Hearing loss or is it?

I have difficulty hearing people if there is any back ground noise around me. I went and had my hearing check which was normal but I was in a quite enclosed audio room. I was told that it might be a sound processing problem. I just know that people sometimes have to call my name several times before I hear them. When I am at a Resterant, I hate sitting at the end of the table because I miss the whole cOnversation at the table unless it is the person beside me and they are looking at me. People also get on me for talking loud. I am a social bug and I love to talk but I do not realize that I talk that loud. My boss at school is always telling me to quiet down but other teachers are yelling and cutting in the halls and teacher lounge but he only questions me. I get really upset about that. He really does not support me. I had to tell him this year that I had Lupus because I had to miss a PTO meeting. He thought I was just trying to get out of it because he said I looked fine. He said he understood after I told him but I am not all that sure he does. I just did not want anyone to think that I could not do my job. I have had my Lupus thrown in my face before which made me really mad and I do not get angry that easy. Oh well I got off my subject of hearing. I was told that I could get a hearing aid but they really did not want to do that at my age since all the hearing test were normal. So I do not know what is going on with my hearing but I know I miss a lot. What should I do?

I have similar problems to what you are describing (difficulty when multiple sounds are coming are me) and hubby always says I’m going deaf. I have always believed it to be more of an issue with the brain fog / migraines. I tend to get headaches if I try to keep up with multiple conversations such as with a big crowd at a restaurant. I can hear fine if I’m one on one in a conversation but if the television were playing I would find it distracting and be unable to focus on the person speaking. I tend to mute the tv if someone starts trying to tell me something. It’s rather weird but if I don’t my head will start to ache. Just one of those stupid “101 things wrong with me” that i’ve adjusted to. Don’t know if yours is the same but it is annoying. My hubby goes back and forth telling me “not to mumble” and to “stop yelling at me”…although I think he just does that to annoy me!! LOL

I had hearing loss too over the summer. My ear canal was swollen shut from inside. This is the third time in 3 years this occurred. Have the doctor look in your ear canal and see if the canal is shut. The ear doctor thought it was my ear, but my RA identified it as being apart of Sjoren's disease as my lymphnodes outside my ear were swollen too.

Get it checked out. Once I started the Sjoren's medication, the infection went away and the ear canal healed.

I am a teacher as well. I am early in the diagnosis, but I am planning for another career option within education, that will allow my condition to be managed without the stress and me needed to be there all the time with complications of Lupus.

My Principal told his Assistant Principal's about my condition and is unsupportive of me. But, I contacted EEOC and filed an ADA accommodation form and will file FMLA for the remainder of this year. Also, try to see if you can go out on short term disability until your hearing returns.

Don't expect others to understand, Lupus struggle, that is why this group is so important to me, I can connect with others and have people understand me without judgement.

Eventhough, both Principals (yours and mine) are tools, he does have a point, if you can't hear then the kids are in jeopardy, as their safety depends on all our senses, the little darlings. I would like to talk more about this since we are both teachers and in the same boat. I had to accept my talents can be used in other facets of education and not in the classroom.

Let me know what you think.

this is a good topic.

I have trouble hearing and processing sounds--especially on the phone. And certain people speak in a tone that I really can't hear---all words sound muffled.

One thing I have found that helps is to relax. When I realize that I am struggling to hear and or understand someone I usually notice that I am all hunched around the shoulders, my neck is tight and my belly is in a know. If I relax each thing--if I consciously relax my shoulders, neck and belly I find that I can hear better. Not a perfect cure, but it helps a little.

How many times do you find yourself just nodding and pretending you heard something when you didn't? I am guilty of that. Maybe my goal for today will be to listen

Hi Kim, I have been dealing with hearing loss for many years, possibly due to lupus, and just yesterday made the final payment on two hearing aids. Eleven years ago I went suddenly deaf in the left ear and have been slowly losing hearing in my good ear. Lupus can cause hearing loss and if you are on medication, your rheumy needs to be aware of what’s going on with you so he can adjust it if your lupus is not well enough controlled. Also see an ear, nose and throat specialist. Regardless of what you’re being told, something is going on and you have to keep on top of it. Being able to hear in a sound-proof booth is very different from trying to hear in the real world. I’m happy with my new aids (the one on the deaf ear just brings sound over to the hearing ear, but it helps). Hearing aids aren’t perfect, but they get better all the time and they are a very useful tool. By the way, it doesn’t matter how young you are if you can’t hear, you need some kind of help. If you decide to test out an aid, be sure that you are able to have a 30 day trial where you can refuse the aid (and not pay for it) if it doesn’t help you enough. Be sure you know all the terms of the trial, like what you will still have to pay for (like an audiologists fee). Good luck. I know what you’re going through and it’s no fun.

I too have this problem. I thought it was just me not being able to listen to more than one thing at a time. I also have a hard time hearing very deep, low voices. I have not figured it out either because I pass all the hearing tests also. Don’t let them get you down about the Lupus. It is hard for those who do not have it to understand that you can look ok but are just trying to hang on inside! Much love and hugs!

have you tried getting down on your hands and knees?

lol sorry--my funny bone made me say that....deep and low...you know.

hope something...lots of things make you smile today

Holy hearing aids, this discussion has been, well I can't resist, ear-opening for me. I feel like any one of your brains was switched with mine in the night because I have experienced every hearing problem described in each of your posts. Thank you for sharing and knocking off at least one item from the mental list I keep for signs of possible insanity. I will talk to my rheumy next week about this. In the meantime, I'll continue to blast Jingo with tunes that inspire me to begin accepting yet another handicapped body part. pax, pj

So I’m not alone with this one either. It seems that my left ear is worse than my right, strange feeling like something is in there, not pain, just a muffled clog. General practitioner says all is clear, bringing this up with my rheumatologist.

James, I get that muffled feeling too, in the deaf ear and it usually happens when I’m flaring and everything on the left side is achy and somewhat inflamed so I guess the ear is getting inflamed too. Yes, please do tell your doctor about it. In my case it doesn’t matter anymore, but if you still have hearing, you need to find out if it’s being affected by what’s going on with your disease process.

I have noticed that my left ear, which is or used to be my stronger ear, isnt as strong as it used to be. I used to be able to hear things from one end of the house to the other. Noisey or not. Now, if Im not tuned into it, I cant hear it. I also think people say things that they didnt say. So yes my hearing is off too.

That sounds like my husband and kids. I think Im being loud, and they say they cant hear me. Probably cause I cant tell how loud Im being.

Roni said:

I have similar problems to what you are describing (difficulty when multiple sounds are coming are me) and hubby always says I'm going deaf. I have always believed it to be more of an issue with the brain fog / migraines. I tend to get headaches if I try to keep up with multiple conversations such as with a big crowd at a restaurant. I can hear fine if I'm one on one in a conversation but if the television were playing I would find it distracting and be unable to focus on the person speaking. I tend to mute the tv if someone starts trying to tell me something. It's rather weird but if I don't my head will start to ache. Just one of those stupid "101 things wrong with me" that i've adjusted to. Don't know if yours is the same but it is annoying. My hubby goes back and forth telling me "not to mumble" and to "stop yelling at me"....although I think he just does that to annoy me!! LOL

Wow! I can’t believe that Im not the only one with this issue. I thought I was going crazy and that no one believed me because my hearing test was normal.

Tray said:

I have noticed that my left ear, which is or used to be my stronger ear, isnt as strong as it used to be. I used to be able to hear things from one end of the house to the other. Noisey or not. Now, if Im not tuned into it, I cant hear it. I also think people say things that they didnt say. So yes my hearing is off too.

My husband is always asking me if I am deaf. I also have to rewind the tv over and over if someone makes any kind of noice including the dog licking her feet. It drives me crazy when I can’t hear the tv or someone talking.

Roni said:

I have similar problems to what you are describing (difficulty when multiple sounds are coming are me) and hubby always says I’m going deaf. I have always believed it to be more of an issue with the brain fog / migraines. I tend to get headaches if I try to keep up with multiple conversations such as with a big crowd at a restaurant. I can hear fine if I’m one on one in a conversation but if the television were playing I would find it distracting and be unable to focus on the person speaking. I tend to mute the tv if someone starts trying to tell me something. It’s rather weird but if I don’t my head will start to ache. Just one of those stupid “101 things wrong with me” that i’ve adjusted to. Don’t know if yours is the same but it is annoying. My hubby goes back and forth telling me “not to mumble” and to “stop yelling at me”…although I think he just does that to annoy me!! LOL

I am having difficulty hearing lately and I am not likeing that to well at all.Im not so sure its not hearing but seems more like I am just hearing words wrong.Driving me nuts.........Any one else experience this? Have a good day!:)

Try an audiologist or an ENT or both. If you are hearing words wrong might be a hearing problem. This summer, I had an bad hearing problem, my canal was swollen shut. I found out from my RA it is the sjoren's.

So, try both specialist and describe exactly what is going on.. Good Luck.

little old me said:

I am having difficulty hearing lately and I am not likeing that to well at all.Im not so sure its not hearing but seems more like I am just hearing words wrong.Driving me nuts.........Any one else experience this? Have a good day!:)

I have seen both and they do not know what is going on. They think is may be a processing problem.

Unshoreandscared said:

Try an audiologist or an ENT or both. If you are hearing words wrong might be a hearing problem. This summer, I had an bad hearing problem, my canal was swollen shut. I found out from my RA it is the sjoren's.

So, try both specialist and describe exactly what is going on.. Good Luck.

little old me said:

I am having difficulty hearing lately and I am not likeing that to well at all.Im not so sure its not hearing but seems more like I am just hearing words wrong.Driving me nuts.........Any one else experience this? Have a good day!:)

Wow, I have been going nuts with not being able to hear lately. I feel like a retard when I keep saying "what?" and sometimes I just give up and apologize. My youngest daughter has always been loud so I can hear her but my 14 yr old is very monotone and soft and I can never hear her. She gets so frustrated with me. I get frustrated with her! LOL All I have heard from people over the last few months is "why are you yelling?" I AM? REALLY? SORRY?

I am sorry that you are experiencing this. It is not uncommon as you can see from the replies. I go through this and have to say selfishly I am glad I am not alone. But am saddend that it is an issue for anyone period. When I attend church I have to sit in te very front in order not to miss a word.

I feel like when my hearing goes it is certain situations, atmospheres and personal stress level long with when my last headahce or migraine took place.

Take a look and see if the hearing is better or worse depending on the items I listed in the above sentence.

Hugs and Prayers,

I just saw your statement that you were told it may be a processing problem. Which could be correct. Try keeping a daily journal.