I have been sick all week, hardly left my bed. I have no energy and am in lots of pain. I am so sick of watching tv or movies. I am incapable of even washing dishes or cleaning around the house. What do others do in these scenarios? I’m still trying to wrap my head around listening to my body and not pushing when I feel bad, and at a time like this I almost just want to push myself just to stop feeling so useless and…bored! Ugh.
All I can say is that I can RELATE! 38 yr old brain with a 95 yr old body! When I’m sick, I can’t read well (focus) no interest in TV, have so many ideas for crafts when my hands are affected, and I’m so tired, but don’t feel up to doing any of them!
One thing that helps me though is listening to pod casts- specifically Louise Hay- all about not IF I get/feel better, but WHEN Feel better- I have been out of work & in a constant flare for 2 yrs now & I can’t drive (CNS lupus)- stuck- not good for an active mom, who used to be a therapist- I always was grateful that I “just had a physical condition” as I used to work with people who had severe dual-diagnosis (substance abuse & severe mental health conditions) pre flare!
Being sick always makes me feel guilty for some reason (I have learned this is normal) as well/ I guess because I feel as though I’m missing out on opportunities & fun- times w/ my family- there are days when I can do things, & do much better when I’m around others, but the day after chemo always makes me feel bored, down & just bummed out. Today is one of those days.
So I will take my own advice &
Try visiting some good vibes… Hay house.com
It helps- positive reinforcement…
Feel better… You will be in my thoughts!
That’s a great suggestion. Thanks! I sure hope you feel better too! Take care of yourself.
Thanks for posting! It's so frustrating to have the mental desire to do stuff but a body that has mutinied : ) At 35 I feel much older than my age. Me and the old dog get along well together : ).
The one thing that gets me through the day is knowing we're not in this alone....we all here are suffering the same situation. If we think of each other, this makes the journey of our illness much easier. We all have each others back. I'm looking forward to checking out the Louise Hay site, and the free online courses...I love to learn new things. My husband and I enjoy watching the science, discovery, and history channels. Reading 'light' material helps...I can't focus on a 'real' book....wish I could because I used to love to read. I also love to craft, but can only do it, when I really can focus...I miss it a lot. Try finding meditation CDs, or listening to nice music with your eyes closed, it's very soothing. I hope everybody has a good week, and feel better.
Wow jo4him! I think you just gave me a new mantra: "You think you have a problem, until you have a problem"! For me, sooooo true! Thank you!
I just sleep…and sleep…and sleep until I can move again.
Wow aliceann. That’s such amazing advice. And the online courses too! I’m so thankful to have everyone here. I seriously think if lose my mind if I didn’t have this site. Hugs to everyone!
I color…alot…start a journal or pick up sewing…ive made a bunch of blankets when I cant get out of bed much
I can totally relate! The hard part is definately restraining yourself from doing so much that you're down even longer. Online courses are a great idea!
I like to watch stand up comedy on netflix. Also, I knit. I'm not the best knitter in the world, but it's something productive that I can do when I'm laying around.