I am grateful for this place, and frankly need to get on here more often :) Lupus has been kicking my butt all winter, I have maxed out two meds and I can't get the prednisone dose down. And I am needing to find a new rhuemy since my current one is moving. :( I also have noticed the last several months my legs were twitchy, and at night it has been even worse, I toss and turn and can't settle down to sleep, which has already been an issue. Is this maybe a prednisone thing or is it one more thing to add to the list of weird Lupus symptoms? Any help would be great!
Hello everhope,
You just come on when your able to as we all have to cope with so many issues with Lupus besides daily life besides...just nice to hear off you otherwise.
With restless legs it can be a number of issues as everything which affects us with Lupus works from the central nervous system.
I'm not a doctor to diagnose only give advice like we all but this link regarding (RLS) Restless Leg syndrome could be the cause.
The link below shows what else can cause restless legs besides Lupus.
Terri :) xxx
As Terri said, come on when you feel up to it. Sometimes you won't see some of us for weeks or months, but we all seem to come back. Just glad you are here.
As to RLS, there could be several causes. I find, as I begin to fall into a dream state that my muscles will sometimes do a little dance. I have slapped myself awake. How embarrassing. Sometimes a muscle relaxer before bed (even if herbal) can help tremendously.
Good health,
Hi DeAnne,
To me i think this restlessness with the legs is actually down to our nervous system...as Lupus really does affect the nerves :)
yes..... i agree with other post.
Restless leg sndrome.
It happens to me when i cant calm my body down.
its the most annoying and frustrating thing ever. Its not painful but the feeling will drive u mad.
No comfort.
i have found stretching really good helps with this.
And increasing my daily intake ofpotassium for my muscles.
I absolutely agree. If the CNS is being affected in other ways it makes sense that it is affecting the muscles as well. I just notice it most when I am trying to "physically" relax.
You have given us so much wonderful info on Lupus CNS that I can now understand some of the physical signs that I didn't recognize before.
Please share any ideas for dealing with RLS that you have found.
Lots of love,
Hello DeAnne,
It's all down to the nerves trying to relax and then it's got signals from the brain also reacting...this link explains alot more about it and that's where our leg spasms come from also.
((Hugs Terri)) xxx
whathappensinvegas said:
I absolutely agree. If the CNS is being affected in other ways it makes sense that it is affecting the muscles as well. I just notice it most when I am trying to "physically" relax.
You have given us so much wonderful info on Lupus CNS that I can now understand some of the physical signs that I didn't recognize before.
Please share any ideas for dealing with RLS that you have found.
Lots of love,
Thank you for this post. I was just telling my friend the other night that something goes on when i'm trying to sleep at night with my legs. I couldn't describe the feeling/sensation I was getting but reading your post has showed me the light. Yes, I have RLS as well, and now that I know i'll ask my doctor about it. AGain, this is a great site for help, only God could have sent me here because without this support I would be sooo lost.
Thanks for the help and reassurance I am not losing it, I almost hate to bring up one more thing to my family or Dr. But I did see my family Dr because of a resp infection, and he gave me a muscle relaxer to take before bed. So last night was my first night and it did seem to help. He also said that anemia can cause it and make it worse, and I am always as least borderline anemic. So again Thanks, this site has been so helpful and everyone seems caring. I have been on others that, it wasn't really the same experience.