Pain under ribs

Hi Friends - Hoping someone out there can help me. I have had pain under my ribs and in my waist and radiating around to the back for about 2 weeks. Had an ultrasound as my doc thought it might be gallbladder but luckily that was fine. The pain is worse after I eat. Really uncomfortable tonight. Any thoughts?

Sometimes your meds can affect the way that your stomach digests food. Going through the tests for similar issues. Vomiting is also an issue as well as weight loss and loss of appetite. On the other hand we are more susceptible to Chrone's and diverticulitis. It's definitely something to follow up on. My doctor told me that prednisone affects the adrenal glands which can affect your cortisol levels, which in turn can affect your digestive tract.

I hope some of this is helpful, although not being a physician it's important to speak with your doctor regarding it so that you can take measures to take care of it before it becomes too serious.

Big hugs.

I've had this on and off for a lot of years, the original thought was non alcoholic fatty liver disease, then they thought maybe an auto immune hepatitis, or serositis, either way its inflamation of either organ or tissue, I have mixed connective tissue disease as well as lupus, after several years of trying to solve the mystery of the pain, including gall bladder removal when it just stopped working one day they still don't know why this happened, I've resigned to having to live with it, and avoid things that make it hurt more like tylenol, alcohol, some foods. Its one of those great mysteries that comes with having lupus, Hope you feel better soon. take care of yourself

My daughter is also going thru this right now. In 8 days we’ve been to a Dr office 5 times! 2 ultrasounds a catscan and X-rays! Only to be told they can’t find anything. The GI dr has suggested a colon cleanse just as if preparing for a colonoscopy… she has done it and is asleep now so we shall see! Mention to your Dr it won’t hurt anything and may be a quick fix! As a mom, I witness all the lupus patients go thru and the constant frustrations… My prayers are with all!!

Thanks to everyone for your kind thoughts. Just good to know that I'm not alone in this. I'm also having an MRI of my kidney in 2 days as they found a complex sist on the right one with the ultrasound. Anyone experience this as well?

I am experiencing the same thing. The doctors (gastro, ER doc, hospitalist)all thought it was my gallbladder. I had an ultrasound, CT Scan, and a HIDA Scan of the gallbladder. They all came back normal. The HIDA Scan showed a little fatty liver. My gastroenterologist decided to do an ERCP. The ERCP showed that my bile duct is blocked and I have a lot of scar tissue. He was able to put a stent in my pancreas. That stent is temporary and I will pass it. I am going to have another ERCP to attempt to unblock the bile duct.That is scheduled for June 30. If he is not successful, he will do an EUS to correct the problem.

I also had a thoracic and lumbar MRI. The lumbar MRI showed some degenerative disc disease. I am going to have a complete myelogram on June 23 to check the cervical and lumbar disc disease and decide a treatment plan.

You might want to ask that an ERCP is done. That is the way to determine if the bile duct is restricted (narrowing) or if it is blocked. If that is the issue and it is not corrected,it will lead to liver disease. I hope this helps. You should go on a low fat diet to aid in digestion.

That was my first symptom almost a year ago. I thought I pulled a muscle. I had all the scans that was already mentioned. July 1, 2013 my family called 911 and I was given a 50/50 chance a living. I spent the next 26 days in the hospital and have now been diagnosed with SLE Lupus. I am under the care or my Rheumatologist but that paid. Has never went away. It is now almost a year later and I take pain pills for my left side. It is frustrating because they can’t find anything but the pain is very real. My doctor said it could be inflammation around the rib cage. Please let me know if anyone else has answers. Good luck and best wishes to you all!

Thanks Duchess and Kari. I will take all this into consideration. Funny how much it does feel like a pulled muscle at times. I hope you all find some resolution and decreased pain in time. Looks like we're all in the boat.

I have been dealing with the severe cramping under the ribs for at least 15 years now with no answers from my Drs. It makes it hard to put shoes and socks on and do any type of stretching.

Same with me. It comes and goes when it wants to and it is part of lupus. I’ve also been in the hospital ER for it. They said inflammation of the muscle under the rib cage however going through it with my Dr, she suggested plursey. With that, it’s important to make sure your lungs donuts get filled with liquid

I to suffer from this often and it gets so unbearable at times!. I also have had all the above scans as well as a colonoscopy and two EGD's. The first done over a year ago with my initial diagnoses. They had found to Ulcers, which have healed. The second was done a few months ago and showed everything to be normal. I have gone in so many times and my doctor says that instead of everything going down in goes up. So I get constipated very easily and can't eat and have horrible pain like you described. Cant figure out why I have the pain, is it the muscles or what? Hope you feel better soon! Take care! :D

And ditto here. I have had every test imaginable, notshowing up. if I bend a certain way it goes into painful spasms. Apparently it is just another lupus symptom, but have found muscle relaxers help a bit. Good luck

Hi Daisy. I also have this problem it feels like a giant rubber band is around the top of my ribcage. The tightness is so uncomfortable and scary at times.

I also have tummy troubles my stomach sounds like its boiling and feels yucky. I eat and it gets worse and causes diarrhea. Nothing tastes good and don't have much of an appetite. It is not medication related because it started before they put me on Plaquenil. Stopped medicine after 7 days because it made it even worse.

The Dr also did a gallbladder US that came back ok. I went to the ER a few days ago due to the severe tightness in my chest. They admitted me overnight to check my heart. Heart checked out ok but was told tightness is probably GI related. Also said I have high white blood count they could not explain it was over 19 with no sign of infection. They said is was important to have the GI test done ASAP which it was actually scheduled for the morning I was discharged. They rushed my discharge to allow me try to keep the 10:30 appointment for the endiscopy. Well after the sleeping pill they gave me at 4 am and the quick decision to release me in 15 minutes flat my head was spinning. I was pretty out of it so I did not keep the appointment. I was in no shape to drive much less rush to a procedure with no one to drive me home. I rescheduled the upper GI Endiscopy for Mon am. I will have to let you know what comes out of that but I feel your pain.

Hiatal hernia,caused from many things,I have one on each side…coughing,straining,a bad fall…can all cause hiatal hernias…

Thanks for your update and so sorry you have gone through so much. I was also told that I may need an endoscopy but for now holding off. Wishing you all the best and good results from your tests.

snugglybug said:

Hi Daisy. I also have this problem it feels like a giant rubber band is around the top of my ribcage. The tightness is so uncomfortable and scary at times.

I also have tummy troubles my stomach sounds like its boiling and feels yucky. I eat and it gets worse and causes diarrhea. Nothing tastes good and don't have much of an appetite. It is not medication related because it started before they put me on Plaquenil. Stopped medicine after 7 days because it made it even worse.

The Dr also did a gallbladder US that came back ok. I went to the ER a few days ago due to the severe tightness in my chest. They admitted me overnight to check my heart. Heart checked out ok but was told tightness is probably GI related. Also said I have high white blood count they could not explain it was over 19 with no sign of infection. They said is was important to have the GI test done ASAP which it was actually scheduled for the morning I was discharged. They rushed my discharge to allow me try to keep the 10:30 appointment for the endiscopy. Well after the sleeping pill they gave me at 4 am and the quick decision to release me in 15 minutes flat my head was spinning. I was pretty out of it so I did not keep the appointment. I was in no shape to drive much less rush to a procedure with no one to drive me home. I rescheduled the upper GI Endiscopy for Mon am. I will have to let you know what comes out of that but I feel your pain.

Yes and also persistent nausea. My doctor says it is serositis around liver. Finally could see it on CT scan after a severe episode that put me in hospital for 10 days.

Thanks to everyone for your help with my pain. Just knowing that we're all in this together is helpful. Wish there were more answers for all of us though.

I deal with this pain a lot I have been told that it is Chostichondritis. Inflamation around the ribs. Similar to plurisy affecting the lungs.

I know what you going through ive been dealing with that pain for 5yrs. Visit the er several times a year for that problem. The pain is so unbearable, my stomach get so distended and sore, my lower and mid back go into muscle spasms then the pain radiates. The er hydrates me with iv fluids, steroids and a good drink cocktail to numb and cool the stomach. Ive came to grips with the pain that its gas trapped and putting pressure under the ribs. So now when I get that pain and uncomfortable feeling I drink either baking soda or vinegar. That helps me plenty.

So sorry for you but feeling comfort that I'm not alone with this. Seeing the doctor tomorrow again for followup. Did your doctor give you a reason for the trapping of gas?

amber said:

I know what you going through ive been dealing with that pain for 5yrs. Visit the er several times a year for that problem. The pain is so unbearable, my stomach get so distended and sore, my lower and mid back go into muscle spasms then the pain radiates. The er hydrates me with iv fluids, steroids and a good drink cocktail to numb and cool the stomach. Ive came to grips with the pain that its gas trapped and putting pressure under the ribs. So now when I get that pain and uncomfortable feeling I drink either baking soda or vinegar. That helps me plenty.