Does anyone have advice about how to make my muscles sit still for a bit. They all twitch around and feel on the verge of spasms. When they do spazz they usually do so in groups and this is very painful! Any advice would be appreciated!
Hi, idk how to make it stop but I do get them alot…sorry im no help…
i have them in my neck...and my spasms are related to migraines...have you talked to neurologist? the reason i ask is bc i have horrible rls---my restless leg syndrome is the worst thing i have to deal feels like metallic worms writhing in my knees and it hurts so much without meds that i'd sooner die than feel it. and RLS is like little seizures they's a nerve problem. but people who have it also have migraines...and and RLS...spasms are not too far away.
I know a lady whose doc gives her a tiny dose of Valium as a muscle relaxer to avoid spasms. Have you ever tried it it for that? It doesn't cure my RLS, and docs dont like to give it out, but she swears by it...let us know if you find anything:)
I am sorry to say that I don't have any useful advice, and I have been really aggravated by these myself for the last few weeks and it contributes to my insomnia as well. I am going to talk to my rheumy, but I think that I will also see about getting into seeing my neurosurgeon.... I read a bit on this and it could be a neuro prob, but I don't have any migraines along with mine. Sorry I couldn't be more help, but I'm sure others will have some useful information related to of luck to you
Hi Catherine,
Janice pointed one good issue out about seeing a Neurologist, i have spasms through the Lupus but i also have damaged nerves also and this causes the twitching but you could also be heading for seizures as Lupus does cause them besides coming on naturally and i hadodd limbs going into a full blown seizure did occur.
I definitely see your GP and ask for a referal to get this issue sorted before it could tun into something more serious.
Love & hugs Terri xxxx
I use a compound cream. I also soak in a warm bath tub. I actual suffer from terrible muscle spasms. We are not sure if they are related to Lupus or one of my many other diseases. Just a suggestion.
I have a wonderful Rhuemy, he put me on Dolgic, a headache med, but works wonders with my muscles! I only use it as needed, cuz I go for a nap about 2hrs after taking it. Just a relaxing sensation, just wat the doc ordered:).
Hi Catharine
When my muscles start to twitch and feel restless it is because I have a magnesium deficiency
Ask your doc to test to see. It could just be something like that. Lupus patients are prone to mag deficiencies
Hi Catharine
When my muscles start to twitch and feel restless it is because I have a magnesium deficiency
Ask your doc to test to see. It could just be something like that. Lupus patients are prone to mag deficiencies
Hi Catharine
When my muscles start to twitch and feel restless it is because I have a magnesium deficiency
Ask your doc to test to see. It could just be something like that. Lupus patients are prone to mag deficiencies