
How many of you have hips that hurt? My left one gives me fits. How many of you have bad knees? Problem with weight? All kind of problems with your brain? Some days i can not move my hands or legs and i get bad heaches. I get blurred vision. My muscles ach and my joints. I have problems with my lungs, i had plurisy last winter after having other infections in my lungs the winter before.For the first time in my life i have allergies. Thyroid problems ect...... I have a very hard time with brain and cns. does anyone else? Oh and this yr imflammation in my bones pain!!!!!! I can not work and i tried two yrs to disability and lost. I went to court and the judge laughed at me he said he found one job i could do, there docs said i could not work but he said it was just fat.

What did the judge say? Did I read what you wrote correctly...did he say you were fat?? Please tell me he wasn't that stupid??

I have pain in what I thought was my hip. Even had to have cortisone shot. Turned out, the pain was actually coming from my back. I'm in physical therapy now for back and neck problems. Problems with weight?? Where do I begin? (haha) I have PCOS, so weight is always a problem. A lot of medicine I take (pristiq,plaquenil,ansaid,lyrica,prednisone) just make matters worse. As far as brain fog...I always joke that my brain went on vacation and left my body behind. I feel your pain. I may not be able to make things better...but know you're not alone. ((hugs))

My hips, left knee, ankle, and shoulder are rapidly degenerating. .The bones, joints and cartilage are all involved but I’m very petite and just over 100lbs and it’s excruciating for me so I don’t known how you manage if you say you’re over weight. .my Dr’s comment often how it’s a good thingthat im thin because I’d hurt more but living in serious pain in hard no matter what size you are xoxoxo

Hip pain was one of my first symptoms. I thought I had RA for a long time. My knees have recently started hurting more, but I walk with a cane so it may help…So far weight is not a problem for me, but I do take several meds where weight gain is a side effect. That and the fact that I am no longer very active scare me. I know any extra weight would make the pain much worse.

I have found that aqua therapy has helped with my joint pain all over. I have pleurisy constantly during the winter I find laying on the side it is worst seems to help. I would have reported that judge. I have problems with my weight which have gotten worst since increasing my lyrica dose. I would reapply for my disability. I hope you can find relief soon. I will be thinking of you.

Yup, my left hip hurts quite a bit, mostly when I'm sitting or lying in a wrong position. My right knee has begun to swell. My feet and ankles feel like they've been run over by a truck. Sometimes I swear it feels like all the bones in my feet have have been broken, they ache so bad. Need to make an appt with the eye doctor b/c my vision is getting worse. The headaches are driving me crazy.

Yesterday, my sister-in-law and nephew came into town for a few hours. It was wonderful b/c all 4 of the kids were here, the oldest 2 with their soon to be spouses. My daughter just announced that she's pregnant so we had a little party. I cooked dinner and we just had a wonderful time. Went to bed about an hour later than normal...today I am just dead tired. So many things I need to do, but no energy to do them. Very frustrating.

The other thing that is frustrating me is how long this is taking me to type. I joke that my fingers have forgotten how to spell. After keyboarding for over 30 years, I'm now afraid that I'll soon be doing the "hunt & peck" method. Have to backspace and correct so often.

AMEN to hips that hurt.........mine ached all night so bad I could barely move to turn over in bed........but I am guessing that is because the weather is changing with Fall ........it poured the rain here in east Tn all day yesterday and was very cool !!!

BLESSINGS and HUGS ......you hang in there... :)

My hips are that bad most days I need help to stand. I have just had back surgery on my L5 S1 6weeks ago and need my neck screwed and bolted.i have had lupus for 4 years befor then very fit I have income protection and just about to go for a pay out with another insurance wish my luck.knees hips bones hair falling out, some days just too much,thanks for being there

I thought maybe I had bursitis in my left hip. I couldn't even stand to roll over on it at night - it would wake me up it hurt so bad. I saw an orthopedic surgeon and was scheduled for surgery when I started seeing an amazing chiropractor. I went to her weekly for almost a year and now I see her every other week. Whatever she does, it keeps me walking and mostly pain free in both my back and hips. She also works on my neck and it really helps with all the headaches I have.

YOU ALL are wonderful, and yes that judge said it was because i was fat. Now i got to reapply and he even chuckled by 2015 i would no longer be able to get because i did not work long enough. Not my fault, i have had this sence i was 15, it did not get bad till i turned 30 had my last baby and had a stroke than my life was gone! I cannot do anything i use to do.The last 15 yrs has been hell. Just trying to get someone to listen has been so hard. My family all said i was faking it my friends left me and my husband had an afair. The doc. accused me of faking it said i was crazy, i spent a week in a mently hospital because i had a bad reaction to lyrica and i tried to kill myself. Now family and the docs have labled me as crazy, that judge said that because of mental problems i could not be in contact with the public. I have no mental problem, when they did the nuro study on my brain it said it was the result of lupus. I am still fighting to get good medical treatment and my cns is worse. You all have given me hope.

Never give up! There are days we all feel like giving up and there are days many of us feel like we are losing our ever- loving minds! I always said I would never wish my pain and other Lupus issues on anyone but there are a few doctors and insurance provider etc. that I would like to share my disease and pain with for just a day or two so they truly understand how much of a toll this disease takes. The people who don’t believe us, well, I might share a whole month with them! Lol! I found my best support in my faith. Hang in there!

Don't give up girl .I am sorry they called you "Fat" but you know society wants us all thin .I myself am a plus size woman living with lupus and fibromyalgia .yes my bones hurt and someday's I can't get out of bed because from my pain . my body gets swollen and yes I have gained at least 15 lbs from lack of exercise. I use to be a very active person but now my illness and medications has me in bed and in a fog with my all ready forgetful self .I must say I do have a team of amazing Doctors and very blessed with a loving and supportive family . and when you have a chronic illness as we do you need a lot of support we can get . in any case take care of yourself and keep the faith
Nancy from Texas

Hi, the judge said that to you-really? Just keep applying for the disability and don’t give up! I have the same problem with my left hip, my doctor has sent me to a orthro, had MRI’s done , given me pain pills and not forgetting shots in my hip with steroids, still nothing works and he is telling me am going to have to have surgery to replace the socket, or if I don’t have thesourgery I won’t be walking soon. I really don’t know what I should do-never had major surgery before . Talked with my kids and they tell me wow! What do that mean in English? Wow? Then they say everything will be okay mom, God knows best!! That is true but am afraid and concussed really. My prayers go out to you…Beverly L.