I have TN and ON (trigeminal and occipital neuralgia) and have been having clusters of attacks. I've got pain in my neck/cervical/occipital area kind of feels like someone swung at me with a bat.
But I noticed that the right lymph gland is swollen now also.
Is this a lupus thing?
Will it resolve on its own?
Should I dip into some antibiotics just in case? It hurts.
A swollen lymph gland is known as a swollen Lymph node....as i suffer from Lymph nodes and have to have them removed and it's usually these that come with Lupus besides Sjogren's and infections besides bacteria and other forms can cause it...you need to see your Doctor and get it checked out.
Try not to rush into antibiotic's as they lower our immune system even lower, i had no choice this time through the pleurisy but i'd get it checked out.
Your welcome mate, if it feels swollen but you can also feel like a slight lump there then it's a lymph node you need removing as they like to shift them before growth takes place so the sack they lie in is all caught in one go.
Sounds like your being messed about...i think it's outragious what so many members have to put up with, even though i can't be helped at least i saw a descent honest doctor who told me the truth, then being lied to.
I love you to mate very dearly and keep we updated but please see someone. :) xxx
jujubeee said:
Awww....thanks Terri! Love and HUGS! I just wonder if lupus jumped in the party since I was having neck problems and occipital and trigeminal nerve problems in the area...
I'm so mad at my doctors right now I'd likely have to be restrained in person...long story for another day when I'm in less pain.
Thanks for the reply, I know how difficult it is for you right now...and I want you to know I appreciate it. Love YOU double R double wonderful!