Its been along time since I been on here. Alot has been going on with me, I had to go to the hospital because of severe chest pains, Thank god it was not my heart. They said my sternum is inflammed ( I for got the medical name for it) and thats whats causing the pain. It hurts to take a deep breath, when I lay on my back, it just hurts. So I have pain patches and I have to take aleve which only numbs the pain. The things us lupie people go through. lol.... One day as I was getting out of bed I fell cause my ankles gave out on me. I dont know whats going on with me but Lately I been waking up in alot of pain. I try and relax, I make sure I take naps everyday, I TRY and stay away from stress. I dont know what it is. I had to stop working because Im always exhaused. I was never like this before. Believe it or not I use to have alot of energy, now all I do is lay around all day. Any way thats what I been going through. I hope everyone of my lupie friends are going better than
I am pleased you've been able to get intouch with us to let we all know how you've been doing...really sorry to hear about your brathing and what's causing it but like you say better than heart problems.
Refering your ankle giving way i have that and it feels like it's broken with the pain it sends and i also have it in my toes it's must be down to my osteoarthritis with me as my toes have gone disfigured with it and spasms have'nt helped.
I really feel for you mate as you do go through the wars.
Nice to hear from you! I'm sorry for you pain, and will pray that you get some relief soon. I think we all can relate to how you're feeling. So often, something gives out on my, my knees, my feet and my hands. I haven't had to quit working yet, but I have to change jobs and the sooner the better. I try to stay away from stress, but it always finds me? lol I'm not hiding from it well enough.
Take care of yourself, and I'm glad to see you again.
Dear Ann I will keep you in my prayers also. I know this whether is kicking your butt. I hope you got your candles and things that you need for bad times like this.
Ann A. said:
Dear Tanya,
Sorry to hear that you have been going through so much. Sounds as though you might have costochondritis. I know there are a lot of us who know how bad that feels. I believe that you were a very energetic person before lupus. I know that lupus saps strength and vitality.
It is very good to hear from you. I am up late watching the storm move into the Gulf of Mexico. It is making me achy and causing some breathing difficulties and it is still hundred of miles away. This is going to be an interesting week. I just hope the power stays on. So I will continue to keep you in my prayers. I am sorry that you are not doing as well as you would like but I am glad to hear from you.