Feeling Down - new symptoms

Hello everyone! I am having a bad week so far. I am feeling quite overwhelmed. I thought my friends and family understood but now I know they do not. Part of that is my fault because I do not tell them everything that is going on with me. I guess I feel alone. Right away I thought of all of you and knew you would understand.

Sunday my right eye felt awful. It was horribly dry and was swelling. Yesterday I ended up leaving work early because my left eye started having the same symptoms. I went to my eye clinic and saw a new doctor. He said I have extreme dry eye. He gave me thick eye drops. I see my Rhuemy in about 3 weeks and will mention this to her.

I hurt all the time. It is not horrible. I am still able to walk and work but am always in pain. I feel 30 years older than I am. I constantly forget things. My work is suffering because of this.

I am single and no longer feel close to anyone. My roommate and good friend does not believe in chronic pain so I never mention how I am feeling. My mom, and best friend, seems very uncomfortable talking about my health so I don't mention it to her either.

I am feeling lost and needed to talk to someone.

Hug, I totally understood the need to have some one to talk with. And I felt talking freely here and always be listened.

Hi Mari! I hate the dry eye thing. For me it is sometimes better sometimes worse. Use tears in day, gel at night. Make it give ground! Seems like all lupus like that. Better worse better. Keep fighting. Plenty of good days ahead.