I am 63lbs lighter!

"Bumping this Discussion up"

Hello Roni,

You've not been on in a few weeks and i do hope your keeping ok and your weight loss is still going strong...please update we when you can.

Love & kisses Terri xxx

Hi Terri!

I am doing well with the weight loss… I’ve lost 97lbs so far.

I’m in the “testing” phase with the rheumatologist. I had an MRI on Sunday, and already had a bonescan and the huge list of blood work done. I thought she had also ordered Xrays but haven’t heard from them (so maybe I was mistaken). Her office should have the results from the MRI in 2 weeks (and probably already have the other results). She said they will call to book my next appointment once they have all the results.

I had my cardiologist appointment and my heart is in perfect health and the murmur is innocent. That was a huge relief! He thinks the low blood pressure issues are due to the weight loss (my blood pressure was normally low even when i was at my heaviest) and weight loss is known to lower blood pressure. He thinks it will sort itself out in time as my body adjusts. He said to come back if they get worse and I lose consciousness during the dizzy spells and we would re-evaluate.

I have an appointment with my family doctor today to go over the cardiologists notes.

My joints are still giving me grief but I’m sure the rheumatologist will get that figured out soon.

How have you been doing? Did they find a more agreeable drug yet?

Hello Roni,

I wrote a long message out earlier and when i pressed reply...it never appeared oh my temper was'nt worth thinking about and you never told me you was a mind reader for when i post on asking you how you are.lol

Roni i am chuffed about your weight and the dedication your putting into it but please don't get waring yourself out plus it seems good all the tests they've done it's like a full MOT and i hope they find what's bothering you to treat you also...i told you the heart murmer was nothing to worry about as my eldest sisters was like yours from birth.

Ronie that's aload of rubbish about your blood pressure mines always been low even when i went to 18st years back, there's nothing they can do to help low blood pressure only high, unless yours is like a one off and it will stabalize itself...you mainly get dizzyness from bending and all i can suggest is when your coming up from bending do it slowly for the pressure in your head to adjust.

"Please let we know how your appointment went if you don't mind"

Joints and pain is always terrible Ronie so i do feel for you on that one and concerning myself the rheumo was smashing, he's upped my plaquenil to 400mg daily and done x-rays and is leaving it for 2mths before aseeing me to see how the extra plaquenil works and to see if i will go on a trial they're doing at the QE hospital for rituxan.

I added a discussion for all the members as they've stood by me through this and what's happened is on it on page 1 or 2.

Love you loads mate Terri xxx

Anne -

You are making me blush! LOL. I’ll let you ladies know when I hit 100lbs down… Hopefully in another week or two. =)

Terri -

No need to worry, I haven’t been doing much at all for exercise, my joints just won’t allow it for now. I’m hoping once the rheumy gets things sorted out I can get back to using the treadmill. I’m losing strictly with calorie counting right now.

As far as the blood pressure thing goes, the cardiologist didn’t mean it would go back to “normal”, he just meant it would go back to “my normal” which would resolve the symptoms. I generally run 90/60ish which is considered on the lower end of normal. I put the excess weight on very slowly over a lot of years so my blood pressure was never effected by it. The problem is that when I stand, bend or move to quickly that number drops too low and makes me dizzy. Of course the anxiety of the visit made my blood pressure appear normal 120/78 (which is high for me!). I always have the issue of no symptoms when I go to a specialist… It drives me batty!! I honestly think part of the problem is my healthy eating runs very low on sodium (I don’t eat much for processed food anymore and I’ve never been one to add salt to my plate). If I increase my sodium I tend to feel better the next day. The cardiologist said I shouldn’t eat high sodium because high blood pressure is harder to reverse. He recommended moderate sodium and getting up slowly.

Yesterday, with the visit to the family doctor, I was having a dizzy day with a nasty headache. He took my blood pressure twice on the left side, shook his head, then took it on the right side and said “that’s a little better”. I didn’t ask him what it was though.

I have had a swollen tender gland in my neck for about a month, my muscles and joints have been sore and my rib cage has been tender. So even though I have no sign of an infection that the doctor could find, he put me on a round of azythromycin to try to clear up the swollen gland. So hopefully if there is an infection lerking that is making me feel so crappy that will help.

I hope the extra plaquinil will help you! I’ll keep my fingers crossed! =)

Terri -

Hello Roni,

I don't like to hear of members in so much pain but i am pleased your doing your weight by calorie counting because at one stage you was'nt doing things by halfs and you know it...god knows how you kept going and i just hope to god it's no catched up with you.

Roni i've had my blood pressure at that and lower but when i went to the rheumo's the other day it was slightly higher but still below what it should be the burse said....it's funny you mentioning being anxious and it went up, i was nervous seeing that new rheumo and for some reason mine had gone up slightly like i mentioned to what it normally is plus when it's low it affects my body temp even more....you really do have to becareful when bending etc because of the dizzyness, it's caused me many a time to pass out.

Well roni i use loads of salt on food been like it since a kid but ste found low salt in morrisons by we and i've been on it for a good while but i have noticed with my mouth being dry all the time off the sjogrens i taste mental alot, i can't eat anything to hot burns my mouth out and now the salts acting the same way....ste said the sooner your off it the better.

I'd definitely use moderate sodium to try and correct it, as they reckon low blood pressure is more dangerous than high and the same goes for diabetes...as i suffer with low also.

He tested it on your left side first because of the way you'd been plus that's the main arm to your heart...so it would affect that side more on showing low and your right gave him a more positive reading.

Well I do hope the azythromycin helps your gland because alot of our symptoms come off our glands also and thanks for the best wishes Roni with the plaquenil.

I hope your days a better one and take it easy please.

Love Terri xxx

Even at my most active, I only did what I could manage without pain… you worry way too much (and that’s not good for you! LOL).

You are so awesome at supplying info! I didn’t realize one side would read different than the other.
I will let you know how my appointment goes with the rheumy… although it may still be several weeks away! =)


It's not so much worrying it's caring and going through so much myself and with pain, i just would'nt like members to have it to severe plus you've done so well.

Yes your left is the weaker side when reading blood pressure because of what i said and why do you think that our wedding finger is the main reason for our wedding rings as it's the main artrie nerve to the heart.

Yes i'll wait to hear off you Roni and fingers crossed this end mate, nothing not to bad but enough to help you and what your going through.

Hugs your way Terri :) xxx

YOU LOOK GREAT! Good on you. You have inspired me to 'pull my finger out' & get cracking with the weight loss goal. I hope you are feeling a peppy as you look.

Best Wishes & (again) CONGRATULATIONS. Ciao for now Kaz

Hello Kaz,

Nice to see Roni as inspired you...i'm a thin person but suffer with IBS badly and hardly had anything through the day and Deenie inspired me to eat better as i was constipated bad besides swelling on my stomach and i've been eatting properly for a few weeks now...i feel better regarding eating right and it's also corrected my bowels thank goodness.

So eatting right does help we all one way or another and i wish the very best of luck with losing weight.

Love Terri xxx

Kaz said:

YOU LOOK GREAT! Good on you. You have inspired me to 'pull my finger out' & get cracking with the weight loss goal. I hope you are feeling a peppy as you look.

Best Wishes & (again) CONGRATULATIONS. Ciao for now Kaz