Red blotches all over while having a severe flare

Hi, everyone.

I woke up yesterday morning feeling like I was hit by a truck! I could hardly move all day. Then, when getting ready for bed, I noticed I had red blotches on my arms. This morning I managed to take a bath and notices these blotches are now everywhere. Has anyone ever heard of this or experienced this? Any feedback would be helpful. I’ll be calling my rheumatologist as soon as his office opens. PS. I haven’t been out in the sun.

What kind of red blotches are they! I have Livedo reticularis which is red vein like blotches. If you check out my pictures you can see what it looks like and that is a part of lupus.


My husband has tumid lupus and those spots look just like the ones he gets on his back. Most are small like yours, but others are large up to 2". If it weren't for those spots we would have never figured out what was going on with him. He'll "break-out" for lack of a better term even in places that weren't exposed to sunlight. I would recommend seeing a dermatologist as well as your rheumatologist. Hydrochloroquine keeps it under control for him, flares are less often. I hope you feel better soon :)

Hi, don’t stress try to relax as much as possible, you are having a flare!! Yes the blotches come with Lupus. Remember relax and don’t Stress…Beverly L.

Sorry, I wouldn't know or can help you but I hope your Rhemotologist will be able to help.

Yep I have them on my arms all day everyday. Just one of the many joys of lupus. Nothing you can do for it. :frowning:

I agree with all the other comments... rashes and "blotches" are very common for me when I am in the midst of a "flare" and/or if I am in the sun. Recently, I have been getting a lot of various skin irritations so my Rheumy increased my Prednisone and Placquenil and that has helped with my most recent incidents. In the past, the rashes and skin blotchiness were my first sign that a "flare" was coming.

My skin reacts to ALL light, not just sunlight. The rash is how I was diagnosed. I am very sensitive.

Thank you, everyone. Your thoughts are much appreciated and comforting. My rheumatologist isn’t sure why I have these spots. Thankfully they’re not as red as they were the other day, but they’re still there nevertheless. Blood tests show I have an infection, so I’m now on antibiotics. Hopefully that will help with the blotches, though we’ll just have to take a wait and see approach. They also tested me for lymes disease, but the results aren’t in as yet. It’s probably just part of this flare up. They gave me a shot of prednisone in the butt that has seemed to have helped with my overall symptoms. This is just so frustrating!

I agree with Steph. Probably just par for the course but I would see both rheumy and a dermatologist.
Good luck!!

I am always feeling fatigue and tired where I don't even want to get out of bed. My legs hurt all the time.

Getting tired so hitting the sack to lay down. I am always feeling tired. It is only 4:00 Pm here in Pa and I usually don't go to bed this early but I just seem so tired where I just want to sleep. Have no strength to do nothing. No Motivation anymore.

Here is a presentation about all of the different types of cutaneous lupus symptoms, with lots of photos:

I found it very useful.

Yes I do get the red blotches everywhere as well. I haven't found what I could do about them but I do get them often. If you find out any tips on this please let me know.



I get massive ugly red to purple blotches on my forearms...and they also get fluid filled low blisters. I seem to get them worse when in a fact this is sort of my warning signal that a flare is building up. I've had lupus a long time...and I've also had skin eruptions of various severity a long I'd say they go together...especially for those of us with SLE. I use cortisone cream for the itching...and it helps...but does not stop it. Best of luck to you.