typinh tricky - patience please?
symptoms worse, phone calls to get in for eval with the teaching hospital mean LONG waiting list, unsure what to do other than self care. hitting their ER could maybe speed this all up, not able though to take first line of treatment, steroids. already on something for movement disorder and spasticity, and cognitive issues.
basically holding on, solo. tons of inflammation, severe itching of hand and finger joints (always followed by lumps of hard bone), exhausted, hands like ice, skin doing number of weird stuff, bruising when no injuries size of quarters, intense allergy issues to foods used to eating, other joints esp 1 knee and hip swollen including attached muscles, need much sleep, dark circles under my eyes, but face is not red but darker than usual where many get malar rash. pain gallbladder/liver areas, chest pain, and way more. worst flare so far
at this rate, what wil be left of me? feel 40ish going on 100. in tears. and, we have insurance so that not an issue. with no concrete official diagnosis due to bloodwork screwy, and zero medical records to hand a new doctor, what to do?
storm isn't going to pass. need to learn to dance in the rain. need help. somebody somewhere has to listen to me, and see how serious this is, right? not a pity party. wanna live, love, laugh, hold and play with the grands, and be the partner husband needs.
t.y for reading. suggestions welcome.
love and health and joy to all,