I'm pretty sure this is a flare OUCH!

On a day to day basis I feel pretty crappy usually it’s hip knee ankles or just hip and knees BUT on the absolute worse days like today it started off gradual then as the day passed by got worse my entire body is aching and on fire (neck, shoulders, elbows, wrists, back, hips, ankles, hands)…I feel like the day after you lifted weights and it’s been a long time or like I’ve been beaten from head to toe…I can feel heat radiating off my body so I took a temp and it’s 100.9 …idk how I’m going to get to sleep on these days it feels like my meds don’t work!!! Any pain remedies ANYONE?!!’

when the joints are really bad I use alieve or ibuprofen, and a heating pad. Sorry I don't have more to offer, the low grade temp is pretty normal. hope you feel better soon.

I use celebrex. Aleve actually worka about as well. Take tramadol also for electrical pains in legs. Use celebrex ay night and morning just like aleve. Helps with pain at night

are you on anything like prednisone?

i've taken pretty mch every pain med you can think of over the past 20 years.

advil (by the bucket), percocet, vicodin, aspirin, heat, ice, arnica (homeopathic), chiropractic, physical therapy, massage, acupuncture, and thank God for all of them or I'd have jumped off a bridge- you need relief!

I have actually very recently (as in 55 days ago) found a nutrition plan that has relieved me of a great deal of the pain.

I don't know if it's that it eliminated allergens, or rid me of toxins, or fixed my acidity, or all of the above, or something else, but I haven't needed percocet since starting this, and have only taken advil 4-5 times in the last 7 weeks. This is after years of taking percocet or advil pretty much daily.

Here's a bit about it if you are interested. I'm really pleased so far, and hopeful that I can continue to improve.


I’ve taken pretty much every over the counter medicine to the point I had to take 4 just to work they Just won’t work anymore…I’m on tramadol and melexiocam until my rheumy appt on the 25th

i know what you mean. we seem to develop a tolerance to whatever we use for pain, and have to keep taking higher doses.
That eve happened to me with cymbalta. felt great on 30 mg for a few weeks, then it stopped working. upped to 60 mg. same thing. upped to 90- then my period got all wacked out. so i backed down to 60, which did not control the pain.

back to percocet and advil... until i started the nutrition plan, which has got me on most days down to NO pain meds.

I hope you get the relief you need, and soon!

Brittany said:

I've taken pretty much every over the counter medicine to the point I had to take 4 just to work they Just won't work anymore...I'm on tramadol and melexiocam until my rheumy appt on the 25th

I us a mix of organic Tart Cherry juice, muscle rub and ibuprofen. if its really bad pain medication Did you know you can alternate ibuprofen and acetaminophen every four hours that should help the fever and some of the pain . Hope ypu feel better soon God Bless Julie

I am 41 now and have had Lupus since I was between 10 & 13… the worst thing for you to do is take acetaminophen and Ibuprofen. Because it does a # on your liver and as you know, anything week the lupus will attack! Thats why the cut back on the acetaminophen on the Lortabs. Peoples have abused the system so bad that its hard for people like us to…

I started off with the doctor in Tupelo. From there I went to a doctor in Jackson. I’ve been with him for 10 years now. He has dedicated his life to find a cure for lupus and rheumatoid arthritis. Today was my 3 month checkup
and my numbers were awful and I’m and definitely in a flare up.Dr…Odahv suggested that I try a new drug that was approved for lupus only 2 years ago. THe only problem with it is is that you would have to go to the office and get on trip once a month but the patience who have completed have had phenomenal result from the medication.the patients who have completed it have not had the fatigue and tiredness muscle pain joint aching lifted and seem to have a whole new outlook on life.I livean hour n 1/2 from my dr but if you are close this may be the wonder drug for you.God Bless and hope this helpds

The drug that you get once a month on the drip
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Carla, I can totally relate to what you wrote. I am taking Celebrex 200mg twice a day, and it has stopped being effective. I am currently on Cybalta, it was helping for about 2 weeks then stopped working. I am not scheduled to go back to the Rheumy until January. I get pain all over, plus I have neuropathy pain they think may also come from SLE, tonight it is the lower back and knees, always the hands and feet. I go from burning hot to cold shivers, must be that thermostat! ;0)

I too am in some sort of pain at all times. I am allergic to Nsaids, acetaminophen, aspirin... I take warm baths or showers and rub down with tiger balm to help with my pain.

It is also important to check your vitamin d levels. I had severe bone pain and soaked in hot water and still in severe pain for years. Come to find out my vitamin d level was very low, usually the case for lupus pts. After starting vit d was 100 percent better and didnt have that deep pain that vit d loss causes in the bones.

Minxie40 said:

I too am in some sort of pain at all times. I am allergic to Nsaids, acetaminophen, aspirin… I take warm baths or showers and rub down with tiger balm to help with my pain.

Hi Brittany,
Of course, prednisone stops the pain best, but I don’t want to go back on steroids if I don’t have to. So after trying what seemed like an endless parade of pain pills that didn’t do much , I tried taking plain old aspirin (6-8 a day) and found it stopped the flare and pain better than anything else.

Kneipp arnica epsom salt and oil help with my pain a lot! A soak in the tub with those works wonders. It’s a little something

Hello!, that’s what Lupus do. It make the body just have pain all over with the feeling of fire! I ask my doctor when dose that stop , his reply was it don’t and it may get worse !! Imagain that living with no control of your body at times . I don’t like the Flares that last for days am not able to do Nothing but stay in bed, and sleep . That’s my way of not dealing with the pain and aces / burning feeling of fire . Even though I have tried everything , nothing works! Well sorry to hear that you are having these feelings /pains , hope that you get some relief soon,… Beverly L.