I am 63lbs lighter!

Hello Ann,

Well over here it's not known for shaping your calfs just showing off your legs with the right dress sense...if i tried to wear them now, my god it would be a laugh i'd go flying over heels in them.lol

Like my flatties since i had my strokes with a 1" heel suites me....well i really am hoping your leg muscles get stronger and there's no permanent nerve damage because once you have that there's no coming back on issues.

So best of luck mate. xxxx

Ann A. said:


High heeled shoes were invented for the purpose of enlarging the calf muscles of women. In my case wearing the high heel on the right leg is also helping with tendons and ligaments in the groin. They are very strong and very thick and have been going in the wrong direction for years. This is definitely helping with that pain. And if the leg muscles don't get stronger, then we will know that there is permanent nerve damage and get on with life. I got some crutches.

Lov ya

Wow that is awesome! You look fabulous! How did u do it? Im strugglling with trying to lose the weight this medicine made me gain. Before I was taking a supplement to take away my hunger but my dr told me to stop all supplements. I want to lose the last 30lbs I have gained back!

Thanks Becca! I’m down 76lbs as of this morning! =)

I use an app for my iPhone called myfitnesspal. They also have a website and both are free. You plug in all your stats and it tells you how many calories to eat. Then you enter your food in and it keeps track of what you’ve eaten for the day. It also can scan barcodes and enters the food that way. It’s really easy to use. I walk for an hour a day 5-6 times a week on my treadmill and do a little bit of strength training with dumbbells.

Becca2673 said:

Wow that is awesome! You look fabulous! How did u do it? Im strugglling with trying to lose the weight this medicine made me gain. Before I was taking a supplement to take away my hunger but my dr told me to stop all supplements. I want to lose the last 30lbs I have gained back!

Wow you look fabulous!!! Congrats on your success! I need to lose myself but seems since I went on the medications, I’ve gained! I’m miserable :frowning: any suggestions?

Huney u look amazing. I am so proud of you. I wish I could loose some roof the weight I put on from the damn prednesone… Keep it up !!!

Huney u look amazing. I am so proud of you. I wish I could loose some roof the weight I put on from the damn prednesone… Keep it up !!! And 63lb is not a minor succses. It’s a huge succses!!! To say the least.


That's the only thing with steriods they just keep adding weight but they're surposed to be the quick reactors to conditions.

sunshinespraypaint said:

Huney u look amazing. I am so proud of you. I wish I could loose some roof the weight I put on from the damn prednesone... Keep it up !!! And 63lb is not a minor succses. It's a huge succses!!! To say the least.

"Bumping the thread back up"

Roni was doing doing well with her weight loss besides having moments of tiedness....as anyone heard from her to see if she's ok, as i've left comments and not heard from her, i do hope she's fine.

I am fine! So sorry to worry you Teri. I did have a flare, but am back up and kicking for the last few days. I have been crazy busy trying to play catch up though. Laundry was piled up and house was a disaster!

Weight loss is still going well. I’ve lost 78lbs so far and still working at it. I’m hoping to be at my goal (lose 100lbs) by the end of summer, then i’ll re-evaluate and see where i want to be weight wise. I’ll likely keep going for maybe another 20lbs or so after that.", but i’ll be switching to “maintenance” and that last 20lbs will be really slow coming off. I hadn’t been walking during my flare though and today was the first day i got back at that. Muscles are a bit sore but not too bad.

I’m still waiting to get into the rheumatologist, 7 months and counting!! I also developed a heart murmur, which is likely nothing but the doctor wants me to see a cardiologist to make sure. So now i’m also waiting on that appointment. Platelet counts were re-done last week but i don’t have the results back yet. Hoping that they stabilized though… Fingers crossed.

Hope you all are doing well and flare free! =)

Hello Roni,

Oh mate i am pleased to hear off you as i'd not seen you on and with you losing weight and working out...i actually thought you'd harmed yourself one way or another as you know we can over do it.

I know your trying to play catch up but do it steady just recovering please...incase you over exhaust your body.

Very good mate i am chuffed your still going at it even though you've not ben well and come the summeri hope you hit your goal., that's wht i mean watching your muscles etc because you was strenthening them up...so they'll need working back up slowly again.

My eldest sister was born with an heart mumur and you can get anxiety attacks with it, she's never took it serious and she's still alive and kicking well but at least your doctor wants it checking that one good thing and i hope your counts come back ok...i'm crossing my fingers for you this end mate.

Well i've been took off the dapsone it was sending me yellow..the dermo won't touch me with meds now as it's internal regarding my organs and i've been refered to a new rheumo waiting for an appointment like yourself where more tests will be run as apparentley my body is rejecting medication....at the moment i'm in severe pain with my legs and it's terrible but i thinks it's to do with the muscle wastage as i've gone alot weaker.

Thank you again for getting intouch and please take things steady till your up and going properly.

Love you loads mate. xxxx

Sorry to hear the medication didn’t agree with you. Hopefully you’ll be quicker getting into the rheumy than me! I’m sure they’ll find something that will work.

I’m not overly concerned about the murmur. The doctor is just being overly careful because i have a right aortic arch which is a congenital thing where your heart is in kind of backwards. They didn’t even find it until i was in my mid-twenties and that was purely by chance. So i’ve never had a problem with it and am sure it’ll just be an innocent murmur. Just more pain in the rump tests and appointments! LOL

Don’t worry, i’ll take it easy! (trust me i don’t function well if i’m sore so avoid it at all costs! LOL)


That is awesome !!! Congrats on the weight loss !!! You look great! :slight_smile:

Hello Roni,

I hope i get to seem him soon mate as i need something to help regarding the pain.

Well by what you said Roni, it is best to be double checkwed out mate just to make completley sure your fine concerning the murmur.

Well it sounds like me if you not well you don't pressure you body as it only puts you in furthur pain. xxxx

Roni said:

Sorry to hear the medication didn't agree with you. Hopefully you'll be quicker getting into the rheumy than me! I'm sure they'll find something that will work.

I'm not overly concerned about the murmur. The doctor is just being overly careful because i have a right aortic arch which is a congenital thing where your heart is in kind of backwards. They didn't even find it until i was in my mid-twenties and that was purely by chance. So i've never had a problem with it and am sure it'll just be an innocent murmur. Just more pain in the rump tests and appointments! LOL

Don't worry, i'll take it easy! (trust me i don't function well if i'm sore so avoid it at all costs! LOL)


Hello Roni,

We've not heard off you in a while...i really hope your not over doing it and still trying to take things steady in between.

Please update we mate when you can because it would be lovely to know how your weights going plus how you are in general with your health.

All my love Terri xxx

Thinking Of You Girl Rose

Hey Terri!

I am doing pretty good. I’ve lost about 87lbs now. I haven’t been using the treadmill much the last couple of weeks because my joints have been acting up. Really having some issues with my knees and elbows. I had my platelets go up for a bit, but now just waiting to hear if they have dropped again (had a lot of bruising and bleeding gums so the dr thinks they may have dropped again). I went yesterday and they’ll call if they are too low.
We painted my daughters room over the weekend and all her furniture so i’ve been pretty wiped out this week. I’m just taking it easy and letting the mess pile up around me! LOL
We also ordered a new bed & mattress. Upgrading to a king size and a softer memory foam matress (our current memory foam is a firm one). Hubby is hoping it will help ease the mornings for me. I really didn’t want to spend the money since nothing is wrong with our current set, but hubby twisted my arm! My daughter (who also has PsA) is inheriting our current set so she is also upgrading with our hand me downs from a double coil mattress to a queen memory foam. She’s pretty excited to get our canopy bed and already has the tulle and twinkly lights ready for the switch. =D
It’s been pretty busy around here getting things ready, which is why i haven’t been on too much. Between work and keeping up with the house, the extra stuff has me exhausted. I’m glad it’s all done and i can take it easy for a bit.
Hope all is well with you! Have they started you on something else yet?

Hello Roni,

Lovely to hear off you mate as i was wondering how you was going last time we was in touch you was running an hectic life which is no good for you.

I am pleased for you though as it's still coming off and you want to leave the treadmill alone if your having trouble with your joints...well i hope your platelets have lowered and it must be terrible having your gums bleed besides soreness when brushing your teeth besides bruising...you always get that with platelets up and down.

See you've still been at it being busy and your bad but it's nice to look back even though your ill and see you've still achieved something and that's a great feeling to have....and when the mess as piled up come tomorrow being friday the lot will be sorted.lol....oh Roni you do make me laugh mate but your still an excellent inspiration to we all.

Very nice mate having a kingsize i've got one of those memory foam mattresses and i'm not trying to disappoint you but some if not made to the quality they should be can cause allergies to your skin....mines 100% checked it out and my sister went abd brought one when she saw mine, oh my god her Rosacea went bad and she was scratching bad, she found out that he's was carrying certain chemicals she sold it on after a week and brought a normal mattress.

Roni here's a link on what ones mixed with chemicals can do.


Roni mine is a proper Tempur because of my skin etc but this link tells you the best to buy, i'm only adding these because i'm abit concerned incase what your buying may affect you...unless you have brought the pure memory foam.


Well what i've read you know what your buying so the links may help other member's.lol and i do apologise was just abit concerned....and they saying goes here hand me downs are better than nothing at all...i love my foam mattress as it adjusts to my body temp and having raynauds suites me a treat....oh bless your daughter Roni on how excited she is but it will make you smile and that's all that counts.

Roni i'll get intouch with you from time to time because you usually pic my messages up quick.

I was pulled off the Dapsone as you know my systems came back double the pain...so i saw my GP about putting me back on plaquenil again he did'nt want to because the concern is my organs all the time but he gave it me anyway, only until i get an appointment for the new rheumo.

Thanks for asking mate and you takecare and becareful.

Love you loads Terri xxx

Good for you. You look lovely & I'm sure you feel better & daily activities must be a bit easier. Kind Regards Kaz

Hi Kaz,

Roni's been doing well...although she goes abit over the top sometimes (Just having the crack Ronni) lol

Kaz said:

Good for you. You look lovely & I'm sure you feel better & daily activities must be a bit easier. Kind Regards Kaz

Thanks Kaz! I really should update my picture, i’ve lost another 24lbs since that was taken (87lbs down to date!). The progress has slowed down but i’m still losing slow but sure. I haven’t really figured out where to stop yet but i’ve still got about 39lbs to go to hit the healthy BMI range (i’m tall so carry extra weight fairly well). I figure i’ll re-evaluate at that point and decide then. I don’t want to be too skinny (and hubby appreciates my curves! LOL).

Hi Roni,

Some new updated pic's would be nice mate and you do make me laugh my hubby like my curves.lol

Love you loads mate. xxx