Bad Stomach Pain?

Hello, I am having really bad pain under my right rib cage, the side and through to my back. I don’t have my gal bladder any more or I would say it feels like that. It doesn’t hurt to breathe either. It does hurt to lay on my side and has been keeping me up at night. I have diarrhea too. Not feeling really well. Could this be diverticulitis? I’ve had it before but don’t remember the pain being like this.

Any thoughts would be appreciated!


Hi Tina,

Although I never had it, my grandmother had Pluerisy and those were the same symptoms she exhibited. Surprisingly, it wasn't like what we would feel during pnuemonia as it's not IN the lung but between the lung and the plueral sac.

I would definitely get it checked out.

Just a suggestions but hope it helps,


Hello Tina,

DeAnne as made a good statement but also IBS can cause these symptoms, especially where diarrhea is concerned.

I suffer with IBS and the pain gets me on the left side under my ribs and i suffered this for 15yrs without knowing and i sometimes go constipated or lose :)

Thank you both so much! Either way there’s not much that can be done but if I’m not better tomorrow I will call my doc. I need some sleep!

Hi Tina,

The trouble with Lupus it carries so many symptoms sometimes it can become a guessing game and you sound really ill the way your speaking...i do highly suggest calling your doctor and if your able to update we on how you are it would be nice.

All my love Terri xxx


Thank you Tez. I will call. The problem is you never know when you have symptoms that need medical attention. I hate spending the money! But I know my health is more important.

Thanks for the advice!



This is why members like to have insurance cover through these reasons alone...i know it's a nightmare mate but better to be safe than sorry...i've had pleurisy several times but my pains always been my lungs and shoulder then into my hits people differently but you do sound like IBS to me.

Your welcome anytime mate :) xxx

tinapet said:

Thank you Tez. I will call. The problem is you never know when you have symptoms that need medical attention. I hate spending the money! But I know my health is more important.

Thanks for the advice!



Terri is right...sorry looked right over the diarrhea. Also, make certain to have your doc check your meds. I know CellCept causes diarreah, sometimes very badly in people, but if you have IBS it probably isn't helping it. BTW, check out the Gluten-free & Glenten-limited group. Some good ideas and recipes if it is IBS, Celliac, or other digestive probs.

Hope you feel better soon, sweetie.

Rest and get better.



Tez_20 said:

Hello Tina,

DeAnne as made a good statement but also IBS can cause these symptoms, especially where diarrhea is concerned.

I suffer with IBS and the pain gets me on the left side under my ribs and i suffered this for 15yrs without knowing and i sometimes go constipated or lose :)

Hello Tina,

I've been off line for a couple of days...did you manage to see your doctor and if so how did things go? plus hows your health now since posting.

Love Terri xxx

Yes, I saw the doctor. She had me increase my Bentyl to four times a day to calm down my stomach. However, I still have the pain. I’m going to give it a few days and if its not better go back in. I think it’s my liver but I don’t think I have anything wrong with it per se. At least they have never looked at it. I often wonder if its my bile duct. I had gangrene on my gal bladder when they finally removed it and they had to take off part of my liver because of it. I had complained for years. People really do know their own bodies.

Anyway, we will see. I will update next week. I hope everyone is doing well!

Hugs- Tina

Hello Tina,

Lovely to hear from you and taking the time to update we, thank you.

Besides the doctor upping your Bentyl, i do know that Lupus in general can cause stomach pain.

Well after what you've just told me about your gall bladder and removing some of your liver, which should still have been kept a check on because of the reason having to take part of your liver away...regular biopsies should have been done for at least a certain amount of time to cover your heath.

Be persistant Tina and either push for a biopsy on the liver or a scan to check the liver and also your stomach.

Best of luck my friend.

Hugs Terri xxx

I didn’t even think of that Terri. Great suggestion! I guess I just figured they got it all and never gave it a second thought except that the pain really feels like it did when I had my gal bladder pain. I am going to canal my doctor and tell her that. She will most likely look further. My other thought was maybe the lupus was inflaming it. I guess there are a number of things it could be. I will keep pressing.

Thanks for the suggestion Terri! I appreciate all your help! :slight_smile:

Hello Tina,

Concerning anything which as a growth to it which gangarene as, as long as there's cells there they've missed it can re-start to what degree nobody will ever know.

Please press your doctor for a scan so if you do go it gets stated for your liver and stomach so they're checking you completly.

Lupus can affect your organs i have inflammation with my organs but that comes from the sjogrens it shrinks my organs then a flare happens and my organs swell and i can't express the pain.

I think you'll find this link very interesting it covers the organs and Gastro part of your system.

Tina all the best with asking and keep me updated please as i would appreciate it :) xxx