4am? Really?

Normally I fight to stay up past 9 pm and sleep 10-16 hours a day. I’ve been sick with a respiratory virus for 3 days and have slept even more. Now, out of nowhere, I’m wide awake at 4am, only having fallen asleep for about 30 minutes a couple of hours ago. I’m on Plaquenil, prednisone and Tramadol. Just started the Tramadol-I thought that was supposed to make you sleepy?
I hope this isn’t the start of something new…don’t take my sleep away! Lol.

Sometimes drugs like Tramadol can have the opposite affect. Lupus can definitely disrupt sleep patterns, when your fighting off a virus you do sleep more and the more you sleep the less sleep you need, or so I've been told. I don't know but that's what they tell me. hope you feel better soon.

Tramadol never worked for me, I would be awake almost all night. I switched to Trazadone and it worked for awhile so I had my dose increased I take 200mg a night and it’s starting not to work anymore. I believe I am building up immunity to the meds. Hoping to find something else.

Sounds like our old friend prednisone

Thanks!. My rheumy is trying to find a replacement for Celebrex since my new insurance company won’t cover it. I’ve used Celebrex for 6 years… So far she’s tried Naproxyn(didn’t work), Nambumetol (didn’t work) and now Tramadol (too soon to tell). I keep thinking about getting up then decide to try and get some sleep. Ugh!

celebrex doesn't do a thing for me, and really the insurance copay is $25, so why bother

my rheumy doesn't seem to believe me that my hands expecially are in constant pain.

but about sleep....i never sleep on prednisone. and it makes joint pain worse. how long have you been on that?

Been on prednisone since October - no sleep problems before this.. I have to suspect the Tramadol. Its so interesting how everyone reacts to drugs differently. Anyway, I'm on my way to the doctor, I've had a 101 fever and nasty cough since Saturday. (I never used to get sick pre-Lupus - now I've had 2 major upper respiratory infections in 4 months). :(

I know it doesn’t feel like it now, but life gets better even with Lupus. I wish I lived closer to you, I would suggest a personal support group, where we all meet once a week and support each other but I live on a small island in North West of Washington State called Whidbey. Island. If anybody else lives on Whidbey and wants to start a sport group let me know.

I have been on Tramadol and it definitely causes insomnia and sleep problems. Amitriptyline is a great medicine to help with sleep, and it also helps with body pains as a bonus. Sleeping so much can mess up the internal body clock and cause you to wake up in the middle of the night and feel wide awake. Im so sorry :frowning: I deal with sleep problems all the time, I really know how it feels. Look at natural remedies for help, look at eating certain foods that help you sleep at night, and creating an atmosphere for your time to go to bed, etc. I really hope you feel better soon!

Not sleeping…ugh! Know it all too well. Have you tried Melatonin? Best to run it by your doc. Good luck!!

Thanks for the info everyone! I wasn't having much trouble sleeping until I started on Tramadol.... I will keep an eye on it!


I’ve read on Johns Hopkins lupus site that melatonin is something people with lupus should not take. I can’t remember why, but if you look it up I’m sure you can read about it. Just don’t want you getting worse.