Lupus fog?

Would someone be able to explain this to me? I have been having moments lately where I will completely blank out and forget a word, or suddenly lose my thought. Like I was trying to explain something to my mom yesterday and I totally spaced out the name of our fish.....they are tiger barbs and I was thinking something with zebra or stripes, but I totally could not even get the word out. I'll be staring at one of my kindergarteners trying to remember their name. Is this just normal, am I getting alzeimer's, or does it have something to do with the disease/ meds? I'm only 34 so I don't think I'd be losing my mind yet, but it's really frustrating.

The lupus foundation has a pretty good explanation and suggestions for dealing with the fog:

I'd say it's pretty normal for lupus, but some medications can make it worse or trigger it so check the side effects of your medication. Let your rheum know too. I'll lose track of what I was saying or blank out in the middle of a conversation or sentence. If I run into the store for 10 minutes to pick something up, I'll forget where I parked and I'll roam around the parking lot like a lost child. I've lost track of names and dates too. It's hard to know, for me, how much of this is lupus related or just due to stress from school. I tend to make a lot of lists of things going on, dates, events, etc. I have calendars/planners with me all the time to keep track of stuff and it has helped a little bit. Like you said, it's frustrating, especially when we used to be on top of everything.

I have had this problem for several years too with the lupus, it can be very frustrating, I think it is part of the LUPUS FOG.......just hang in there :)

Yes, the lupus fog is very frustrating, and it makes you feel like you're going crazy for sure. Since I've stopped eating artificial sweetners, my lupus fog is better. Not gone, but its better.

I have 3 daughters who now know that sometimes Mom can’t recall their names so if the hear me stumble, they will all look at me to see who I’m directing my words to. I work as a biochemist and I’ve had to totally adjust my speech patterns when speaking in front of groups explaining protocols. I learned to list steps on power point slides so I don’t have to recall from memory and you can never underestimate the power of pointing or drawing. It’s all about adapting.

Unless it's your medication, that sounds perfectly normal to me. My family jokes about me having one of my "lupie" days.

you are not losing it LMB, its difinitely the lupus and you are not alone, we all have experienced it at one time, if not everyday.

Lupus fog is VERY common. I brought it up at my last doc appt and he acted like it was no big deal. Just another side effect. It drives me crazy!!! It makes me feel like I am losing my mind!!!

Don’t feel bad I was telling a person they were spelling my name wrong one day and going over an over it with them and it turned out I was spelling my own name wrong and they were right! It happens!!

this happens to me too but i blame it on my age i'm 72. I have to keep appoinments on a calendar and on my appointment calendar at my store. I also will be typing along and forget how to spell a simple word i am on plaquenil only ( as far as lupus meds go) I go to my rheumy in ten days and i will mention all this to him.

cindy (freightliner)

thanks for all your comments Maybe it isn't my age after all!!


I use Lupus as my excuse for forgetting things even though it really might be my age. Just turned 50! Haha

freightliner said:

thanks for all your comments Maybe it isn't my age after all!!



This is not at all unusual during a flare and sometimes even when not having a flare. I have forgotten how to get to my doc's office, my phone number, my debit card number (boy that's difficult to explain in the checkout line). However, if you feel like this is interfering with your normal activity, you need to let your doctor know immediately.

The discussion on psychosis and lupus has several articles attached to it that will let you know if what you are experiencing is normal or if needs more attention. Either way, I would definitely let my doc know.

Good luck and Good health,


Super answer, Amy,

I would love to know how others have made adaptations.


Amy said:

I have 3 daughters who now know that sometimes Mom can't recall their names so if the hear me stumble, they will all look at me to see who I'm directing my words to. I work as a biochemist and I've had to totally adjust my speech patterns when speaking in front of groups explaining protocols. I learned to list steps on power point slides so I don't have to recall from memory and you can never underestimate the power of pointing or drawing. It's all about adapting.

I have it also. I feel so crazy with it. I have a history of seizure problems, but I think that has interfered as well . I just never knew there was a name for it. I am glad to know that I am not the only one with it. As I become more and more understanding about all the Lupus symptom's, I am learning so much.... I have you all to thank for that. ty friends....


fighter said:

you are not losing it LMB, its difinitely the lupus and you are not alone, we all have experienced it at one time, if not everyday.

I did that too! Sometimes when people ask me how old I am, I have to turn to my husband because I can't remember. Crazy how we forget things that have been with us for our entire lives.

some days hope some days nope said:

Don't feel bad I was telling a person they were spelling my name wrong one day and going over an over it with them and it turned out I was spelling my own name wrong and they were right! It happens!!


I've learned to make lists. Lots and lots of lists. Whether it's a list of where I need to be that day and when, or just a to-do list. They seem to help keep me on track and not forget appointments. If I have a presentation to make for school, I put the big stuff on the power point and always have a back-up note card with everything I was going to say. If I'm around family or friends, they kind of know I'm not always with it so I don't have to stress about hiding my slip-ups and they're really patient with me when I'm searching for a word/name/date/etc, or if I've lost my train of thought, they'll try to jog my memory.

whathappensinvegas said:

Super answer, Amy,

I would love to know how others have made adaptations.


Amy said:

I have 3 daughters who now know that sometimes Mom can't recall their names so if the hear me stumble, they will all look at me to see who I'm directing my words to. I work as a biochemist and I've had to totally adjust my speech patterns when speaking in front of groups explaining protocols. I learned to list steps on power point slides so I don't have to recall from memory and you can never underestimate the power of pointing or drawing. It's all about adapting.

I get this too. My first noticeable symptom was forgetting my cats name and after teaching a class being so tired I couldn’t finish a sentence…and then completely forget what I was saying. I still do that and I can’t remember names now. But I try to remember a name at a time. Also I try hard to pace myself so I’m only a bit tired not completely wiped out. By the way it’s hard not to question if you are going crazy with these kind of symptoms. But it really helps hearing people’s replies.

I believe this is par for the course with people who have Lupus. I know I sure forget everything. The thing that annoys me is my husband simply can't seem to understand that I have problems remembering. It is especially annoying since he is beginning to forget stuff too. LOL! I also have problems saying the words even if I do remember what they are! But that isn't as bad as just plain forgetting stuff. It drives me nuts, but then being nuts is another enjoyable Lupus experience! Just think of all the stuff the regular folks will never know or experience.

I forget how to talk, what I was saying, or what I was doing. I'm 32, so it's not age. It's Lupie time! I know 3 languages, so when I can't speak in the second or third, I feel as if I'm a fraud. Then I remind myself that I'm already having trouble with the first, LMAO! It's a horrible feeling when others look at you as if you are crazy or you are stupid because you are reading something off wrong or start stumbling over words. I sware I am developing some kind of lupus related studder. It's bad enough that our cognative abilities are so affected. Spelling, speaking, thinking... all of it is gone with the wind. We are left to feel less than self, less than normal. But we did not do this to us. We have to remember that this is part of a disease, just like those lovely aches, pains, and hair loss. The best thing is sharing it with each other so we feel less insane and remember we are not alone. XOXOX