Still feeling bad

After resting this weekend from my episode of a bad migraine, I still feel bad. I feel so exhausted I need to sleep but I can’t sleep. My head hurts its sore and again I’m so dizzy. Really and truly hate this feeling. I have work tomorrow but the way I feel I will have to call in sick or show up late. Can’t afford to miss anymore. Confused on what I need to do. I know I can’t work like this but hate that I don’t get paid when I miss work. All I do is cry these days cause it seems like I get new symptoms everyday. HATE LUPUS AND FIBROMALGIA!

Hi Becca, jude here Jons wife, i read your post and thought oh boy i have seen Jon here so many times, your right it sux this whole Lupus, Fibro thing, Jon has both too… but dont let it beat you, Jon has had long periods when he feels really bad and then all of a sudden there is respite and remission that can last a while, it is a roller coaster… but stress is one of the worst things to set this off, so if and when you can do everything to minimise your stress, and take good care of yourself, remember when your body tells you to rest then rest, things will get better quicker if you listen to your body…but even through it all you have every right to be peed off and angry… i hope you have someone that you can vent to… and who understands, its not easy for others but maybe if a few more like me read some posts on here they would understand more like i do now… Jon sends his best wishes and says hang on in there x


Sorry you are still not feeling well. Crying sometimes will make you feel better. I cry from time to time with this disease. I cried too over the weekend. I too had new symptoms happen to me in the last 10 days and it is not easy to deal with them. I agree with Jude. Listen to your body! Try not to stress over having to miss work! Working with lupus is an ongoing battle within it self. No one understands what we go through because we look normal to them which I think cause the problem of no understanding.

Have you checked to see if you can move your appointment up with the neurologist yet? You should get in to see them while you are having the symptoms with your head. I had an episode with my head a few years back. It was the worst headache of my life that lasted 15 days. I had all the test done and they could not find anything! I was put on steriods for a month and it made me better. There is nothing worst then a headache that will not go away!

Take care my friend and God Bless!

Hi Becca,

I'm so sorry to hear you still feeling not well...headaches can become a nightmare and painful at times, it's a shame you don't get paid being off's it's called "sick leave note" with a letter off you doctor to hand in and it covers you.

I really hope you can work around the situation and your not the only one who hates Lupus. xxxx

Hello Ann,

Did they say you could get an headache after your operation, i'm hoping you also feel better soon. xxx

Ann A. said:

Dear Becca,

I am with you on the headache - one has been my companion since my eye surgery on June 4. Please take care of yourself.

i feel your pain and the weariness that comes after pain like that too. When I was having "lupus migraines" it took a week or longer after the pain (which usually lasted a week) to begin to feel better and more "normal"

I could feel the path of the nerves or artery that had been inflamed like a scar or something--as if it had been on fire.

When they started to treat the migraines with steroids it went away alot faster---they gave me pain killers and steroids iv and knocked it out right away. now I take beta blockers to avoid them and have been doing well the past year. I

sorry to hear about your headache ann...

Tez_20 said:

Hello Ann,

Did they say you could get an headache after your operation, i'm hoping you also feel better soon. xxx

Ann A. said:

Dear Becca,

I am with you on the headache - one has been my companion since my eye surgery on June 4. Please take care of yourself.


Whinng is part of the disease. Not one has told you that yet? We all get that way. Most of the time no one wants to listen to us, and that is why lifewithlupus was created! LOL! I am here for you anytime. You can tell me!

Feel better and take care with God’s Blessings and His Grace requested for you!


Hello Ann,

I never knew this info you've just said because my mom never mentioned it to me when she had her one eye operated on as they lazered the other's abit pointless asking how long you'll suffer it and it's terrible when you can't read and do your course work...i bet you tempers flying through the roof.

I do hope it stops for you soon mate and my love and prayers are with you Ann. xxx

Ann A. said:

Hey Terri - yep when they pull the lens out of your eye and stick a prosthetic one in headaches are an expected result - as are these stupid floaters. Today, I am in an I can't win for losing mood. I want to be able to read and write and design my courses. Thanks for letting me whine.

Thanks Janice - Can't play with Prezi when your head can't stand a zoom. I am such a whiney baby today.

I know the feeling all to well. Maybe you can get your doctor to see you and see whats going on. I had a migraine a wile back, but that was from all the different meds the doctors threw at me in the hospital to cover a broad spectrum of things that could have been going on... I am sorry your feeling so bad!!!

Hello Ann my friend,

Your not's just stopping you from doing things your used to and i surpose it is annoying, i'm only surposed to spend an hour a day on the pc with my seizures and eyes, strict orders from the eye infirmary but you know as much as me we don't listen.

I see your point with the glasses thouh Ann especially if you have a date for your other to get them when the other's eyes sorted so your sights judged properly and on how much they've improved.

You just takecare Ann and all my love xxx

what do you mean by "your head is sore" like you have a headache or does it hurt when you put pressure on some spots...ive been experiencing some head pain but its not like a headache its more like a sore spot on my head...idk its really weird though

Hi godsgirl,

Ann's recentley had an eye operation for caterax and the vision in one eye is abit different to the other and the headaches she's having are to do with the pc skin and studying as she stated.

godsgirl said:

what do you mean by "your head is sore" like you have a headache or does it hurt when you put pressure on some spots...ive been experiencing some head pain but its not like a headache its more like a sore spot on my head...idk its really weird though

Oh well Ann...we're all allowed slip ups sometimes lol....well keeping off will help you and i do feel for you because bordem can set in quickly. xxx

Ann A. said:

Tez My Dear,

Becca - the one who started this discussion - is the one who says that her head is sore. So, I am sure that Godsgirl was addressing the question to her. Thanks for answering for me though. I am trying to stay off ---but you know that goes.

Tez_20 said:

Hi godsgirl,

Ann's recentley had an eye operation for caterax and the vision in one eye is abit different to the other and the headaches she's having are to do with the pc skin and studying as she stated.

godsgirl said:

what do you mean by "your head is sore" like you have a headache or does it hurt when you put pressure on some spots...ive been experiencing some head pain but its not like a headache its more like a sore spot on my head...idk its really weird though