Anyone else having a problem with their jaw from prednisone? I've got a serious jaw clenching thing going on!
I tend to clench my jaw as a reaction to pain. Sometimes it’s unconscious, I don’t know I am doing it. I jokingly think my body handles the pain this way like how back in the Old West someone would bite a bullet to deal with pain - this is my body biting the bullet!! A cautious warning about jaw clenching - I have lost 2 teeth. My dentist told me I had no sign of decay to cause the tooth loss, both teeth broke at the root. I am only 44 and have always had very good dental care and have been very conscious of oral care. The doctor and dentist both think the tooth loss is due to dry mouth ( complication of autoimmune diseases) also could be caused by all the meds . Just a little warning I had no idea that tooth loss could be a complication from Lupus!! It has been suggested that I get a mouth guard for nighttime to reduce pressure when I do “grit” or clench my teeth. I also have been using a oral gel for dry mouth, during the day. I just wanted to mention this bc I really wish I had known before that I could lose teeth! It is extremely embarrassing ( both were front teeth) and even the extremely expensive implant I had put in came out . I now have basically a retainer w / two teeth attached to it. I have to wait for insurance to do something more permanent. Not trying to scare anyone but if it was me I always want to know the possibilities of crappy stuff that can happen bc of this damn disease !!
Thanks for the info! I too like to know as much as possible so I appreciate warning about the teeth. I think I will look into getting a mouthguard as well. I have 1 replacement tooth b/c when the drntist was driiling, it cracked.. They say that is common in older fillings so better to protect them. I did research and even tho it's not listed as a symptom of prednisone, there are alot of people who claim to have the jaw clenching issue as well. So many things to be aware of and watch out for, boy does this suck.
jammingirl said:
I tend to clench my jaw as a reaction to pain. Sometimes it's unconscious, I don't know I am doing it. I jokingly think my body handles the pain this way like how back in the Old West someone would bite a bullet to deal with pain - this is my body biting the bullet!! A cautious warning about jaw clenching - I have lost 2 teeth. My dentist told me I had no sign of decay to cause the tooth loss, both teeth broke at the root. I am only 44 and have always had very good dental care and have been very conscious of oral care. The doctor and dentist both think the tooth loss is due to dry mouth ( complication of autoimmune diseases) also could be caused by all the meds . Just a little warning I had no idea that tooth loss could be a complication from Lupus!! It has been suggested that I get a mouth guard for nighttime to reduce pressure when I do "grit" or clench my teeth. I also have been using a oral gel for dry mouth, during the day. I just wanted to mention this bc I really wish I had known before that I could lose teeth! It is extremely embarrassing ( both were front teeth) and even the extremely expensive implant I had put in came out . I now have basically a retainer w / two teeth attached to it. I have to wait for insurance to do something more permanent. Not trying to scare anyone but if it was me I always want to know the possibilities of crappy stuff that can happen bc of this damn disease !!
I have this problem too. It’s how I deal with pain. My dentist made me a retainer type thing that prevents me from locking my teeth together. I have Sjogren’s syndrome which goes hand in hand with lupus so all of my teeth are now crowns. Sjogren’s causes dry mouth, dry eyes, dry mucous memvranes etc… I highly suggest having your dentist make a guard. It even helped alleviate some of my headache pain. The ones mafe by the dentist can’t slip off your teeth during the night like some of the OTC ones. I worried about choking on it in my sleep…lol Hope you get relief soon!
I clench my teeth as well enough to where I am having pain in my teeth during the day.... I am not on prednisone so I have to agree with the wild wild west theory :)
I forgot to add that some antidepressants can cause jaw clenching/muscle spasms.
Hi, I used to get that as a symptom so I take a tiny bit of zanaflex…took care of that. But this past week Im on a prednisone taper and my hands are crampy. Love that med because it takes away the inflamation and gives me energy, but its a hard core stimulant.
I have a lot of trouble clenching and finding my teeth but it’s not from any of my meds. I had TMJ surgery last summer and now my bite is off a bit so my teeth don’t hit the same way sure to having them wired shut for 3 weeks. I told my surgeon on my last visit to him about it and he first recommended having the high points ground down. Do I did but it didn’t help so now I keep either gum or Tootsie Roll pops handy. He thought that was a good idea. I wear a mouthpiece at night for any grinding.
Hi! I’ve have never had that ! For 3years I have been taking prednisone , I’ve never knew that would happen , maybe that is a side affect? Call the doctor or the nurse of your doctor let then know what is going on , maybe your mgrams are to high ?..Beverly l.
I haven't taken prednisone in awhile, but I have a terrible jaw clenching issue to where i wake up at night in so much facial pain. I have tried expensive mouth guards, and just chew right threw what the dentist swore to me was indestructible....go to walmart in the sporting goods section and get the kid sized mouth guards that are like $2 or $3. boil them to fit. the adult ones are like sized for giants or something, they are way too big.
So then you just get a bunch, i chew through them alot but its $2 and not $350 for the one from the dentist.
6rebecca, did your guard cover your teeth? I chewed through one of that type my dentist made for me. Now I have one that I can’t chew through because it looks like a retainer with the wire around the outside of my teeth but on the inside it a plate that just my front lower teeth hit. It keeps my molars from even touching eachother. It is vitually impossible to chew through because the piece in the roof of my mouth blocks my teeth from coming together… The wires keep it locked in place so there’s no way I can pop it out with my tongue in my sleep. Not sure if that’s the kind you had but I’ve had mine for 7 years after chewing through several of the other kind.
I tend to clench alot too! I have tmj which is a factor but I do believe some of it is from prednisone! I clench alot at night also. I hope to find out how to deal with this because its quite painful and annoying!