Tired of Feeling Crummy

Hi all,

Just a note to say I am tired of feeling crummy all the time. I wake up feeling crummy, get through the day feeling crummy, and fall into bed at 6 or 7pm feeling crummy. Just wanted to put a note out there to those who can relate : )

I can relate really well. I saw the doctor about this and she changed some of my meds. We get so used to the aches and pains that when we have an increase we dont reliaze how bad it is until we become grummpy and feel crummy all the time.

I hope you feel better soon.

It seems like I forgot what it is like waking up in the morning with energy and just going about my day. I would live those times back again.

I can relate 100#. I’ve been having all kind of symptoms and now finally getting very depressed. I know the 30lb weight gain is contributing to the depression but it’s just as real as any other symptom. Fatigue and weakness has me in bed way too much. I’m totally best down. I understand it’ll probably get better but right nos I’m just miserable.

My new normal is so not normal. If I go upstairs, strip the bed and bring the laundry down to the washing machine, my husband often notices that I am winded sounding. The crazy part is that I am so used to feeling that way that I usually don’t notice that I am winded.

Your post made me smile. I know it wasn’t meant to be funny. I guess I just laughed because I can relate. I feel good"ish" from 8-11 am. Crummy from 11 am-7 pm. Good"ish" again from 7 pm-9pm. Bed at 9 pm. Then do it all over the next day.

I agree honey. Had double mastectomy 5 years ago and so far I’ve beaten cancer. Lupus is another story.

Your post made me smile…because it beats crying. I have come thru some major health problems and surgeries, but lupushas rreally worn me out. My bed is now my best friend. Thankfully,I have a wonderful and understanding husband. I am tired of “hanging in there”, but I don’t think there are any options. So, like all of us, I just keep on keeping on.

Oohhhh yes…I can relate. Just wait for the next good day to come and enjoy that one. Everyday is an experiment for me…food, meds, etc…always trying to find what works!

Yes, I relate everyday. It's kind of crazy because it becomes what's normal for us. I'm glad I can share with you all because it's hard to find others outside of this network of loving individuals that really understand. Hang in there! I'll be hangin with ya!

Even though DH us supportive, there is a limit how much I tell him. Of course he can see the sweat rolling down me and hear when I am winded but there is a fine line between being supportive and getting tired of hearing it

Just wanted to say I can relate as well. I try to find some good moments in my otherwise feeling so crummy. That and my pets are about all that keeps me going. Hang in there!

I second the pet notion! My husband is amazing, but being bed bound for 3 days this week my mastiff never left my side; even followed my into the bathroom just to make sure I was ok. I agree feeling crummy is our norm most times. No one but others like us understand how and what that really means. It really sucks. But we are here for you!

I know yall feeling i get triedbut you got to stay pray up i just hope they can find something to make us feel better

I know, it just doesn't seem fair! I think without my animals I would be much worse. They are there all the time with love and support. In the bed, the couch where ever I go and they don't talk back!!

Sometimes I feel that I am so lost and no one even knows to look for me! It comes and goes thank goodness!

Hi everyone

Roxy, I know what you mean about sounding winded/ I usually bring one load of wash down in the morning and a little while later bring it down to the basement. and I never the mistake of going up 2 flights of stairs. When I did I would have to lay on in bed for a few minutes. i hate feeling crummy, not so much the feeling crummy is the fact I can't do what I use to.'m 73 and I have worked all my life and I'm not use to not being able to do things. I too have a great husband.

I've had all kinds of blood work and stress tests and chest exrays and its all normal. This week alone I have inflamanation in my eyes and an infected ingrown hair folical. My PCP wanted to give me a oral antibiotic but I'm on coumadin and it will mess up my INR. Can't win I guess. Every part of my body is extremely dry, esp my hair , skin, eyes, and ears.

just keep telling myself "I could be worse". Hang in there everyone.


Did they rule out sjogrens?

I see my doc tomorrow, maybe there is something he can change : )

purplebutterfly said:

I can relate really well. I saw the doctor about this and she changed some of my meds. We get so used to the aches and pains that when we have an increase we dont reliaze how bad it is until we become grummpy and feel crummy all the time.

I hope you feel better soon.

Yes, I'm a morning person so that's what I am missing most!

Roxy said:

It seems like I forgot what it is like waking up in the morning with energy and just going about my day. I would live those times back again.

Exactly. I know this ebbs and flows, that I have good periods and not so good periods....but it's hard to feel crummy and wait to feel better sometime months in the future!

Laura Martin said:

I can relate 100#. I've been having all kind of symptoms and now finally getting very depressed. I know the 30lb weight gain is contributing to the depression but it's just as real as any other symptom. Fatigue and weakness has me in bed way too much. I'm totally best down. I understand it'll probably get better but right nos I'm just miserable.