My lymph nodes have swollen rather large and has even made my lover cheeks swell. Has any one else experienced this?
I had this when I was first diagnosed and my doctor said it can be caused by lupus. The prednisone took the sweeling down but I am no longer on the medication. The sweeling has come back and making me nervous. Any help is appreciated. This is all new and scary for me.
I’m not on any meds yet as I’m in the process of being officially diagnosed, but I have similar problems quite frequently, lymph glands can swell up in general cold and flus too, my brother has them all around his face along with cysts and he’s perfectly healthy so it’s not always a serious issue as long as you keep an eye on them.
However like mine, yours sounds like they are caused by Lupus, and by the sounds of it the medication you was on was helping keep them at bay, so I suggest you go back to Doctor and get them checked/review your meds to be on the safe side and put your mind at rest.
Hope youre okay xxx
I have had in the past and were felt to be stones in the salivary glands- caused by decreased saliva production There is medication to help increase saliva- perhaps it could help
I have this swelling at times usually right before a flare or infection . I would see the doctor
Hi, I have gone through lymph nodes swelling in different parts of my body for 20 years. If not positively caused by known localized infection, they can be a sign of systemic illness as in lupus, even TB, breast issues, or a form of Hodgkins(spelling?). Most of these can be ruled out with a good exam and labs. With me, even after a gastric scope and biopsy of one in my upper abdomen, no one ever found a cause. The good thing is the one procedure ruled out all the more serious things.
Also, have had salivary stones twice, and they caused a lot of swelling but only on the affected side. Are they sure it's lymph nodes and not glands? You have a set under each side of your jaw, and if they swell you get what you are describing. Did they test you for mumps or mono?
I encourage you to call your doctor, and see if another round of prednisone is wise, or another course of action to help you. Do any home things to do like cold packs help any? I sure hope you are feeling better soon.
if you are nervous call your doctor but most of on here have lymphatic swelling....keep tabs on it....I have swelling and am currently being worked up for comes and goes from medication...good luck and be patient...