My sore foot

I broke my foot about two months ago. I had surgery and a cast with no weight bearing for most of that time. Recently I have been in a walking boot and I am walking on my heel. The thing is it is still swollen and hurts pretty bad. I wonder if it is the Lupus stuff causing this, or just my foot. It seems like every new symptom is blamed on Lupus, or the medications for it. Anybody else break a bone? Did the healing process take longer?

Hi Jusme

I have a bone bruise, which is unexplained, and a ruptured achilles tendon. This has been going on for over a year. My GP said it takes awhile for a bone bruise to heal. I was in a walking boot this spring for a couple of months, and then had orthotic inserts for my shoes. A week and a half ago, I re-injured my foot climbing stairs and went back to the ortho doctor and she called it an acute flare and said my condition has worsened. I'm back in my boot and off my feet and off work until I go back and see the doctor again. For me, the swelling and the foot pain is what brought me to my lupus diagnosis, so I do think the two go hand in hand. Trisha

Hello Jusme,

So sorry to hear about the circunstances your in concerning your foot but regarding this "Trisha's" reply will help you 100%....and i do know if Deenie comes on then she'll reply also going through a similar situation.

((Hugs Terri)) xxx

P.S Lupus can cause symptoms to take longer to heal because of our immune systems being low.

It seems like we go through so much. I know the long term prednisone use is hard on our bones too. Thank you for the advice

Hi Jusme,

We do go through alot your right there if it's not Lupus and what follows it, it's the meds and what they can cause but that goes for all meds and conditions but prednisone can affect the bones and cause osteoporosis.

Hugs Terri xxx

Jusme said:

It seems like we go through so much. I know the long term prednisone use is hard on our bones too. Thank you for the advice