helps

Yes I had the exact same problem and they put me on Zantac, two prescriptions I can’t remember, and 550mg 3x daily of xifaxan for 3-6 months. The xifaxan I found to be really helpful with the gastritis and taking 150mg of Zantac 2x a day really helped reduce the acid. I still have problems with the gastritis but not nearly as bad and when I do they give me metronidazole 500mg 3x daily for a week which calms it. I think if you are prone to gastritis you will always battle it because we take so many meds that trigger and cause it. I know it’s a miserable feeling!!! I hope this info helps. Good luck!!!

I have severe chronic gastritis, the only thing that helps me is goats milk. My tummy is so messed up I can't take Prilosec or any other meds for it even prescription meds. I have a cousin who also has Lupus and chronic gastritis and she told me that the only thing that worked for her is goats milk so I tried some. I was shocked that I could feel relief in just a few minutes after drinking it. I don't know how or why but the goats milk works for me it might for you.

Hope you get to feeling better.

I was diagnosed with chronic gastritis in 2011. I ended up having to have two pints of blood due to intestinal bleeding. I was in the hospital for 5 days and it took me over a year and a half to fully recovery from the damage that

I was eventually put on bentyl which helps ceases spasms in my stomach. Unfortunately predisone aggravates my symptoms and I am not able to take it when I have a flare up.
The best advise I can give, from experience, is realize which foods (or meds) aggravate the gastritis and stay clear!

I suffer from both of these as well as IBS . Some times it is real bad and others not so much. I have had numerous test ran and they have no explanation as to why I have so many problems. It always comes back to the lupus. I hope u find relief and some answers!!

Thank you all for the posts. I too also have IBS and the constipation I sometimes have with his has been a problem during the flare that started in Feb too! I have never really had GERD symptoms before even though I was diagnosed with it 2 yrs ago when I had an endoscopy. I started the second dose of Prilosec the beginning of April but it doesn't seem to be helping at all. Has any else ever tried Aloe Vera Juice for the gastritis and gerd. My chiropractor recommended it. I have only been using it since Friday night and have not seen any improvement yet. Maybe I will check into the goats milk.


Was the xifaxan prescribed for SIBO? This is something I mentioned to my GI but did not get anywhere.
Queenie said:

Yes I had the exact same problem and they put me on Zantac, two prescriptions I can't remember, and 550mg 3x daily of xifaxan for 3-6 months. The xifaxan I found to be really helpful with the gastritis and taking 150mg of Zantac 2x a day really helped reduce the acid. I still have problems with the gastritis but not nearly as bad and when I do they give me metronidazole 500mg 3x daily for a week which calms it. I think if you are prone to gastritis you will always battle it because we take so many meds that trigger and cause it. I know it's a miserable feeling!!!! I hope this info helps. Good luck!!!!

Hi Susan,

Right now anything I eat causes pain and indigestion, but trying not to loss more weight so I am still eating despite the pain.

Susan said:

I was eventually put on bentyl which helps ceases spasms in my stomach. Unfortunately predisone aggravates my symptoms and I am not able to take it when I have a flare up.
The best advise I can give, from experience, is realize which foods (or meds) aggravate the gastritis and stay clear!

Thanks, I have been so frustrated with all the negative tests. I am to the point that I am ok with not getting specific answers and ok with it being the lupus. Just want some relief!
kim~a~ree said:

I suffer from both of these as well as IBS . Some times it is real bad and others not so much. I have had numerous test ran and they have no explanation as to why I have so many problems. It always comes back to the lupus. I hope u find relief and some answers!!

Yes I started with IBS in 1976. Have had GI disturbances most of my life. Recently I had a flare that started with a GI problem for about 2 weeks then the Fire mask... prior to this last flare I had almost 5 years without a bad flare...

I feel I have been able to be fairly healthy by staying off the meds. I see a Chiropractor for GERD, as the hiatal hernia spasms open...allowing gastric juices go up. The Chiropractor releases the spasm and I am good for a few months to a few years. I do not eat within 2 hours of going to bed. I also started taking thyroid for Hashimoto's (not a med by natural)

was surprised that my GERD completely went away.

I also take probiotics and have limited sugar to 25 gm or less a day...not counting fruit.

I also, have gone Gluten free...except for a meal or two a week when I indulge a little. I found the best Guten free bread at

Safeway and I think Costco...called Super seeds by Essential Baking Company. I hope this helps someone that wants to take control of their own health destiny.

i have found most of my gerd is gone except when I eat something I have a sensitivity to. You might try an elimination diet. I hope you feel better soon. :)

I went through a similiar experience. The drug Bentyl along w pepcid a/c, got me turned around. I was taking the bentyl every 5 hrs around the clock. Now after 6 yrs I’m down to one or two pills a day. Plus i’ve done an elimination diet.

Yes I get it! I get alot of acid reflux. I've had an endoscopy done a few years ago and it turns out I have GERD and I take an antacid daily. I've also been on Nexxium in the past. My Nephrologist says my Cellcept can cause indigestion and acid build up in my stomach and esaphagus. Annoying, I know!

Very good post and I thank eveyone for the good info as well, I too suffer with gastritis and I have to be careful about what I eat. This girl LOVE spicy foods and you know that's a bummer!!!! :( I think I will try the goat milk as well.

Thanks hugs to everyone and I pray that everyone have a pain free week!

I too suffer with stomach problems. I was diagnosed with gastroparesis in 2012 & lupus in 2013. Not sure if there’s any relation between the two. I hope you get relief soon, it’s so frustrating.