Swollen glands?

I have a swollen gland in my neck (right side) that is very tender. Last week at the doctor’s visit, I mentioned it to him (I have had it for about a month and just assumed some kind of infection was coming on). I also had a horrible headache and was having a bad day with the low blood pressure causing dizzy spells. He insisted that something had to be infected although he could find no sign of one (check ears, throat and asked about my sinuses). He prescribed azithromycin to try to clear it up. It’s been a week, I finished the antibiotics, but no improvement. It hasn’t gotten any worse either.

I thought I read somewhere that swollen glands can be caused by an autoimmune disease. Would this only effect one gland? Anyone have any experience with gland problems? I seem to get them very easily but generally they go away in a week or two at most.

Hello Roni,

Your doctor as treated you and your still the same...really your GP or specialist should be running tests as swollen glands can be caused through Lymph nodes which take a while to go down and sometimes have to be removed.


Hypothyroidism (Which i have) or Hyperthyroidism can cause these issues.


Sjogren's syndrome can cause swollen glands


Goiters can also cause these issues which are to do with thyroid trouble and lymph nodes.


Roni your doctor can solve this issue just by doing several blood tests or refering you to a specialist and i hope the links help because all these are autoimmune diseases.

Love Terri xxx

Its fall allergies come to mind

I had my tonsils removed as a kid. It’s the lymph node, right below the jaw on the right side. I frequently have swelling there when I have an ear or sinus infection. This time there isn’t any infection that I know of (or that the doctor could find). He did a round of antibiotics just incase there was an infection.

Hello Roni,

My tonsils stopped working in my middle 20s but the doctor refused to send me to get them removed because it can affect your voice box the older you get, so i have 2 sitting dorment tonsils.lol

It sounds like a lymph node and some times they can come up but when they go down they're still there lying low....usually ENT deal with these issues, i've had one removed by my left ear and jaw line and now another 2 are forming as they can become cysts which mine have done.

Love Terri xxx

Are you sure it is not a salivary gland?

I have had the exact same issue for around two months now, I have two HUGE swollen lymph nodes on both sides of my neck and the doctors have done multiple tests and they've all come back negative. At first I was treated for a throat infection and I took the antibiotic and they didn't really change in size, then I was tested for many other things such as mono and they all came back negative, then I was treated for pneumonia in my lower left lung and took an antibiotic for that, still no results of the lymph nodes coming down. I know my body is fighting something, and my throat is sometimes sore and pardon my explicitness, but I am constantly having diarrhea. I am going to the doctors to have it checked out, once again and I am going to see what they say. I am also going to do a bit more research on it tonight. I'll let you know if I find anything useful out. In the mean time, know that you are not alone! Fairly annoying thing to have to deal with.

Thanks for the info guys! The links were interesting Terri. I think I’ll mention it to the rheumy when I go back if it’s still there. I did find a couple of articles that mentioned swollen lymph nodes can be a part of Lupus. Although It didn’t go into much detail. I kind of got the impression that if they were a problem, all of them would become chronically swollen in Lupus (lymphadenopathy). But I only have the one giving me grief. Fall allergies may very well be the culprit. I’ll keep an eye on it and as long as it doesn’t get any worse, I won’t worry about it.

Hello Roni,

I would mention it to your rheumo and see what he/she as to say...Lymph nodes are caused by Lupus besides coming on naturally...you need to keep an eye on it and if it goes down always feel to see if there's a slight hardness besides.

Roni if it does get worse do see someone about it and watch how many antibiotic's you put in your system as anyone without Lupus it should only be twice yearly the same for lupus suffers and even less if you can because they lower our immune system even more.

Keep we updated mate.

All my love Terri xxx