Last year in March I had this bizarre RUQ pain. Felt like gallbladder. But mine has been removed. I had endoscopy and ERCP. They found a blocked duct but they said that wasn’t causing my pain. However the ERCP increased my pain unbearably for a few days.
Fast forward to my hospitalization in July. Multi organ serositis. Dr says now that the pain I was feeling last year was serositis which can only be seen on scans if severe. So finally showed up on hospital.
I have been off prednisone for 2.5 mo and it is starting all over again. The only way I can avoid the right upper quadrant pain shooting up shoulder and to the back is by drinking liquid diet. (At least I would lose my prednisone weight!) but this is crazy!
Has anyone else had strange right upper quadrant pain?
Yes... lvebeen suffering with sharp constant pain under my right rib cage with severe nausea and frequently vomiting bile for over 7 months . My rheumatologist started investigating back in November and ordered a liver ultrasound. It showed I had a non alcoholic fatty liver so she said the pain could be from that and hopefully my cytoxin trements would help. All the pain and symptoms got persistently worse so she sent me to a GI in March. He did an abdominal CT with contrast and found a hypodensity on the head of my pancreas so then ordered an MRPC ASAP. So that scan showed my gallbladder is full of stones, sludge and inflammation. now im having my gallbladder removed May 9th ... The surgeon spent along time speaking with my fiance and I about me not being the "typical" patient because I bring issues to the operating table but assured us that he and his team will take very good care of me:) he is definitely concerned about my pancreas , the hypodensity is so small its not clearly identify and I haven't had a biopsy yet because I still waiting on a second opinion. He did express that if im still having right side abdominal pain after the gallbladder is removed it would be from whatever is happening in my pancreas.