Roid Rage

Dam Prednisone

A miracle drug that if taken long term has nasty, nasty side effects.


My poor 17yr old son. Another anti depressant added to my cocktail

Try to reign it in. Don't do anything stupid like violently attack someone!

My kids watched me punch my husband for no reason. My dr. told me it’s a type of “allergic” neurological reaction. I no longer take oral steroids. My kids have enough to deal with than to see me act crazy too lol! You’re not the only one. If it’s something that is not helping and is hurting more communicate that to your dr. Maybe they can find a different plan of care for you. Hope this helps you.

All I can add is this has happened to me too, another reason I don't take meds. I hope you can get it under control.

Stilt girl,

You have brought up a great topic that not many people have the courage to face never mind discuss.

As bad as this is, be grateful that you are among the half of the population that is aware that it is happening. The other half have some level of Anosognosia. This is the inability to be aware of one's own mental deficit. The fear and confusion that results from this, particularly when family members want to help, but don't know what is going on either because they are not in your head, can also result in that type of reaction. Rage can definitely be one of the side effects of Prednisone, but Lupus also targets the brain as well. I have recently read a study that ties anti-NMDAR antibodies to damage in the amygdala which is the part of the brain that affect both emotions and cognition in both SLE and NPSLE patients. Rage originates in the amygdala.

This is unfortunately one of the least researched and least talked about areas of Lupus because there is so much stigma attached to it. This is why I am a strong proponent of having people that the Lupus patient trusts, and that sees them on a daily basis, able to freely discuss the behaviors that they are seeing with the patient's neurologist and rheumatologist. This should at the very least be a HIPPA waiver, and a health proxy should absolutely be in place when children are involved. When children are involved, it is incumbent on families to have frank open discussions while they still can to prepare for the possibility that this can happen.

It can be much worse if work this has not been done in advance because in the other half of the population that gets Anosognosia, they think that they are fine and aren't, and can't get the help that they need because of it. There isn't a thing that can be done to help if they become fearful and paranoid other than to leave and go through a long hard fight for the custody of their children if the father is either willing to or able to. It can become an unsafe environment for everyone.

This is the path that I am walking. I was unaware that this could happen despite my wife and I both visiting her doctors before we got married. I share this so that others may learn from my mistakes, and not have to walk the same path.

I thought this happening to sports figures was a different form of steroid? I have been on pred for a long time, and I have not had rage, but good to know. I’ll talk to a friend about you suggest. It’s a great idea. It’s odd the the doctor never mentioned it. I hope things get better for you.

Anabolic Steroids used by sports figures are a different class of steroids, and that is where a lot of the confusion stems from. There is no safe level of prednisone for chronic use. My wife has been on an average of 15mg/day for over 20 years and I never read the possible side effects on the label until recently. I had always taken her at her word that there was no connection, and was quite surprised by what I had read.

I knew Prednisone made my temper unstable and now the Acthar (corticosteroids) seem to also. I went off on my husband in front of my grown daughter; shocking them both. However, he said he knew it was my meds and did not argue back. It could have gotten ugly. Just something I need to discuss with my doc. I am on antidepressants already. Something may not be working.