Pain under ribs

Ok it took me a while to get back here so here is my good news/bad news. Since my last post I had upper GI Endiscopey which came back normal. I was referred to a Cardiologist for stress echo test. Stress echo was normal except for sinus tachycardia and some abnormal rhythms which still translates to normal? I was referred to a Neurologist due to headaches and problems with thinking and memory. He did a brain MRI that was normal except they could see areas caused by migranes.

In limbo for a while but now chest tightness is gone, appetite has returned, stomach is not bad. Feeling better for the most part now I start with more headaches and some numbness and tingling in my left hand. One time it went up arm to elbow. I was a little worried but wasn't happening all the time so I figured I would wait till next Ruemy appt.

The following week I suddenly got pain in upper back/shoulder area and pain in neck if I turn my head. Also hurt to lift arms, caused pain in shoulder and up into neck. I called Neuro Dr and asked to come in right away. He checked me and listened to all of my random symptoms and complaints. He said I needed a scan of my neck but he thinks it is Fibromyalgia and started me on Neurontin for nerve pain. Also referred me to Psychiatrist to help with stress and depression. That visit was Friday started meds and pain was better when I worked Saturday. Today I played with my Grandchildren, made quick trip to the store and went to dinner at my Brothers house. Just got home I feel totally exhausted and weak. Wiped out, shakey and pain in upper body is worse again. I have Rheumy appt tomorrow am but feel so weak I can't imagine getting up early and going there and then going to work for 8-10 hrs,

So does this mean I have Fibro along with my Lupus/UCTD (depending on which Dr I see) or is it Fibro and not Lupus or UCTD? I am confused does anyone really know anything?? This is stressing me out and you know what stress does to someone with....Lupus..I mean UCTD...or was it Fibro? I can't remember I am foggy.

What is happening to me???? I am waiting for calls for neck scan and shrink appt.this week. Maybe I am crazy I don't know but I am a train wreck!!

Oh and my disabled Mom (that I live with) has fallen twice in the last week so I have to get her to the Doctor also. She almost collapsed after getting up from dinner table tonight I don't know who was in worse shape when we finally got home. I am not sure who is taking care of who at this point.

Thanks for letting me vent.