
So I’ve not been formally diagnosed with anything yet, however I have my first appointment in December with a rhumey so hopefully I’ll get some answers and some meds soon!

However right now, sleeping or lack of sleep is driving me insane! I struggle to get to sleep even though I feel exhausted and when I do eventually get off, I wake up every few hours and have ‘broken’ sleep all night. I’ve been given amatriptaline which worked for the first week or so but has no effect now really. I was wondering if anyone had any tips or ideas on how to get a better nights sleep or what’s worked for them in the past. I’ve tried all the calming obvious calming things like having a bath, warm drink, not eating late but nothing is working!


I don’t know. I only get 3-4 hours of sleep at a time a night. I have no advice. I just empathize.

My rheumo reccommended Benadryl-not habit-forming & non-interactive with all my meds. I take 50 mgs at nite. It has helped me get to sleep, and sleep longer. Still not all nite, but much better.

I’m so sorry to hear you’re not sleeping well. As one with chronic insomnia, I empathize with your plight. I take sleeping medication on occasion (ie Sonata), but find it doesn’t work if I use it on a regular basis. Sometimes I’ll use Motrin pm or Advil pm or Tylenol pm. It helps with my pain and helps me to get to sleep, though, like you, I have trouble staying asleep. I know some people recommend natural remedies like melatonin and velarian (sp?) root, but they never worked for me. Sorry I can’t be more helpful. Good luck with your appointment with the rheumatologist. Best, Kim

I suffer chronic and ongoing insomnia I’m prescribed lunesta it works like a charm. Absolutly no hangover like ambian try it 3 mg

I agree with fearful …have used both ambient and lunesta. Ambien hadterrible and potentially dangerous side effects. I use lunesta now but try not to take it regularly or it losses it effect. Sometimes will use 1/2 a xanax…but it is awful. Unless you go through the sleeplessness, people have no idea what it ia like.

These are out of a book called "Food Cures". I only would suggest these because the one I tried for stomach upset and it worked like a dream.

A couple is half a ground nutmeg steeped for 10 minutes in hot water (no more than that), drink 1/2 hour before bed

Also a glass of elderberry juice (available at health food stores) at room temperature.

And two suggestions are to place a halved raw onion under your pillow (rapped well in paper towels) I know it sounds weird but it couldn't hurt.

The other thing is, and I know this works, keep your body cool but your feel warm. It's the only time I actually want to be cool, but it helps a lot.

Just some tips and understand this is from the book.

I hope that some of these are helpful.

And here's to a good nights sleep.


I have been prescribed perscription strength sleep aids on and off for a while now, but recently it wasn’t helping. I tried ZzzQuil and I actually feel it works better. Plus it’s not a hassle to get since you don’t need a perscription.

Chloe, so many of us struggle with sleep. Pain interferes, dealing with stress, becoming over tired, and more. You are very much not alone!

These are tips my sleep doctor gave me.

Sleep hygiene is important. Save your bed only for sleeping if not extremely unwell, same set schedule each day for your time to sleep and bedtime routine is helpful. Have your room as cool as you can tolerate it, and very dark. I used to find a warm bath relaxing before bed, but now unable to get myself out! Lower the lights, turn off tv, only soothing music, maybe do something like read for a bit. Make sure your bed is comfy as possible. Using plenty of pillows can help take pressure off joints, and you can consider investing in a memory foam bed topper. Several layers of lightweight covers help, use what you need and fold others down to the foot of the bed. Heavy covers can increase joint pain.

There are meds to help like ambien, lunesta, trazadone, and others, you will need a prescription to get them. A natural help is Melatonin (sp?) supplements taken about a half hour before bed. They were recommended for a family member by his doctor, are not addictive, and can be bought in the health food store or somewhere with a pharmacy, usually less expensive at Target or Walmart.

Hope you are getting more and better quality rest very soon. It really helps us all to deal with the day to day life with chronic illness.

hugs, Louise

Hi Wendy,

If zzzzquil works for you, consider taking a generic Benadryl, or diphenhydramine. The active ingredient in zzzzquil is diphenhydramine and it is very cheap if you buy the generic- I got 400 pills for about $4 at SAMs.

Wendy J said:

I have been prescribed perscription strength sleep aids on and off for a while now, but recently it wasn’t helping. I tried ZzzQuil and I actually feel it works better. Plus it’s not a hassle to get since you don’t need a perscription.

Rooibos tea is purported to help with sleep, and it does seem to help me -- I have it pretty much every night before bed now. Numi makes an awesome rooibos chai -- I have it with a little honey and a splash of coconut milk creamer and it is delicious and very soothing.

Hi! Try NyQuil for sleep!! For about 4weeks, the first week take it everynite at the same time, then for the second week take every other day (always at the same time), third week take it 2days out of the week at the same time, make sure that you have quite sleep area, no noise, not the phone, T.V nothing that will catch your mind to be active !! By the 4th week you Should be able to just relax enough for your body to just go to sleep! Hope this work it did for my …Beverly L.

Thanks for all the advice guys, I think I’m going to try some sort of tea as that seems to help a lot of people. Went back to my g on Monday and he’s upped my dose of amatriptaline to 50mg which is doing a good job of helping me sleep through!
Chloe x

Hi Beverly, if NyQuil for sleep helps you, try generic Benadryl- it has the same active ingredient, diphenhydramine, and it is so much cheaper especially at SAMs or Walmart. Happy sleeping!

Beverly L. said:

Hi! Try NyQuil for sleep!! For about 4weeks, the first week take it everynite at the same time, then for the second week take every other day (always at the same time), third week take it 2days out of the week at the same time, make sure that you have quite sleep area, no noise, not the phone, T.V nothing that will catch your mind to be active !! By the 4th week you Should be able to just relax enough for your body to just go to sleep! Hope this work it did for my …Beverly L.

Hi, I tried that , it does nothing for me!! I don’t take it anymore. My sleep time is okay for the most part, hope you find the relief , take care …Beverly L.