I am 63lbs lighter!

This is so awesome! Keep up whatever you are doing!


I think it's brillaint at how hard Roni as worked besides the pain she's in besides...i just hope she does'nt hurt her precious legs to much.

Angel312 said:

This is so awesome! Keep up whatever you are doing!

Sorry for the delay in replying… it’s been a very busy few days!

Ann - you certainly have been through the ringer with physio. I tend to agree with you that working on the weaker leg would help balance them out. That seems to make sense. I hope it works out for you…dance away my dear!!

Tez - i’m so lucky that i don’t have a sweet tooth! I don’t even like chocolate! LOL good luck with your new meds… i hope they work well for you. Seems to almost be a trial and error thing until they find something that works.

Megalupusnewbie - i do have some pain, probably more of a “discomfort” when using the treadmill. If i’m having a flare and things are really painful, i skip the exercise. Somedays i go longer or faster, just kind of do what i can given how i’m feeling. I find having a set time that i do it everyday is helpful. I know that at 10am i am suppose to be doing exercise. So whether i want to or not i just make myself get off my butt and get it done because it’s what i’m suppose to be doing.

Thank you all for the support!

Hello Roni,

Well i think your doing great mate and you've got a great advantage helping you along the way if you've not got a sweet tooth like me...keep up the good work.

Cheers mate regarding my meds and hopefully my body excepts the drug ok.

Love Terri xxx

Hello Ronni,

How you feeling with your health and hows your diet still going?

Terri xxx

It’s going well… I’ve lost 66 so far and still going =)

Now that the weather is warming up my joints are starting to feel a bit better so I’m hoping I’ll be able to get more walking in to help with the weight loss.

How did you make out with your new meds?

Tez_20 said:

Hello Ronni,

How you feeling with your health and hows your diet still going?

Terri xxx

Hi Ronni,

Lovely to hear off you and now your joints are'nt aching so much with the weather...i wished it would warm up here more we're into may and it's still freezing but the walking you intend to do will soon move it but watch your pace and don't get over doing it and setting yourself back...just abit concerned that's all Ronni when your doing so good.

Well i started the meds on Monday night and by wednesday dinner my face went hot and my head felt like it was really leaking sweat but it was inside and i got some wet wipes and keep rubbing my head.lol...i've also had nausea and one episode where i went to throw up and it just stopped on me but today mainly an headache besides a bruise developing on the top of my right hand.

Touch wood i can't moan so far and i hope it stops that way.

Love Terri xxx

Roni said:

It's going well... I've lost 66 so far and still going =)

Now that the weather is warming up my joints are starting to feel a bit better so I'm hoping I'll be able to get more walking in to help with the weight loss.

How did you make out with your new meds?

Tez_20 said:

Hello Ronni,

How you feeling with your health and hows your diet still going?

Terri xxx

Congradulations on your weight loss.

Terri -

Don’t worry I am careful and listen to my body. That’s why I use the treadmill, at least then if I start to get sore I can quit for the day. I learned that the hard way!

Sorry you are having some side effects and hoping that they go away quickly. I really hope that they help. How long will you need to take them before you know if they are effective?

Tez_20 said:

Hi Ronni,

Lovely to hear off you and now your joints are’nt aching so much with the weather…i wished it would warm up here more we’re into may and it’s still freezing but the walking you intend to do will soon move it but watch your pace and don’t get over doing it and setting yourself back…just abit concerned that’s all Ronni when your doing so good.

Well i started the meds on Monday night and by wednesday dinner my face went hot and my head felt like it was really leaking sweat but it was inside and i got some wet wipes and keep rubbing my head.lol…i’ve also had nausea and one episode where i went to throw up and it just stopped on me but today mainly an headache besides a bruise developing on the top of my right hand.

Touch wood i can’t moan so far and i hope it stops that way.

Love Terri xxx

Roni said:

It’s going well… I’ve lost 66 so far and still going =)

Now that the weather is warming up my joints are starting to feel a bit better so I’m hoping I’ll be able to get more walking in to help with the weight loss.

How did you make out with your new meds?

Tez_20 said:

Hello Ronni,

How you feeling with your health and hows your diet still going?

Terri xxx

You look great…I love my fitnesspal.com. I wish i had your drive.

Roni said:

I started on Nov 4th… So 5 1/2 months. I use the myfitnesspal app to track my calories. You just put in your stats and how much you want to lose per week and it tells you how many calories you should eat. The app has a bar code scanner so you can just scan things to enter them.

Dunnia said:
Wow you look great!!!.. Im so happy for you how long did it take?.. I gain 90lbs with the prednisone… I been working out and eating healthy so i hope i can loose some pounds too…congratttss!!! U look fantastic girl!!!..

Wow what you have accomplished should make you feel amazing, cuz you are! You know I never struggled with weight until I hurt my back/neck. In 1992 I herniated 3 disks in my neck and gained 50 lbs.....always weighed between 95 and 115 lbs all my adulthood.......and BOOM there I was.After I had my surgery and healed I started working out a bit, nothing heavy duty...but I was moving, and lost about 40 lbs. Then I went back to work and lost more. Then bam, hurt my lumbar and then started prednisone after diagnosed w/Lupus and OH MY! My back is so messed as many of you have experienced I know, that I just cannot do any exercising right now. I hope and pray that someday I can get the surgery I need and get back on track. I used to walk at least 2 miles every morning before work and now I'm just like an old rag doll....lol

You give yourself a huge hug cuz you are amazing for what you have accomplished! Thanks for sharing and hugs to you ;)

Hello Ronni,

Well at least with a Treadmill you can go at your own pace like you say...the medication will take 3-4mths before seeing any difference it's quicker than the plaquenil i was on for seeing any affect and today as'nt been to bad just slight nausea they left me over 10mins. xxx

Roni said:

Terri -

Don't worry I am careful and listen to my body. That's why I use the treadmill, at least then if I start to get sore I can quit for the day. I learned that the hard way!

Sorry you are having some side effects and hoping that they go away quickly. I really hope that they help. How long will you need to take them before you know if they are effective?

Tez_20 said:

Hi Ronni,

Lovely to hear off you and now your joints are'nt aching so much with the weather...i wished it would warm up here more we're into may and it's still freezing but the walking you intend to do will soon move it but watch your pace and don't get over doing it and setting yourself back...just abit concerned that's all Ronni when your doing so good.

Well i started the meds on Monday night and by wednesday dinner my face went hot and my head felt like it was really leaking sweat but it was inside and i got some wet wipes and keep rubbing my head.lol...i've also had nausea and one episode where i went to throw up and it just stopped on me but today mainly an headache besides a bruise developing on the top of my right hand.

Touch wood i can't moan so far and i hope it stops that way.

Love Terri xxx

Roni said:

It's going well... I've lost 66 so far and still going =)

Now that the weather is warming up my joints are starting to feel a bit better so I'm hoping I'll be able to get more walking in to help with the weight loss.

How did you make out with your new meds?

Tez_20 said:

Hello Ronni,

How you feeling with your health and hows your diet still going?

Terri xxx

Hi Gail,

I think a large majority of ous feel like rag dolls so your not alone on that score, it's just a shame they won't do anything to help you as yet and the prednisone being a steriod will make you gain wait and being in constant pain is enough to depresse anyone... i really feel for you. xxx

Angel312 said:

Wow what you have accomplished should make you feel amazing, cuz you are! You know I never struggled with weight until I hurt my back/neck. In 1992 I herniated 3 disks in my neck and gained 50 lbs.....always weighed between 95 and 115 lbs all my adulthood.......and BOOM there I was.After I had my surgery and healed I started working out a bit, nothing heavy duty...but I was moving, and lost about 40 lbs. Then I went back to work and lost more. Then bam, hurt my lumbar and then started prednisone after diagnosed w/Lupus and OH MY! My back is so messed as many of you have experienced I know, that I just cannot do any exercising right now. I hope and pray that someday I can get the surgery I need and get back on track. I used to walk at least 2 miles every morning before work and now I'm just like an old rag doll....lol

You give yourself a huge hug cuz you are amazing for what you have accomplished! Thanks for sharing and hugs to you ;)

These pics are amazing...you should do your own commercial ;)

Thanks Angel! I still have about 40lbs to lose. I’m 5’10" and although the after pic looks much better, I still have some belly and butt left to lose! LOL

After a very painful day on Sunday (hips had me in tears), I woke up yesterday and felt great! I walked for an hour on the treadmill and then last night took the dig for a walk around the lake with my hubby (about 40 minute walk). I was exhausted last night but other than a little stiffness in my hip I was pretty good. Woke up this morning and other then muscle soreness from the walking I’m still pretty good. I’ll be back at it today (figure I’ll get exercise in while I can! LOL).

Tez ~ sorry it takes so long for your drugs to start working, I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you =)

Angel312 said:

These pics are amazing…you should do your own commercial :wink:

Hi Roni,

You sound like your doing great and really working at it hard...i'd say to hard but you know your own body but i did laugh at your commment still got to lose some belly and butt.lol.

Cheers mate about the dapsone at the moment just going through side affects and i'm sure my hubby thinks he's married a dragon (Temper wise) xxx

Roni said:

Thanks Angel! I still have about 40lbs to lose. I'm 5'10" and although the after pic looks much better, I still have some belly and butt left to lose! LOL

After a very painful day on Sunday (hips had me in tears), I woke up yesterday and felt great! I walked for an hour on the treadmill and then last night took the dig for a walk around the lake with my hubby (about 40 minute walk). I was exhausted last night but other than a little stiffness in my hip I was pretty good. Woke up this morning and other then muscle soreness from the walking I'm still pretty good. I'll be back at it today (figure I'll get exercise in while I can! LOL).

Tez ~ sorry it takes so long for your drugs to start working, I'll keep my fingers crossed for you =)

Angel312 said:

These pics are amazing...you should do your own commercial ;)

Ann ~ That’s how I feel… get the exercise in while I can! That way I don’t have to feel guilty on days that I can’t. I am down another pound this morning! I hope to hit 70lbs down next week! =)

Tez ~ you are sweet to worry, but I am really careful and only do what I can for exercise. On good days I do a bunch but on bad days I cuddle up in bed with my heating pad. Most of my loss is from diet changes. Mostly from cutting out all the milk I was drinking to combat stomach problems from the NSAIDs. The doctor put me on a double dose of stomach meds (Tecta twice a day). That stuff is awesome! Now I never have stomach pain! =)

I’m really hoping the DMARD will get the arthritis under control… If I ever get into the rhuematologist! 6 months of waiting so far… should be soon though!


It's nice to hear your doing what you can on good days and on rough ones resting...my concern is through knowing how Lupus can make we so ill at times and i think it's great what your doing.

Well changing your diet as done alot for you...i've cut certain things out with my IBS but since i woke this morning i've not eaten anything yet and ste's just been saying you want to eat something...yesterday he told me you want to get in bed earlier and i told him i mays well raise my parents back from their graves as i had that with them...mind you i should be grateful he worries but i find it annoying at times like i'm being got at (if you know what i mean, especially my age 44) lol.

The main pain i get is from IBS i take spasm tablets 3 times a day and lactose for the toilet and my bowels are any how and when i eat i still have to watch my intake incase pain kicks off.

That’s great Anne! LOL

Glad you got your eye surgery done and are feeling better about the upcoming summer.

I’m down 72lbs now! The last 10lbs was very slow coming off but I’ve lost a ton of inches with it so I think I may actually be building muscle! I have dropped another clothing size, down to a 14 in pants and mostly size large tops but I actually have a jacket in a size medium!!

Ann A. said:

Dear Roni,

I will confess that I spent most of the month of May in a sulk. I was very unhappy that the eye surgeon could not put me on his schedule until June. All of the plans that I made for the summer were shot. Yea, I know what they say about how much God laughs when human beings make plans. But now that I have had my first eye cataract surgery, I am over my sulk and working harder to strengthen the “smaller leg.” On Friday I had to take my car to the shop and while I was sitting there I watched the women walking past and got a great idea for a new piece of exercise equipment. You know, I am still spending most of the day in the house. I sit at this computer and work on my studies but I am getting very good at getting up and changing position at least every half an hour. Now, every time I get out of this chair, I am giving that leg some exercise, because I have this on my right foot. LOL

Hi Ann,

Buying some shoes to get your legs going is a smashing idea plus your brought to mind a lady who does the length of the canal here where i live....even in the summer she as a coat on high heels and is in her 40s and here's me last year on my scooter with bruno on the lose and she comes past walking like lighten, then she passes me again later taking her jacket off and i laughed and she stopped talking and told me she was exercising and found doing it in high heels helped her, she was a a uk size 16 and gone to a 12 by keep walking up and down the length of the canal, sweating for god knows how long but twice daily and as she walked past ilooked at her...the calf muscles in her legs was better than anyone doing weight training at a gym.

Myself i thought it was brilliant...never seen that one before. xxx