
On my very first Rheumy visit last year I had to see an oncologist because a protein was showing up that wasn’t supposed to be there, M Protein. She said it could be an early sign of cancer and if it showed up in the urine then they would want to do a bone biopsy. Well it didn’t show up in the urine so it is just something to keep an eye on. On my last visit a couple months ago to the Rheumy it showed up again. I don’t know if the numbers are higher just that it is abnormal. I got a report from my Rheumy and she said the oncologist suggested monitoring it. On my urine test it showed Random Protein level of 67 with normal range is 0-10. Anybody have any idea that is the same protein? Also I was curious if lots of other lupus patientd are diagnosed with the MGUS. Just how common is it?

I can tell you that my husband had an elevated M protein two years ago after a bout of inflammatory neuropathy. He was also referred to an oncologist. At that time he was told possible MGUS and just needed monitoring. After a few months blood studies were back to normal. Apparently MGUS can be a pre-cursor to multiple myeloma. It was a stressful scary time for us. I wanted to share our experience with you I hope this helps.


Hi angel wing yes I’ve got this to and it’s what happens with lupus I am under care and gets monitored so far I haven’t been to bad but at moment having scans on my bones and kidneys also urine tests so don’t be to scared it’s just something that goes on with this illness take care and listen to your docs xxx

So sorry about this scary test result. I have been in lupus support groups since 1980 and this is the first time I have ever herd of MGUS.

Have it. They only monitor it once every year or two. Doc says there would have to be other blood work that's elevated to be significant as a trend with other blood results (don't remember which ones). She said it's pretty common in lupus patients and some of the other AI diseases.

You got to hold on.

Thanks guys. I go Tuesday for a CT on my kidneys. Ultrasound showed something on one of them. Just seems there always something. LOL