Biopsie results :/

So my GI Dr’s nurse called late yesterday afternoon with my stomach biopsy results. Apparently I have both acute(erosive) and chronic gastritis?? Didn’t realize I could have both at the same time but it is me were talking about lol… there’s clearly something very wrong happening in my liver, pancreas or both to be causing constant bile reflux. I don’t have a gallbladder anymore so cant blame that little sucker ! I’ll see the GI Tuesday and the hematologist Monday to discuss all my labs from last week. I’ll let you know more when I do …xo

Hi dawncelest

I will be thinking of you.

My Dr’s nurse only called with the biopsy results, I didn’t expect any explanation or theories until my follow up appointment Tuesday. I’ve never taken NSAIDs or steroids for extended periods of time. Id have to use 400/800 mlg ibuprofen a few days in a row here and there to help with the inflammation in my lungs. I would always hold out as long as possible before id take it. Most of my steroids were given IV or by injection as a pre med for immunosuppressives therapy. I shouldn’t be having bile reflux…the whole GI and abdominal organ issues have really just started the past few months but I have been suffering from throwing up bile and nausea almost a year.

Ann A. do you have bile reflux??

My tear was from the tissues being so thin, my dr gave me all the real time pictures from the endoscopy showing all my issues. I don’t have stomach ulcers… my gallbladder was removed in May because I was “symptomatic” and having sludge, stones and pain. The bile has nothing to do with my gallbladder, no ducts were ever blocked. I’ve very painfully thrown it up for almost a year and still doing it now:/I wake up with it in my throat every morning. Ive just started seeing a GI dr in March and never before mainly because I don’t think my rhuemy or primary thought it was a real GI issue, probably just acid reflux or lups nausea or something like that. It had to take a backseat to all my never ending musculoskeletal pain and injuries . So all abdominal issue are just beginning to be evaluated. I only just found out a few months ago that I have a cyst on my pancreas , it’ll have to be monitored every 6 months for the rest of my life… I have a scan in September. I feel very comfortable with my new GI Dr and am confident he’ll take good care of me:)

Just a thought here, I had similar problems, my GI was wonderful I had GERD and gastric errosion, esophageal errossion I was miserable for months finally quite by accident during one of the scopes he discovered there was a problem with the blood flow to my digestive system, I've had vascullitis for years if the organs aren't getting enough blood and oxygen it can affect digestion, about a year latter as if this stuff wasn't fun enough I was diagnosed with gastroparesis. still have the digestive issues although I stopped all my meds last year. I hope this helps a little, it may not be the same for you, but its worth a thought just the same. Living with all the mess created by lupus is really hard sometimes I really admire your strength and courage, just one question how do you do it??