Tramacet - anyone tried this?

I have been flaring and I was out of pain meeds so… (I know this is bad but) I took one of my hubbies tramacet pills (he had knee surgery but refuses to take pills so I have a full bottle of them here).

Relief!!! The one pill worked!!! I normally take 2 Tylenol #3 and have the fun side effects (upset stomach, groggy, buzzy head, etc.) and it eases the pain but doesn’t get rid of it completely. The Tramacet got rid of the pain (a little stiffness and ache if I move to quick but pretty much pain free), no upset stomach, no grogginess, I feel good!!

Anyone else tried these? I may have to ask the doctor for a prescription of these. Just wondering if this is a coincidence or a first time thing. Anyone have any experience with them?

I know there is a Tramadol used for pain & Percocet as we all know…It sounds to me that it could be a combo of the 2?? There r quite a few that are combos out there… I would ask ur Doc., give them a call 2day, esp. since u r hurting so badly…If it works then hopefully u can get ur own script for it? Especially if it doesn’t cause side effects, that is a BONUS! Glad it helped & I hope u feel better SOON! I am flaring too, it is the weather doing it to me…The sudden change!! TTYS, Have a GR8 DAY!! Suzie :0)

Oh & Google it too, to see what u can find about it too…Suzie :0)

It is a combo of tramadol and Tylenol. I did google it but didn’t find much for references to it’s use with arthritis specifically. So far so good…no side effects and the pain control is good. Now that is only with one pill and sometimes I find a new pill will work great, then seems to stop being as effective.

PS: percocet, oxycodine, vicoden, etc. are way too scary for me! All the stuff you hear about addiction scares me to death. Specially for a chronic condition. Tramacet seems to be less addictive from what I’ve been able to find online.

Roni said:

It is a combo of tramadol and Tylenol. I did google it but didn’t find much for references to it’s use with arthritis specifically. So far so good…no side effects and the pain control is good. Now that is only with one pill and sometimes I find a new pill will work great, then seems to stop being as effective.

Oh Good, well at least it is working for u! I think the body gets almost immune to the meds after awhile thus causing them to be less effective, and I know alot of the meds. used for pain, u do have to be very careful with…Unfortunatlley with these problems, we are in so much pain, there is no choice but to try something for help with it…I just took the “CET” at the end as being a form of Percocet, cause I know they have an Ultracet, being Ultram & Percocet, and I have heard another 1 too but can’t remember the name right now? Ultram was another very good one, I was given that for years, it is very good for joint pain and not addictive…Have u ever tried that one?? But you r so right, u have to do ur own research, know what u are taking & be very careful!! Better Safe than Sorry, right!? Another thing to be cautious of is the use of Tylenol in these meds. cause it can cause liver toxicity too in high doses…Glad u r feeling relief, pray it lasts for u! With this damp & cool rainy day, my back & shoulders & knees, HECK, every stupid joint I think, LOL, is THROBBING!! :frowning: So I feel ur pain…Hang In there! Suzie :0)

I think the “cet” on the end of drugs is when they contain Tylenol. Then you have the brand name thing so it can be confusing! Ultram is a brand of tramadol. Looks like that has a higher narcotic content then the Tramacet (from what I’ve googled!). My daughter is in her last year of the bachelor of nursing program (she’ll be an RN in the spring… Yay!!). She always cross checks drugs for acetaminophen content because she had a 15 year old patient that almost died from kidney failure from Tylenol overdose. Apparently he didn’t want to tell his mom he hurt himself skateboarding while cuffing class! It deffinately made an impression on her so I get all my pills checked by her regularly!! lol

Suzie D. said:

Oh Good, well at least it is working for u! I think the body gets almost immune to the meds after awhile thus causing them to be less effective, and I know alot of the meds. used for pain, u do have to be very careful with…Unfortunatlley with these problems, we are in so much pain, there is no choice but to try something for help with it…I just took the “CET” at the end as being a form of Percocet, cause I know they have an Ultracet, being Ultram & Percocet, and I have heard another 1 too but can’t remember the name right now? Ultram was another very good one, I was given that for years, it is very good for joint pain and not addictive…Have u ever tried that one?? But you r so right, u have to do ur own research, know what u are taking & be very careful!! Better Safe than Sorry, right!? Another thing to be cautious of is the use of Tylenol in these meds. cause it can cause liver toxicity too in high doses…Glad u r feeling relief, pray it lasts for u! With this damp & cool rainy day, my back & shoulders & knees, HECK, every stupid joint I think, LOL, is THROBBING!! :frowning: So I feel ur pain…Hang In there! Suzie :0)

As far as I know my kidneys are fine but I would still want to stay well below the max of acetaminophen since it’s a long term thing. I really hate taking medication at all and would prefer to avoid it if I can. I am on Arthrotec and try to take it as I need it. Well I am really regretting it lately!! I ran out, started flaring (probably due to the season change), took 2 1/2 weeks to get into the doctor for a refill… So this flare has kind of got out of hand. I’ve been back on the Arthrotec for about a week and my stomach pain is really intense. I haven’t been able to eat in two days…and can’t be very far from a bathroom. I keep getting hot flashes followed by bad cramps. I’m thinking I may need to visit the ER if this keeps up.

Ann A. said:

I am so happy that you found some relief no matter how temporary. You can find out how much acetaminophen your husband’s script contains and find out if your doc can write a script for a version that contains less. Since they are realized how destructive acetaminophen is. they often have one version for people who are on pain meds for a short period of time and then less acetaminophen for people who are on maintenance pain meds.

Truthfully, because of my kidney issues I am more concerned about acetaminophen damage than I am about opiate addiction.

I don’t think any of today’s problems are related to the Tramacet but who knows for sure. I only took one yesterday morning…

Roni said:

As far as I know my kidneys are fine but I would still want to stay well below the max of acetaminophen since it’s a long term thing. I really hate taking medication at all and would prefer to avoid it if I can. I am on Arthrotec and try to take it as I need it. Well I am really regretting it lately!! I ran out, started flaring (probably due to the season change), took 2 1/2 weeks to get into the doctor for a refill… So this flare has kind of got out of hand. I’ve been back on the Arthrotec for about a week and my stomach pain is really intense. I haven’t been able to eat in two days…and can’t be very far from a bathroom. I keep getting hot flashes followed by bad cramps. I’m thinking I may need to visit the ER if this keeps up.

Ann A. said:

I am so happy that you found some relief no matter how temporary. You can find out how much acetaminophen your husband’s script contains and find out if your doc can write a script for a version that contains less. Since they are realized how destructive acetaminophen is. they often have one version for people who are on pain meds for a short period of time and then less acetaminophen for people who are on maintenance pain meds.

Truthfully, because of my kidney issues I am more concerned about acetaminophen damage than I am about opiate addiction.

I have never heard of this one. What sort of med is it? Also, I sometimes take Ibuprophen, and it always seems to work very well for me. The Dr told me to take 3 of the normal ones. He said something to the effect of 2 of them being woosish, or something to that effect. Was kinda funny, except that was my first experience with pericarditis pain. Nothing was really funny right then.

The Arthrotec I take is the same kind of med as ibuprofen (NSAID). I can’t take ibuprofen because of a blood disorder I have (ITP). All NSAIDs will thin your blood but a few (arthrotec & celebrex) are considered safer for people with blood disorders. Tramacet is a pain killer (a mild narcotic and Tylenol) and from what I’ve been able to find online is less addictive and about the same as Tylenol #3.

Do you take ibuprofen for your arthritis as well?

RJQ said:

I have never heard of this one. What sort of med is it? Also, I sometimes take Ibuprophen, and it always seems to work very well for me. The Dr told me to take 3 of the normal ones. He said something to the effect of 2 of them being woosish, or something to that effect. Was kinda funny, except that was my first experience with pericarditis pain. Nothing was really funny right then.

I have taken Tramadol for pain and it worked pretty good. Doctors like it better than vicodin cause it’s less likely to be addictive. My only warning is if you have a history of seizures don’t take it. My last doc over looked that fact and I was having grand-mal seizures left and right. Not fun. :frowning:

Thank you! I don’t have a history of seizures… The one pill really helped Monday but then yesterday my stomach pain was bad. Don’t know if it was related or not. So today I took a Zantac, followed by a big bowl of oatmeal, followed by an Arthrotec. I’m hoping that the belly pain stays away! I think I will wait a few days before taking any pain meds if I can!

Jenny Lynn said:

I have taken Tramadol for pain and it worked pretty good. Doctors like it better than vicodin cause it’s less likely to be addictive. My only warning is if you have a history of seizures don’t take it. My last doc over looked that fact and I was having grand-mal seizures left and right. Not fun. :frowning:

That’s the other thing I didn’t like about it. I remember the stomach pain was pretty bad. I had to take it with Mylanta or Malox it did help. I have 3 stomach ulcers now so I am very limited with what I can take. My hubby gave me his vicodin from his last surgery cause he gets too dizzy on it. I break them in half so I get just enough to help me get out of bed. I remember when doctors used to give me huge bottles of Darvocet and Vicodin back when it first came out. I’m lucky I didn’t get addicted. Silly doctors! LOL

My new doctor didn’t even want me on Tylenol #3 so I doubt he will offer anything else. He feels the Arthrotec should do the job. I’m hoping to get referred to a rheumatologist who might be a bit more receptive to prescribing a pain med. I think because of our health care system the doctors have to do more paperwork when prescribing pain meds… Some just aren’t willing to do it. At these times I really miss my old doctor. He would just monitor my use to make sure I wasn’t over-doing it. I generally only take pain meds briefly during a flare and then am good to go for months without them. Last thing I want is an addiction but doctors sometimes act like everyone who asks for pain meds is a drug seeker!! I don’t get it since around here you can get way better stuff on the streets then Tylenol #3 or Tramacet! Sometimes they don’t use common sense.

Jenny Lynn said:

That’s the other thing I didn’t like about it. I remember the stomach pain was pretty bad. I had to take it with Mylanta or Malox it did help. I have 3 stomach ulcers now so I am very limited with what I can take. My hubby gave me his vicodin from his last surgery cause he gets too dizzy on it. I break them in half so I get just enough to help me get out of bed. I remember when doctors used to give me huge bottles of Darvocet and Vicodin back when it first came out. I’m lucky I didn’t get addicted. Silly doctors! LOL

I don’t know if I’m developing an ulcer or what it was but the pain was intense and came in waves. I couldn’t even talk when the waves hit. The worst of it lasted for a few hours. But I will admit, in the past I haven’t always taken my NSAID with food…sometimes just with milk. So it wouldn’t surprise me to have an ulcer.

I don’t know if we have pain management doctors in my area. I know I was referred to a rehab doctor a few years back during a bad flare with what I thought was my back and hips… He dx’d sacroilitis put me off work and said I was to do nothing but swimming for exercise. He sent me for ultrasound treatment on my si joints which helped a bit.

Thanks for the info though… I’ll ask about the pain management dr next time I go in! :slight_smile:

Ann A. said:

I only get pain meds from my pain management specialist. Pain management docs are very special people. i think people in this specialty are already more willing to handle the paperwork required by the law and also more willing to treat pain as real and to see if they can find a cause that can be treated. My current pain guy is attached to a physical rehabilitation hospital and they have a system in place that helps make sure the docs don’t break any laws. Years ago one of my pain management guys had to go work in another state because this state has very stringent laws. I already had this pain management guy when I started seeing the current rheumy. His office - the rheumy- called my house to get the number of the pain management guy. So I know that the rheumy refers his patients to the pain management physician because of how helpful he has been to me.

I have already had three knee replacement surgeries. When I told my orthopedic surgery about my SI pain (did not have diagnosis or a name for the pain so I could only describe it to him) he told me “Ann get a life.” It was the pain management guy who said, “I know what that is. That is your SI joint. Lupus loves the SI joint.” The pain management guy helped me to get my life back.

I am no longer willing to take medications that make my stomach ulcers worse.

Well I have learned my lesson…probably too late but I’ll keep my fingers crossed. The sacroiliac joints are the worst!! The season change this year has got me flaring pretty bad… It doesn’t seem to want to let up!!

Ann A. said:

My ulcers developed from years and years of NSAIDSs and antimalarial drugs taken without food. I tried the milk trick but then around age 25 discovered that I cannot digest milk. That was funny because I was pregnant with my daughter who is now 38 and I did not know any other way to get calcium. So three times a day I would drink a big glass of milk and then cry for hours until the pain stopped. The ob/gyn thought I was the dumbest woman he had ever met.

I love swimming too… Specially in a warm pool! :slight_smile:

I hope your surgery goes well and gives you some relief… back pain makes everything so difficult!

Ann A. said:

I still have some pain from having S1-S3 burned with radio frequencies, but it is not as bad as the arthritis pain. Should be better just in time for my lumbar decompression surgery. Stomachs heal pretty fast. And I am really looking forward to getting back in the pool. I love to swim.