I have so much pain on rite side of body why?

It starts with my rite shoulder, cant even hold a bowl of cereal,rite hip also , hard to walk, cant take all this that going on with me, sometimes I go in my room and sit and cry. I used to be a person on the go all the time, now its hard to get up and work for 4 hours. Hands having problems also, fingers freeze and pain goes down hand, lasts a few minutes but hurts like hell. My husband doesnt really know what this desease is doing to me since we live in 2 different states, but we are still married going on 41 years. He went to Knoxville to work, couldnt find good work in Atlanta since he turned 60. Legs swell everytime I get out of bed, even with taking pills. What happens next? Help me overcome my problems, give me some answers PLEASE

I am so sorry that you are feeling so bad. How long have the symptoms been more on one side than the other? The temperature in my area just dropped by about 15 degrees so my body is complaining quite loudly. I hope you find some relief soon.

Catharine said:

I am so sorry that you are feeling so bad. How long have the symptoms been more on one side than the other? The temperature in my area just dropped by about 15 degrees so my body is complaining quite loudly. I hope you find some relief soon.

Hi there, i am so sorry you are feeling so bad at the moment, it sounds as though you are having a massive flare by what you describe. The hands going cold, could be raynauds, which causes the fingers to go freezing, and is painful. It would probably be best if you go and see your doctor, or even the Ruematologist, as these things are so bad, maybe the dosage of what you are taking needs to be changed, you never know, or you might need a slow release steroid injection. I have those every three months on top of what i take, as i get so much pain and many other things. I really hope you get this sorted soon, its awful when you are in that much pain etc. Take care of yourself, bye for now, love and hugs Astrid40xoxo

astrid40 said:

Hi there, i am so sorry you are feeling so bad at the moment, it sounds as though you are having a massive flare by what you describe. The hands going cold, could be raynauds, which causes the fingers to go freezing, and is painful. It would probably be best if you go and see your doctor, or even the Ruematologist, as these things are so bad, maybe the dosage of what you are taking needs to be changed, you never know, or you might need a slow release steroid injection. I have those every three months on top of what i take, as i get so much pain and many other things. I really hope you get this sorted soon, its awful when you are in that much pain etc. Take care of yourself, bye for now, love and hugs Astrid40xoxo

I am so sorry that you hurt so badly, I have never experience this type of a thing and I was diagnosed in 2008. I will pray for your relief. Keep me posted and stay faithful. Many blessings and hugs xoxoxox

Feel better now, when I have to much tme on my hands and not working I feel all my pain, but now I have a deversion from pain, I am putting togther a Fundraisor to raise money for annual walk in April for LUPUS.

Hi LupusSucks, i am so pleased you are feeling better, sometimes when we dont distract ourselves from the pain it does feel alot worse. But i am sure you were feeling really bad at the time, Lupus changes like the wind as far as pain goes. One day we can be feeling so bad we could scream and another it might not be as bad. But i do know what you mean, it does help to focus on something else in our lives, i am constantly trying to focus on other things when the pain gets that bad. Sometimes its just not possible when the pain gets to an unbearable level. When the painkillers arent touching it etc. Anyway i am so pleased you are feeling better, and well down in doing the fundraising, i did a sponsered slim a few years back and we made a few hundred pounds which is better than nothing, with the walk though, you should be able to make a fair bit eh, well done you are an inspiration to people, keep going, love and hugs Astrid40xoxo

im so sorry you are in so much pain. Have you found anything that relieves it even a little?