My speech and actions aren't keeping up with my brain?

Hi all,

I was wondering if anyone else gets this? Say I’m having a conversation with my hubby, he’ll ask me a question and my brain knows the answer but it is taking an age for me to get it out loud. It’s like I pause, have to think of the words, then say it. My hands are the same too. I know I want to cut the kids meat up but my hands don’t work fast enough. It’s freaking me out a bit to be honest :frowning:
Lisa x

Hi Lisa,

It's the foggyess of the brain mate....when out brain goes slow it cuts our co-ordination down on how to think, it can affect our speech and function's besides messing with the nervous system.

Your not alone as i get these issues and i find them stressful and so's like we have to wait for our brain to boost itself back up.

This links about brain fog and the symptoms your going through besides amny more on the site.

Love Terri xxx

I am right there with you. I kept thinking it was part of the "aging process", I am really glad to know that is not the case. It's frustrting as hell, I am an articulate and intelligent woman, but this makes me look and sound like an idiot. You know it can always be worse, but it doesn"t diminish the toll it takes on you.

Sorry about any spelling mistakes on my comment it's through my gloves. :(

dee it's no aging process mate we have teenagers on here who go through the same issue with it.

Hugs Terri xxx

Yep brain fog I thought I had early onset Alzheimer's but turns out it was just brain fog from the disease and all the meds I have to take. Lists become your besties. Dont be too hard on yourself Lisa we all have gone through this in one form or another. Wishing you health. God Bless

Hi Julie,

So correct it does'nt turn to Alzheimers but there's a large possibility with sjogrn's more so i'd better watch myself. :)

Julie said:

Yep brain fog I thought I had early onset Alzheimer's but turns out it was just brain fog from the disease and all the meds I have to take. Lists become your besties. Dont be too hard on yourself Lisa we all have gone through this in one form or another. Wishing you health. God Bless

I have this and its embarrassing. I'm volunteering for my son's Show Choir, and during the meeting when it's my turn to speak, they make suggestions do you want this or that? I think I should email the board and just let them know so they don't think I'm a complete ditz : p And my turn is one of the last ones, and usually I'm ready to go way before then. My boss asked me if I had alzheimer's when I was having trouble with my computer at work - come to find out my keyboard was failing. Trisha

You are definitely not alone!! I can have an entire conversation planned out in my head and it turns into complete rubbish coming out of my mouth. This is a real hindrance when dealing with the docs so I think from now on I am going to type out what I need to say and just have them read it. It is so frustrating to walk out of an appt not having said everything you meant to. My daughter is so tired of me asking her the same question 5 times within a 10 minute period ;). Hope this helps reassure you a bit but at the same time we all have to remember we can’t blame lupus for everything(even if it is the culprit of most) and sometimes we have to get things checked out so I would definitely mention it to doc.

Yup, totally. Had it for about 7 years now. It can be embarrassing when people around you just think you are slow or something. No, just exhausted, jumbled up, inflamed etc. Totally get it.

Yes feel inadequate to converse with people when in a group conversation. Almost as if your brain shuts off for a second, like when your house lights flicker. It’s sooo annoying. I also get a loss for words. Part of aging process and part disease. I call it sometimers. Keep positive, read, play brain games and take a walk as often as possible!

Hi Lisa,

I am new to this group and saw your post and wanted to respond, if that's okay. I can also have a difficult time with word retrieval. I know what I want to say, but I cannot find the correct word (or words), which will freak me out and make things worse. Sometimes I will fret for hours trying to think of a word. It's crazy. I think it's just part of the lupus, I really do.
Hang in there, and sending love. Elyse

Lisa, I have encountered this. And it was a bit freaky for me as well... Try by all means not to let it stress you out. I know that is easier said than done. One time I was eating and forgot how to utilize my fork. Try and remember to leave all cares in concerns in God's hands. He will assist you to recall all that is needed and assist our minds and bodies to work in unison. My heart goes out to you and my prayers are with you.


This is a great post. I too have said stupid things... Somehow what I want to say comes out very differently. For instance, I was trying to ask my husband to please hand me my coffee to which I said....Please pass my boo la boo. And with a smile on his face said...What?? My coffee, please.

He picked up my coffee and said, "Where do you want your boo la boo?? We both burst out laughing. We've had to be light hearted about it and have a sense of humor to survive. Thankfully there are times we have intelligent conversations. I find myself quieter in a group and not taking leadership roles where I have to speak in front of others. Yes indeed....times have changed...and you are not alone Lisa.

Hey Terri

There is Alzheimer's in my family my Aunt and Dad are both showing symptoms of it

Tez_20 said:

Hi Julie,

So correct it does'nt turn to Alzheimers but there's a large possibility with sjogrn's more so i'd better watch myself. :)

Julie said:

Yep brain fog I thought I had early onset Alzheimer's but turns out it was just brain fog from the disease and all the meds I have to take. Lists become your besties. Dont be too hard on yourself Lisa we all have gone through this in one form or another. Wishing you health. God Bless

Thank you everyone! It is nice to know I am not alone! Hubby and I do laugh about it but the fact it has got worse was what was freaking me out! I will mention it to my rheumy xxx

Lisa, it happended to me, quite often, especially when my blood counts are high and when I am in a lot of pain. Don't freak out, relax try to calm down, you subconcious is a big tool, it will be alright.

Hello Julie,

I did'nt know about your Aunt and dad having it sorry but i do know they can test children which is yourself when they're around 40 as it can show if your at that age limit i'd ask to be tested and how i know about 40yrs of age it's been on the tele in the uk about it in the past.

A large hug Terri xxx

Julie said:

Hey Terri

There is Alzheimer's in my family my Aunt and Dad are both showing symptoms of it

Tez_20 said:

Hi Julie,

So correct it does'nt turn to Alzheimers but there's a large possibility with sjogrn's more so i'd better watch myself. :)

Julie said:

Yep brain fog I thought I had early onset Alzheimer's but turns out it was just brain fog from the disease and all the meds I have to take. Lists become your besties. Dont be too hard on yourself Lisa we all have gone through this in one form or another. Wishing you health. God Bless

Hi Lisa,

It is an issue quite disturbing really, it makes fools of us even though we're educated and sometimes ste's said to me it sounds like your actual conversation sounds backwards.

See what your rheumo says. :) xxx

Lisa said:

Thank you everyone! It is nice to know I am not alone! Hubby and I do laugh about it but the fact it has got worse was what was freaking me out! I will mention it to my rheumy xxx

Hey Terri

They tested me about 10 years ago. I am clear. Thats when we figured out it was just brain fog but man it was strange. How are you doing these days? Feeling any better? XXOO julie

Hello Julie,

Well i am pleased nothing come of the test mate that is a huge relief and i am pleased where that's instead your mind still gets lost like we all with the fog and i do find it a pain..i mean i'm born and breed english but i mays well be a foreigner when talking.:) LOL

Julie i've got a bad flu virus lung infection which is'nt helping but my god it plays your gut up bad with pain and spreads down my legs besides a terrible headache and i always set to alarms of a morning for 8-30am i'm sleeping over the neighbour next door as add it 5wks and ste brought the virus into the home and he's had it weeks carrying the soon as it's gone mate i'm off down the doc's for the flu jab.

Love you loads...HUG Terri xxx

Julie said:

Hey Terri

They tested me about 10 years ago. I am clear. Thats when we figured out it was just brain fog but man it was strange. How are you doing these days? Feeling any better? XXOO julie