Lupus and MGUS

Several months ago I was diagnosed with Lupus in addition to MGUS. I was wondering if any body else has a similiar diagnosis and any suggestions for treatment or what to watch for. I see my hematologist every 3 months and my rheumy every 2-3 months also my internist every 3 months. I have been taking Plaquenil for 6 weeks and my platelet count continues to drop along with my WBC's. Is there anything else I need to watch for? My hematologist didn't have any answers and said we "hope" it doesn't drop more. There are so many unanswered questions! I see my rheumy later this week but don't expect I will learn alot more. If any one has any suggestions I sure would appreciate it.

Dear Wendy,

I have no experience or knowledge of this, but I did a google search and came up with this info for you. Did they suggest any other specialists?

I hope this is a help to you and that others will and can respond to you.

Please stay strong, we are here for you.

Big hugs,


Hi Wendy,

I've not experienced this sorry but have they checked to see if you platelet count as caused anaemia because if it as you need to be on medication and here's also a link to the causes of them dropping.

Plus i've also been looking at MGUS which is a blood disorder and may also be causing your platelets to drop i'd say there's a large connection, here's a link on MGUS also and you'll see for yourself it's mainly to do with your bone marrow connected with Lupus.

(All my love to you wendy) xxx

Hi Wendy !!! Sorry that your doctor(s) haven't answered your questions .May i ask , what is MGUS ????? I've never heard of this . Stay on top of your doctrs to answer your questions / concerns that's what they are working for , to help you !!! smile hope that you get your answers soon .... Beverly L.

Thank you so much for the link, it was very helpful. I have decided to go for a 2nd opinion with another hematologist. Hoping he will give me some insight on what to watch for. Being a nurse is both a blessing and a curse sometimes the doctors assume they don't have to be so basic with nurses and when it your own health issues its difficult. So Grateful to have this site for support.

SK said:

Dear Wendy,

I have no experience or knowledge of this, but I did a google search and came up with this info for you. Did they suggest any other specialists?

I hope this is a help to you and that others will and can respond to you.

Please stay strong, we are here for you.

Big hugs,


Hello Wendy,

I wish you all the very best with your 2nd opinion and hopefully you get more response better.

Love Terri xxx