I know this may be a Strange question But .... Does anyone have excess sweating for no reason during a flare?

I was wondering if it may be a symptom or something else ?? I can be in air conditioning and just break out into a sweat that has me just dripping wet.

oh yes you are not alone in this symptom at all !! I am sitting in our living room as we speak with the air on and the ceiling fan on high and I am burning up and sweating. I sometimes freeze my family, so they have learned to get throw and cover up with. Do you run a low grade fever also ? I know i do when I am in a flare. It seems it is just another lovely symptom for us. Love and prayers to you !!

Sure do, mainly at night, soaking wet that I have to get up in middle of the night to change. I thought I was premenopausal but doc confirm that was not the case. It is strange though.

Now that you mention it, and given I only received a lupus diagnosis 7 days ago so still connecting the dots.....I have been wondering why I am waking up with what I consider low grade night sweats.....I am not sopping wet, but more than uncomfortable. In my case it is winter, temp is about 2 degrees here in Melbourne overnight atm. Thought it was odd. Does anyone know if there is anything that can be done about this? Or do you just grin and bear it?

I have had lupus for almost 20 years now and I developed the excessive sweating about 4 years ago. Night time is the worst for me too. Sometimes it literally looks like I peed the bed from head to toe. (I really didnt) lol. I’ve had thyroid tested, my hormones, and a sleep study done. Can’t find any reason for it but it is annoying and sometimes embarrassing.

Yes, it is so frustrating. I try to research as much as I can about the symptoms I get (related or not) I have read that in women Lupus has been linked to early menopause and hot flashes.

I have had lupus for at least 20yrs and i had early hotflashes,i was in my early 20s and then i had a complete hysterectomy at 24 i am 56 now and i still have problems with burning up one min and freezing the next or worse yet my hair is soaked with sweat and my hands are frozen white from raynans,there r days when i wonder how can one body do so many differant things all at once,i talked to my dr about this and this was her reply its your lupus,well i felt like smacking her and say sorry its because of my lupus. lol i mean come on i am not a dr but i figured that out on my own what i wanted to know is there anything u can do about it,i never got an answer,so i guess its just one more lovely side effect we have to live with.good luck maybe someday we will get some answers until then hang in there

I used to have to wear special deodorant and would not hold hands with anyone because I’d be so sweaty and now that’s toned down a little but if its less than 70 (or 75-80 on a windy day) I freeze and if its more than 80 I am dripping with sweat its crazy. I am 24 and Italian so I’ve always made jokes that I’m just a hairy girl going through early menopause becaus I’m always wearing sweaters in the ac and peeling my clothes off the next minute. I did not know that could be lupus related. Wow

yes, at night is the worst, during the day I am freezing cold and here in Alabama It is around 90 degrees here