Kidney infection?

What are the symptoms you feel when you get or have had a kidney infection?

Over the past 6 months I have had more UTIs than I've ever had in my lifetime. But this last one feels like it may have developed into a kidney infection, just because of the lower back pain I'm feeling and have never had.

Or maybe this is just something else?


thanks for sharing momma. Hopefully someone has an idea. Definitely talk to your doctor too!

Lower back pain is a sign of kidney infection. I can always tell when I have one, because the pain is just above my hip oj either or both sides. I often get nothinf but pain there. Not even bladder pain or a fever. I would call the doctor.

Please get it checked out. I had a UTI last summer that got out of control before I had it delt with and ended up in hospital, while on vacation, in another city for 8 days with acute renal failure. Not fun at all. I was one sick puppy and had no idea just how sick until it was all done. It went from a UTI on antibiotics to full blown kidney failure literally overnight. I missed my cottage holiday for my lack of attention. On top of it all I had a drug resistant strain of bacteria and was on antibiotics for almost three weeks.

Again, please get it checked out. If it hurts deal with it.

Marion said:

Please get it checked out. I had a UTI last summer that got out of control before I had it delt with and ended up in hospital, while on vacation, in another city for 8 days with acute renal failure. Not fun at all. I was one sick puppy and had no idea just how sick until it was all done. It went from a UTI on antibiotics to full blown kidney failure literally overnight. I missed my cottage holiday for my lack of attention. On top of it all I had a drug resistant strain of bacteria and was on antibiotics for almost three weeks.

Again, please get it checked out. If it hurts deal with it.

Oh wow Marion, how horrible! Usually that's what happens to me too, I wait too long to treat something and end up in the hospital because of my pushing it to the side. That happened with the blood clots in my lungs and just about every year for bronchitis/'d think I'd have learned better by now! :) But that was before Lupus was brought into the picture, so I'm trying to be more cognizant of things that happen to my body now. But I never know what is a symptom of Lupus and what isn't. It's all so new to me and my loved ones, so it's educating all involved.

The pain that I'm having is on both sides, but more painful on the right, just above where my hip bone is. This last UTI I really thought was a side effect of the Neurontin rather than an actual UTI, but I've been on the Neurontin now for almost a month, so maybe not.

Hello momma,

I've had my kidneys play up for years at first i used to urinate blood and that was soon stopped by an home remedy of boiling pearl barley in a large saucepan and when it's cooked, drain as much juice from it by bottling the juice, once cool put it in the fridge and drink it, if you don't like the taste add abit of sugar as the barley juice flushes your kidney's out and any infection.

What i get now is pain in the left side and my kidney swells....i was offered prednisone in the day unit to ease the swelling but refused, so i more or less live with it now.

Love Terri xxx

I had the same problem & now take Cipro low dose daily to prevent them. Immune supression increases your chance of infection. Kidney infections hurt & need to be treated quickly so you don't get sepsis. You better see your GP & get a urine culture

I been having UTI also but I found out that they are from my birth control. At first he was asking if I take alot of baths and if I was on antiboi

Your kidneys can hurt also if your eating to much fruit as it can put your potassium rate through the i can't afford to eat much regarding fruit. xxx

Thanks so much for all the advice! :)

I was looking through my medicine cabinet last night and forgot that I had extra Amox-Clav that I took when I had bronchitis a couple months ago. My GP prescribed half a bottle extra (she did the same with Prednisone) and told me just in case I start feeling an infection coming on I can take either. I took one last night and again this morning of the Amox-Clav, so if I still don't feel any relief, then I'll go see her again. The pain is still there this morning, but not as severe as yesterday or this weekend.

On a side loving this group so far. I feel very welcomed here, so thank you for that. I'm so new to Lupus and know I will have a ton of questions throughout my processing of the illness. I think I'm still in the denial


Hi Jenn,

Lupus affects we all in different ways...with years of ailments which it's caused when i found out, i just wanted to know what i'd got involved with it but regarding support you'll always get that fully and answers off member's will come best they can with how they've suffered.

Reagrding your kidney pain will vary on different days but if it proceeds i'd definitely see your GP.

((Love & hugs)) Terri xxx