Has anyone experienced jaw necrosis, ( dead bone), due to biophasphonates, a medication used in most medications for Osteoarthritis? I was told that this can happen, but is rare. It may be more common after having a tooth extracted, but I have not, yet this is the third time I have this problem. This one is much more painful than the last two. I now have to see an Oral Surgeon, and perhaps have surgery. I was curious if anyone else has experienced this.
You can get it from prednisone too. It was bad enough to have a total hip replacement.
Actually it is more common than rare anymore. I seem to have more jaw pain with lupus and I did stop taking the meds for osteoarthritis mostly because of my stomach and too many meds. Good luck and keep us updated.
Never heard of it, Thanks for the info, and I hope you feel better.
Yes, I have had lots of dental work and was told that my next go round would have to be implants but they were concerned because I have very little bone in my head. They were discussing grafts in my case. Kinda freaky.
My ENT mentioned something about my jaw when I had a fungal infection in my ear. I do have osteoarthritis but I am not taking anything for it. Interesting.
I am sorry, if I misspoke, I meant to say that I have osteoporosis , not osteoarthritis, which I have as well. My bone density measures into the, “senile” range. How I hate that term, I am 64, but senile??? Anyway, I am sure that is where the difference exists. My bones are very thin, and the dr. mentioned if I fell, I would more than likely, break a hip. I see the oral surgeon soon, if there is new information to share, I will be sure to do so.